Room of the Fortnight - August 31st - September 13th

Started by Grimlock, August 23, 2015, 03:10:26 PM

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Who made the Room of the Fortnight?

16 (61.5%)
0 (0%)
2 (7.7%)
1 (3.8%)
7 (26.9%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: September 14, 2015, 09:10:30 AM


Ok peoples, lets get this thing rolling:

Entrance to Chozo Worshippers Temple:
(M1 - Rogue Dawn)


I see your Metroid, and I raise you 8 bits.





Really liking your room, SMILEuser, though it looks like there are some tiling errors with internal corners. I'm looking at the ones near the huge, green blobs, in the top left- and right-hand corners. It looks like you have two vertical edges where the blobs just cut off.



Ah back to public submissions. Just the way I like it. :grin: I may throw in a submission or so later on. Pretty busy lately though.

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on August 28, 2015, 07:26:51 PM
Pretty busy lately though.

~ SpoOkyMagician

There is no excuse, submit or face severe consequences...  :evilno:

Don't make me do it!!!

Submit or this cute chubby round thing gets it!!!



Hurry spo0kymagician, submit something before that cute thing gets it!

Vismund Cygnus

5 entries? Holy lord! Looks like the new format is a success.
This fortnight's combatants are as follows:

Five enter the coliseum, but only one may emerge victorious. Who will it be, #metconst? It's all up to you!

And now, for a PSA:
Because last fortnight was such a success, submissions will continue fortnightly for the time being. Submit your rooms in this thread, and keep this poll here for discussion of the current competitors.
Now get voting and room-making!


Grimlock for me. That just looks so good for Metroid.

I liked SMILEuser's room too, even with those cut-off tiles. :wink:


A tough choice between Smiley and Grimlock. My vote goes to Grimlock.
All entries this week are quality though.

Zero One

Pretty good haul for a fortnight, but I went for Grimlock because holy SHIT that looks gooooood


Wow... All of these rooms are actually pretty well designed. I am having a hard time picking one. I'll give my comments first this time.

@Grimlock: Custom tileset looks great. For a 3x1 room, you did well. Most small rooms are hard to design well. Room design is fine. Great job.

@MetroidMst: LOL. Your rooms never disappoint me MST. What's not to love about this room? Good design, great depth use, etc. Great job.

@SMILEuser96: I assume this is for the alien vista contest? The tileset is very unique. Good design, depth use, etc. Great job.

@FPzero: Not bad. I have respect for you making a large room. They do tend to test your sanity. You chose to use the wrecked ship tileset which is bold. (Hard to make look good.) I could nitpick about some of the walls here and there but, you could have designed it that way intentionally. Nice design, depth use, etc.

@Jefe962: You probably make some of the best designed rooms I've ever seen. Design, Depth, etc. is fine. Great job.

Edit: As for who won my vote, it has to go to Jefe. I love this work.

~ SpoOkyMagician


I love Smiley's custom GFX and I really like the overall room layout.

But, I have to give it to Grimlock because his room is the first Room of the *whatever* to make me exclaim out loud "Holy Shit!".



I went with jefe. I realllllly like that palette. Also it's a crazy amalgamation of tiles which should'nt work together, but they somehow do (aside from those random corner pipe tiles).
Grim's room is pretty awesome too, but I just don't care for M1 on the whole. Maybe Grimlock can fix that with his hack.

Black Falcon

Been a tough one between Grim and Jiffy.
In the end it's Jefe's room for me because it just feels right, loving the detail and palette.
These tiles just fit incredibly well together, bg's a little bland in comparison but it doesn't feel off at all.

Nice work, Mr. Jiffy!  :^_^: