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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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Ok FPzero, Map includes icon legends as you wanted, included this time, download at the same spot...


Thanks for the updated map, I hope it will help.



So there's an invisible block to the left of the bomb there preventing me from reaching that lock tile after I got Mega Rachetas. I have other places to go and explore but I don't know why that's in the way. There's also another invisible block in the tunnel to the right of the morph ball.

edit: I did not enjoy the heat run for the Crojei Armor. It was very difficult and partially unclear what I was supposed to be doing. I'm glad you had left an explanation for the heat run earlier in the thread otherwise I would have had a lot more frustrating time completing it.


FpZero, Are you playing Normal or easy mode?

Also here is an attachment to find out how to get to that bomb slot...Just Follow the red arrow...


I looked at your Tunnel image. I can't say I like your use of invisible blocks in places. They feel arbitrary and confusing, though mostly harmless.

I'm playing on Easy. I figured the size of the game would present enough challenge for me.

I'm not currently stuck right now. last item I got was Air Boots and now I have a number of places to go and explore. I just stopped for the night because I played a lot of it throughout the day. Aside from the heat run, I generally enjoyed what I was playing.

That hint/warp room is very helpful but I wanted to make mention that I think the warp you're supposed to unlock after getting the first HP Bonus has the wrong door and sign blocking its way because I had no way to actually go see what item I was supposed to go get next since the door was closed. There are two warps labelled Crojei Armor in that big room. One takes you near the Crojei armor, the other takes you near where the HP Bonus is obtained. I think you intended the one that warps you near the HP Bonus to unlock when you get the 1st HP Bonus but for whatever reason the door doesn't unlock. You may want to take a look at that.


QuoteThat hint/warp room is very helpful but I wanted to make mention that I think the warp you're supposed to unlock after getting the first HP Bonus has the wrong door and sign blocking its way because I had no way to actually go see what item I was supposed to go get next since the door was closed. There are two warps labelled Crojei Armor in that big room. One takes you near the Crojei armor, the other takes you near where the HP Bonus is obtained. I think you intended the one that warps you near the HP Bonus to unlock when you get the 1st HP Bonus but for whatever reason the door doesn't unlock. You may want to take a look at that.

There is a good reason why I put that as crojei armor, since if you were allowed back into the rest of the world at that point, it would be hard for people to figure out where to go to get to Chaud bay/norfair and if or if not they should do a heat run, as the way it is, you're stuck in a relatively small area and there is really only the one hp bonus door to hunt down there. However if the door still remains closed after the crojei armor being collected, then I will need to look at that and will do so now and thankyou very much for pointing it out too by the way if that is what you meant... :wink:

As for the heat run, as I already made it a reasonable amount easier for easy and given that I had played that heat run through so many times, it was a piece of cake for me, so it was hard for me to tell how easy to make it for easy. So I will make it even easier for next version, it's kind a like that when you play your own hack, it's easier for yourself than lt is for people who haven't played it at all. :lol: Thanks for the advice, I generally will take the advice and act on it rather than debate it, that way more people I think will like the improvement...

EDIT: Checked the varia suit event for door in hint room, it is configured correctly, so I either misunderstood you and you meant that I meant to or should have made it HP Bonus, or you haven't visited the hint room since collecting the crojei armor...Otherwise I don't know what's wrong...It was easy mode I checked too...


The door works as intended once you collect Crojei armor. It's not broken. I just thought that it was weird that a hint exists for HP Bonus -> Crojei Armor but it's inaccessible until after you get Crojei Armor, since there's no way (that I found) to return to the hint room right after getting HP Bonus, making it useless.

As for the heat run, I don't think the length is the difficulty. What I found most difficult was searching for the right blocks to shoot as you're racing along. The missile gate near the save point was difficult to find and trigger, and I didn't like that I had to start bombing randomly to find the path to the armor itself. It's probably just a matter of opinion but I feel like if you're going to force a heat run on the player, make their path obvious because the run is already stressful enough without needing to worry about figuring out the puzzles in a room as they're losing health.


QuoteAs for the heat run, I don't think the length is the difficulty. What I found most difficult was searching for the right blocks to shoot as you're racing along. The missile gate near the save point was difficult to find and trigger, and I didn't like that I had to start bombing randomly to find the path to the armor itself. It's probably just a matter of opinion but I feel like if you're going to force a heat run on the player, make their path obvious because the run is already stressful enough without needing to worry about figuring out the puzzles in a room as they're losing health.

Ok Thanks, What I'll do is make individual shot or bomb blocks of it's kind so people know where it is, at least for easy but probably for normal too...

And as for the crojei armor door, yeah I see what you mean, makes sense. But anyway it won't hurt for it to be still there (the hint for the crojei armor and where to get it that is)...

Thanks FPZero, I hope you enjoy playing the rest of the game, keep at it because there is a special reward at the end...


I found the Swinger and am exploring just fine but I found this and was wondering what its significance is.


I haven't run across one of these before.



[spoiler]You haven't run across any of those B4 because you are playing easy mode, what it does as in your image you posted, right next to samus right underneath the fake chozo ball is a bomb slot, you have probably worked out that you are suppose to bomb it (and while staying stationary on it while bomb goes off). First of all there are a number of doors in the world that are apart from all other doors which are transitional doors..These doors I am talking about are NOT transitional, they can be placed in the middle of the room or in the middle of a scroll and have 2 signs near them. One saying the world you are in and one saying the sector you are in, you've probably come across at least 1 by now of these doors, however it would just be an 'any weapon' door at that time.
However now they will be doors you shoot with a specific weapon for example a missile/racheta door...
       Once you have opened any of these doors that now will appear, that will open one of the doors blocking the way to tourian at the very end of game, also when you open the appeared door, an enemy will come out that's completely harmless but it's gfx will say 'door open'...Also you must open one of these type of doors for every sector in the entire world...However, the doors in tourian, will have signs near them saying what world and sector is associated with them...Good luck...[/spoiler]


In reply:

[spoiler]I think I understand. So in this case, what does "All Worlds" and "All Sectors" mean? I mean, the signs in this picture don't mention a specific world or sector.  Is this just a tutorial showing you how the door lock system works?[/spoiler]

I'm trying to work my way to the next item after Swinger. Haven't found the path yet but I haven't given up my search either. I think I have a few more places to check before I need to ask for help.



[spoiler]It means that the bomb slot activates all doors for all sectors in all worlds, so all the doors appear shootable with a specific weapon around the planet where the doors are scattered, you just have to find all the doors from then on...In normal mode, you have one of these type of rooms with bomb slots per world and they only activate doors in that world...As for Hard mode, the bomb slots only activate one door and also is usually in another world that the slot activates the door in...The bomb slot doesn't open the door, it just creates a door by making one appear and you must search them down (the doors) and open them yourself...[/spoiler]

PS: It gets a little tricky after the swinger, there is a clue on what you have to do somewhere, but it is a suttle clue and you got to look closely...If you need help, I'll be glad to help you out...It is also mentioned in earlier posts where other people have needed help too bty...


Some more progress but am I stuck?

[spoiler]In searching for the next item after Swinger, I found the Rinder after beating a Torizo. However, I don't have Power Bombs, Speed Booster or Wall Jump yet. Is it possible to get out of this area without one of those items? I'm looking at the map and I can't see a way out. There looked to be a path near the chozo statue holding Rinder but it appears to be a one-way passage from the opposite direction.[/spoiler]

I have a save from before I entered this area so I can continue on and come back for Rinder later if I need to.

Edit: I found Crocomire but I'm stuck again leaving his lair:


I don't know how to get out of his area. This was the way I came in but I can't seem to find a way out again.[/spoiler]



[spoiler]Something needs fixing here, there is an error somewhere, it wasn't intended to be able to get to the rinder until after speed booster, can you please show me how you got there please...It would be a good idea (if you want to go back to the normal flow of game) to revert back to that save you said you could revert back to and I will show you where to go next. You need to do crocomire and spore spawn first, I know you have found crocomire and will post this without posting an image at first of how to get out of that area in your image and will come back and modify post with image attached and is something I should make more obvious for next version too bty.
      Best to do crocomire first but it is not mandatory, after doing crocomire you see that door inside your 2nd image that has the mega racheta door in middle of scroll? Looks like you have bombed the bomb slot to the left of crocomire after defeating that mini boss, you must find your way into this room and first bomb that bomb slot, that will make a door appear to the left of spore spawn in messadon after defeating him. After bombing the bomb slot, open the mega racheta door I mentioned, an enemy saying 'door open' should come out.(enemy is harmless)...Then go and fight spore spawn if you haven't done him yet, but even if you have beaten him, still go there into the room to the left of S.Spawn and find the door to open...
     Now go to Samus Ship room and find your way to the left door ""up the top of room"" and follow your way through there, you should find your way to the first section of smachoghr. The first smachoghr room you come to, down bottom of room should be some doors, all of which should be either an any weapon doors now or a door that is openable...One door should be a closed grey door which you can make flash in room by killing that enemy that is hiding in that bottom door with a mega racheta...You are on your way now and shouldn't need anymore help...I just need you to show me how you got to the rinder after obtaining the swinger...Will come back soon with image showing you how to escape from the lair of crocomire...Good luck...[/spoiler]



Somehow I was able to get into Sector Warp 49 here, and it took me to an area near Rinder. Looking at the map it appears that there should be something blocking the way that requires Rinder to pass but there was nothing blocking me from entering the Sector Warp. That brought me out halfway down a wall-jump shaft and from there I made my way to Rinder, where I got stuck.

I've already fought Spore Spawn but that's good to know that I need to head back to his location now that I've beaten Crocomire. I'd also previously found that path by the ship to Smachoghr and that's what caused me to go search for the minibosses in the first place.[/spoiler]


Thanks fpZero, I noticed the spot straight away on your map image your posted, there used to be charge beam enemies blocking this spot, I must have forgotten to change the gates to a charge beam gate...Better post a 2.41 version just for that fix along with that improved heat run...It's needed...

And as promised, here is an attachment showing the way out from that lair...


I can't believe it, I was 200% positive I had tried to bomb jump everywhere.  Thanks.


Released V2.41...Fixed a big error on which I forgot to change one of charge beam gates index to the right index when doing 2.4 allowing you to get charge beam/rinder early...Thanks goes to FPZero for finding it...
                              ...Improved heat run...
                              Couple other small improvement changes...


I found Transparent Glasses after an interesting time exploring Smachoghr. However, I think I'm stuck in Mahagan right now.


I explored around Sector 3 and 2 and got as far as the room with all the bomb switches. I bombed the switches for Chiller and Sphay beams but none of the doors near me opened up. I have a feeling that the doors they connect to are on the side near the elevator. This is a problem though because I can't seem to find a way out of this large section of Mahagan. There are a number of dead ends that require either Fuser, Rinder, Speed Booster or Wall Jump, and one dead end that is covered by one-way crumble blocks. Could you maybe point out on those map screenshots what room I should be exploring to get out of this area, or am I somehow trapped in here because something is blocked off that shouldn't be?[/spoiler]



[spoiler]You need to be in that room where those bomb switches are. Above the whole 2 rows of bomb switches are pillars that you can walk through start from the very right and jump up. You should find a door or two flashing depending if you did both the Ice beam and the wave beam bomb slots or not...
    Next you should eventually find your way to a grey door that you just bomb beside and through that door is an elevator (don't take the elevator in bomb switch room by the way) and also 2 more grey doors one of which should be flashing (which you can't access from here) and the other you need walljump boots...
   To get to the one that is flashing, you need to take the elevator in this room and you should find your way to messadon, go to norfair/chaud bay now...And the very first room you ever come to the first time you came to norfair, go to that room and there is a door up the top to the right of this room, take it and follow it's path and you'll be fine...Good luck...[/spoiler]


Just a quick question: What sort of tricks and techniques do you expect for 100% collection? I've found a few places that appear to require some very short shinespark charging for what I believe to be optional items. I know Speedball is marked on your map but are techniques like Stutter Charge necessary for optional item collection?


There are 'a few' tricky tricks to get 100%, but the harder ones are made easier for easy.
As for stutter charge, I have never heard of that term, is that where Samus charges and goes down to ball form and lays 5 bombs? If so, it isn't necessary for item progression. I have I think 2 rooms with those in game, but doesn't need to be performed for item progression...You get one early by doing it, but eventually you can get it another way when another item is obtained...


Stutter charging is the next step up from short / quick charging your speed boost, where you tap forward a few times to start your run, which gets you going, but doesn't move you forward as much, essentially charging over less distance. :^_^:


Hello. I've been going all over the map after getting Chiller, but cannot figure out where to go next. I 'accidentally' found Spore Spawn, and I even BEAT him, with a LOT of slowdowns.  :heheh:
I assume my next target is Wadaria, but I have no idea of where to go in order to get there. I've even been some places where I wasn't supposed to go (most places are blocked by Mega Racheta blocks) by cleverly using the Chiller, but they all were dead ends (2 were Mega Racheta blocks, 1 was Boost Ball/Maru Mari, the last was blocked by an event door (always closed)). Can someone point me in the right direction?


After getting Chiller,

[spoiler]you should be able to find a room in Arion Skirts near the Arion Skirts <-> Messadon elevator that has Rippers you can freeze into platforms. From there, you'll move towards the center of Arion Skirts for a bit and find a Sector Warp that will move you to the location of a World Warp to Wadaria on the right side of Arion Skirts. After that, explore Wadaria and you'll find the next item.[/spoiler]