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Metroid Fusion - Freedom [WIP]

Started by biospark, May 18, 2015, 12:08:08 AM

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Well, I know I haven't shown my face here in the Metroid Fusion section before, but, might I say this is damn near one of the best ideas for a hack I have ever seen? Even though Metroid Fusion was fun as heck, it was a bit too linear, so, I respect your work biospark! Good luck!


I don't know why but I have this feeling , that this ROM could actually make hacks easier to test , like , you have freedom to do whathever you want around , so if you could actually hack it and test stuff around would be great , maybe even could help developing new stuff , really good idea and work biospark , greets.  :nod: :^_^:


Quote from: FFXDavios on September 25, 2015, 04:02:14 AM
I don't know why but I have this feeling , that this ROM could actually make hacks easier to test , like , you have freedom to do whathever you want around , so if you could actually hack it and test stuff around would be great , maybe even could help developing new stuff , really good idea and work biospark , greets.  :nod: :^_^:

Well, my editor has a room test feature (that comes with a debug menu), though I suppose it could make overall testing easier.


Quote from: biospark on September 25, 2015, 04:13:08 AM
Quote from: FFXDavios on September 25, 2015, 04:02:14 AM
I don't know why but I have this feeling , that this ROM could actually make hacks easier to test , like , you have freedom to do whathever you want around , so if you could actually hack it and test stuff around would be great , maybe even could help developing new stuff , really good idea and work biospark , greets.  :nod: :^_^:

Well, my editor has a room test feature (that comes with a debug menu), though I suppose it could make overall testing easier.

Well that's just awesome , keep up the good work

Steel Sparkle

Oh this looks really nice! I always loved the original Fusion but having one with free roaming capabilities would be awesome! Great job so far! Keep it up.


Can't wait for this to be released!


How will you solve the issue with multiple powerups coming from the same download rooms? Will you just hide one behind blocks that shouldn't be opened yet, or just completely reassign their positions?


Quote from: Strokend on May 26, 2016, 05:51:36 PM
How will you solve the issue with multiple powerups coming from the same download rooms? Will you just hide one behind blocks that shouldn't be opened yet, or just completely reassign their positions?
iirc, there's only one instance where this is the case; sector 5's data room holding both ice missiles, and power bombs. Although, to be honest, the data room pbs aren't really necessary (like, there's enough power bombs in expansions alone.)
But that brings up another interesting question: Will ice beam ever become it's own power up, or will it stay as fusion's "hyper beam"?


Quote from: Strokend on May 26, 2016, 05:51:36 PM
How will you solve the issue with multiple powerups coming from the same download rooms? Will you just hide one behind blocks that shouldn't be opened yet, or just completely reassign their positions?
It only happens in Sector 5, so I will just make power bombs obtainable from picking up a tank.

Quote from: TheAnonymousUser on May 26, 2016, 06:03:42 PM
But that brings up another interesting question: Will ice beam ever become it's own power up, or will it stay as fusion's "hyper beam"?
You could have another boss give it to you, but this hack probably won't do that.

Zero Dozer

...A hack that makes Fusion way less linear... Interesting. I'm rooting for you to complete it... So I can test it.


This is what I'm looking for. Good luck with it.
Really, I would settle for just ripping the story out. Ill take linear if I can just shut the characters up, but no story, plus open game world? That's almost too good.


Is this project still happening?
Sounds good


Yes, but I suspect there hasn't been much progress for a while since Biospark has been working on his editor, MAGE.


Do you have an idea about the random SA-Xs? I'm not going to be implementing that until august or so, but I was going to put the random spawn code in the Room Loader. Curious if you have a plan to handle it already.


Quote from: interdpth on February 22, 2017, 06:37:42 PM
Do you have an idea about the random SA-Xs?

I made that a long time ago. I modified the load spriteset code.


This is something that could... SPARK... some interest in the gba Metroid modding community, will be watching, keep it up.


Like the others, I can't wait to play this hack... Do you have any idea of when you'll finish it biospark?
And like someone said above, is it possible to put ice beam early in the game and makes it function or it will be only functional with the others beam on pocket?


Are you still activly working on this biospark?
Because this Hack would be awesome as hell!


This project looks so good!Do we have any news???


Maybe you could make it so the player can defeat one of the SA-Xs in the random encounters?


Quote from: DarkKage on June 27, 2017, 08:34:23 PM
This project looks so good!Do we have any news???
BioSpark has said that he is putting this project on hold. He's said that ZM randomizer is more likely to come out first, so hold your horses for a few more days months years decades.


I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, but is this still alive? I very interested in this!


Would you be willing to at least share an in-progress patch of this (maybe paired or combined with your stacking beams)?  It looks like you addressed most of the key problems with sequence breaking in Fusion (bossing giving the wrong power-ups, event delays making certain rooms impassible).  Perhaps others could address problems with level design that are created by opening the game like this.

Additionally, have you considered using the event system as a binary counter?  As in...
2: Has Missiles
3: Has Morph Ball
4: Has Charge Beam
5 = (2+3): Has Missiles & Morph Ball
6 = (2+4): Has Missiles and Charge Beam
7 = (3+4): Has Morph Ball and Charge Beam [no Missiles]
8: Has Bombs
9 = (2+3+4): Has Missiles, Morph Ball, and Charge Beam
10 = (2+8): Has Missiles and Bombs
11 = (3+8): Has Morph Ball and Bombs
12 = (4+8): Has Charge Beam and Bombs
13 = (2+3+8): Has Missiles, Morph Ball, and Bombs

EDIT: Initialized the counter wrong, oops.  Original post content:[spoiler]
1: Has Missiles
2: Has Morph Ball
3 = (1+2): Has Missiles & Morph Ball
4 = Has Charge Beam
5 (2+3): Has Morph Ball and Charge Beam [no Missiles]
6 (1+2+3): Has Missiles & Morph Ball [Redundant?] EDIT: Oh duh, the index has to start at 2 for this.
7 (1+2+4): Has Missiles, Morph Ball, and Charge Beam
8: Has Bombs
etc.[/spoiler]Granted, the variable only has enough room to catalogue 6 power ups that way (7 if you can take it all the way to 127, but the game only has 105 or so events), so maybe excluding the beams and missiles would work better (Morph Ball, Bombs, Varia, Ice Missiles, Power Bombs, Gravity)

That way you could still trigger events by having power ups increment the event counter and then having the built-in events continue to reference it.

[spoiler]On an unrelated note, I don't know why nobody ever uses diffusion missiles in their level design.  Maybe it's because Fusion itself didn't use it properly.  Making a missile-blocked horizontal morph path creates a barrier that can only be passed with diffusion.[/spoiler]


I will be deleting any more posts that ask for updates or progress, though I'll answer the last two.

No progress has been made. I won't make any guarantees whether it will ever be completed or not.

Regarding events, it will use a non-linear event system like ZM. Some of the existing events will be removed because there's no logical trigger for them. Other events will be arbitrarily decided by me (most of the remaining ones will be triggered when you first enter the area).


If you will not finish the hack, or don't know when, you could at least realease the latest varsion you have made for the ones who want to play the hack even being not finished, considering that i can have the plasm beam correctly, i know that will have breaks, but, anyway will be really fun to explore :)

Or even some people who understand about hacking, can make some point of progress, maybe work in team.. i don't know. But your hack is one of the better ideias i ever seen, i really want to play some day. I hope you can finish ot release, independent of the choise you make, I wish you good luck!