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Problem with Zero Fission / Questions

Started by UltraRetroReviver, July 22, 2015, 11:58:06 PM

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Hello everyone.
My name is UltraRetroReviver...even though you probably recognised that as soon as you opened up this topic, or on the page before this.
I played Metroid: Zero Mission almost a year ago, and loved it. Honestly, I have wanted to recreate a specific other Metroid game in Zero Mission for a while now, but I'm gonna keep it a secret for now and create a thread for it later, once this editor actually begins working like it should. Yes, even though you can also tell by the title of this thread, again, I am having problems with Zero Fission.

Whenever I try to save a room, I get a runtime error, despite having GBADecmp.dll in both the System32 and Zero Fission folder.

As for questions, are there any ways in which I can lower the health of enemies? Bosses in particular. I ask because, even though this sounds like bad game design, I want to have the player be able to fight Mother Brain early on, but not have to waste a crap-tonne of missiles and just waiting for those bubble things while avoiding Mother Brain's beams can be a royal pain in the backside if you ask me. If not, then...oh boy, that's gonna be a long and tedious battle.

EDIT: I dabbled around with Double Helix for a bit. It was honestly far more accessible, admittedly. However, when I tried to save nothing popped up at all. So I closed ZM and re-opened ZM and all minor changes I made were gone. I tried adding a door to the left side of the first screen of Brinstar. So I loaded up an emulator, went there and it wasn't there. Same applies to in Double Helix. The door wasn't there.

Anyway, thanks for your time.
Have a good day.
- Ultra


Have you checked if your ROM is read-only? That could be the problem here.
Also, DH and ZF are both badly made. Biospark is working on a much better editor.


I'd echo Jefe in saying hold fire until the new editor is out. BioSpark has kept it fairly quiet, but even the little we've seen so far looks so much more user-friendly.


I can't guarantee a release date for the editor. It could be a month from now or several months. There are several more features I want to implement before release. Once that's done, I need to spend some time rigorously testing and fine-tuning the editor. Once that's done though, I think you'll have an editor that can do everything you need.

Btw, here's some info on sprites:


Well, then. I guess it's good to know there is a stable editor that's currently being worked on. I guess I can wait until it's released. It might also give me time to plan out progression more thoroughly. Thanks for the help guys.


Quote from: biospark on July 23, 2015, 04:55:06 PM
I can't guarantee a release date for the editor. It could be a month from now or several months. There are several more features I want to implement before release. Once that's done, I need to spend some time rigorously testing and fine-tuning the editor. Once that's done though, I think you'll have an editor that can do everything you need.

Btw, here's some info on sprites:

BioSpark, you got something like that for Met: Fusion?