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Room of the Month - Asset of the Month

Started by GF_Kennon, April 01, 2015, 01:04:15 PM

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Rather than make two separate topics, I shall condense the rules for RotM and AotM into a single topic.

Room of the Fortnight Month again is the successor to Room of the Week, This new competition is fundamentally the same as RotW except with a  longer voting and submitting time frame, and voting and submitting are done at the same time.

Room of the Month is all about showing off your level design for any upcoming hack you may be working on, or perhaps you just wanted to create some fancy room just for the competition, who knows? This is one of the ways to show off anything WIP to the community and get constructive feedback, and maybe just maybe create the Room of the Year...

At the end of every month, someone shall lock the voting topic and archive it into the relevant archive.

And finally at the end of every year, there shall be a Room of the Year, the winners for every month shall be pitted against each other to see who is the champion room designer!

And now for the rules of Room of the Month:

  • Only one submission per person - Only one room may be submitted every fortnight per contestant.  If it is a collaboration room you must state this, as it will count as a joint entry, meaning you can not submit your own room as well.
  • Format - You must submit the editor screenshot of the room, for small rooms use 32x32 tilesize, larger rooms should be restricted to 16x16 but I will be allowing you to use your best judgement on this one, BTS and scrolling screens should be hidden, you may submit a PNG or BMP of the room, I will be rejecting other lossy files like JPG, be warned.
  • Media - You are allowed to submit up to 3 Native Size screenshots with your submission, I'll be rejecting anything bigger or smaller than 256x224, you do not have to submit any screen shots but this is for you to show off what FX effects or any enemy placements you may wish to highlight.
  • Descriptions - You are allowed to submit a description along with your submission, this will be displayed along with your post.
  • Modifications - Screenshots may not be modified.
  • Updates - You may update your submission once, this is subject to change, but this is so to avoid you guys spamming my inbox with submissions.
  • Previous Works - Screenshots may not be submitted from any hacks that have been released, this also includes any rooms from previous RotM's (and RotW's), only 'Work in Progress' hacks shall be accepted.
  • PM - You will now need to PM me your submission, as I will be hosting them on MetConst, please format your subject as RotM: Month - Year, this is important, I will not accept submissions if they are into the next month forum time.
The people have spoken! Submit your rooms for critiquing in the relevant thread.
  • Games other than Super Metroid - While this competition revolves around Super Metroid mostly, submissions from other titles are encouraged, try to keep your format as similar as possible, screenshots should be in the native size for the title of choice.

And now introducing the new competition, Asset of the Month! This one is quite similar to Room of the Month except it is to do with creating the best asset you can possibly make for the community, whether it be Assembly, Documents, Graphics, Music, Patches, Tools, or something else, now is your chance to submit it to a competition revolving around that, and just like Room of the Year, there is going to be an Asset of the Year, but while Room of the Year only has one winner, Asset will have multiple in a style similar to Top Hacks, so you guys need to get submitting different types of asset each month!

The process for Asset of the Month is pretty much the same as Room of the Month, each month a topic will appear to cast your votes on and discuss submissions.

Rules are as follows:

  • Only one submission per person - Only one submission per person per month, collaborations will take up the submission slots of whoever is involved, meaning you can not submit something of your own in the current month.
  • Resources - You are free to submit virtually anything to this, tutorials, graphics, assembly, its all accepted, but it has to be useful to the community in some way.
  • Media - You need to submit some media with your submission, this can be a few screenshots to show off what you have created or perhaps a video detailing, this is optional but recommended.
  • Descriptions - You are allowed to submit a description to go with your file, I suggest short and sweet but there is no limit to what you need to describe.
  • Modifications - As these resources will eventually find their way to the site, you may submit modifications of your work after the cooldown (a fortnight), as this is when we hope to update the main site with the new resources.
  • Updates - You may update your submission once, this is so to avoid you guys spamming my inbox with submissions.
  • Previous Works - Resources may not be submitted from any hacks that have been released, as well as previously released resources prior to voting, only new resources shall be accepted.
  • PM - You will now need to PM me your submission, as I will be hosting them on MetConst, please format your subject as Asset of the Month: Month - Year, this is important, I will not accept submissions if they are into the next month forum time.

And on that bombshell MetConstians, get crackin'!

Vismund Cygnus

Just a reminder that this month's submissions close in just over 25 hours time, so now's your last chance to get submitting! Whether you're a seasoned hacker or a newbie looking to show off what you've learnt, all entries are welcome and encouraged!