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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Hehe, I've seen that a few times. It's karma for all the times he was a bitch to players. :grin:


I take back the comment about Draygon being unbeatable. She is actually quite manageable, and even ever so slightly easier than Ridley.

But I'm unsure of whether or not I should apologize.

[spoiler]I never used Power Bombs against Draygon in Super because her gunk was never a problem for me. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but I think they didn't even hurt her. Why would it occur to me that they're now her new weakness? Though if I'm not remembering correctly, that would be why.[/spoiler]

So I can now beat every boss without tools.

I did notice that its also much, much easier to freeze Phantoon in Hyper than Super. I've done it twice in my four playthroughs.

[spoiler]The only time Ridley was a bitch to me was in Prime. I thought he should've been harder in all the others.[/spoiler]


Regarding boss weaknesses, it's always worth creating a save (or state) before each boss, and trying all of your weapons, as each hack could tinker with their vulnerabilities.

Steel Sparkle

Hay guys i am finally doing an LP of this game and im still kinda new to the LP scene.. I would love to know what you guys think..For those notice the screen resolution issue i can't seem to fix that..It's not the biggest issue but i wanna know how to fix it.
EDIT:Nevermind i figured out my problem.. it was my emulator so yay..

Warning:Language. I swear a bit tee hee hee
[spoiler] [/spoiler]


I started playing this and couldn't put it down, this is so far my favorite hack period, though never having any experience with Project Base previously kind of colors my view, and maybe a lot of the credit I'm giving this hack actually deserves to Project Base.

It feels like a breath of fresh air, other than IBJ being much harder to pull off now, but now I can morph ball through crumble blocks with bombs. The exploration isn't really that tough and feels a bit like vanilla, and the hardest part of it is just figuring out where to go rather than puzzles unlike most hacks, as notably absent so far are signature sections of the map that you are stuck in until you find the power up (well I guess that isn't fair as the hack adorably assumes you can't wall jump, yet later makes you fight enemies 5x harder than vanilla).

[spoiler]For instance, the hardest exploration so far was figuring out I needed to go from Brinstar, to Wrecked Ship before you even get the Super Missile, since it deviates so much from vanilla, and both norfair and miridia were open. I think the main culprit is how open the hack is and sometimes you won't know you're way off the main route for quite a while and you get to a bunch of item-gates or ambiguous grey doors with little progress. Its good the hack is open and I can see multiple orders to get items and also the "main" no advanced technique route, its a bit more open than it should be.

The combat is generally 1 step up from vanilla other than a select few bosses who are LEAGUES more difficult than vanilla, though their new AI is also a breath of fresh air.[/spoiler]

The colors while mostly great to shake it up from vanilla, sometimes seemed arbitrary. Going through norfair, the lava would change colors at random room to room for instance, and enemies change color and I'm not sure which color means what.


Ok, had to register because this hack is awesome!!

I have a problem with killing a boss, Phantoon...

[spoiler]I have 4 energy tanks and chargebeam and wavebeam and 50 missiles. But I just cant be able to kill him. I have gotten him dark brown but I dont know what I can do better.

Is he really hard to beat or do I need to try and find more missiles or what? [/spoiler]


Quote from: lorensj81 on July 05, 2015, 06:04:30 PM
Ok, had to register because this hack is awesome!!

I have a problem with killing a boss, Phantoon...

[spoiler]I have 4 energy tanks and chargebeam and wavebeam and 50 missiles. But I just cant be able to kill him. I have gotten him dark brown but I dont know what I can do better.

Is he really hard to beat or do I need to try and find more missiles or what? [/spoiler]

Actually, you have more than adequate equipment to fight him.  Charged shots have a massive damage multiplier on Phantoon, and you should have plenty of opportunities to pummel him with them, thanks to his more aggressive AI.


Quote from: Technomagus on July 05, 2015, 06:11:04 PM
Quote from: lorensj81 on July 05, 2015, 06:04:30 PM
Ok, had to register because this hack is awesome!!

I have a problem with killing a boss, Phantoon...

[spoiler]I have 4 energy tanks and chargebeam and wavebeam and 50 missiles. But I just cant be able to kill him. I have gotten him dark brown but I dont know what I can do better.

Is he really hard to beat or do I need to try and find more missiles or what? [/spoiler]

Actually, you have more than adequate equipment to fight him.  Charged shots have a massive damage multiplier on Phantoon, and you should have plenty of opportunities to pummel him with them, thanks to his more aggressive AI.

Ok, thanks. Then its only my dodging which sucks. I will try more tomorrow ...


Need help, I want to go to Kraid (I have read this thread because I am stuck)ยจ

How do I get passed the room with the running bird? I havent found speedbooster yet

[spoiler]My equipment is missiles, supers grapple, ice beam, wave beam and suit from sunken ship[/spoiler]


Help the running bird reach the right side of the room. If you fall into the water, it might be worth it to go around to enter the room from the top again. There's a secret ball tunnel you can reach from falling down from the top door if you didn't find that.


It's nice to see a new full hack after coming back from a break :grin:
Before I start it I would like to know, does it require any advanced tricks (walljumping, mid-air morph, mockball, IBJ etc.) and is it beatable without savestates?


No advanced tricks, and totally beatable on a console. But there are lots of opportunities to try to break the sequence and make the game harder...


Quote from: Steyiak on July 11, 2015, 02:37:11 PM
It's nice to see a new full hack after coming back from a break :grin:
Before I start it I would like to know, does it require any advanced tricks (walljumping, mid-air morph, mockball, IBJ etc.) and is it beatable without savestates?
My memory may be off but you need a wall jump->mid-air morph to get to Kraid's layer quickly, and without doing Kraid I'm not at all sure how you would get the spring ball, without even more advanced techs.


Quote from: theuprising on July 15, 2015, 01:29:48 PM
Quote from: Steyiak on July 11, 2015, 02:37:11 PM
It's nice to see a new full hack after coming back from a break :grin:
Before I start it I would like to know, does it require any advanced tricks (walljumping, mid-air morph, mockball, IBJ etc.) and is it beatable without savestates?
My memory may be off but you need a wall jump->mid-air morph to get to Kraid's layer quickly, and without doing Kraid I'm not at all sure how you would get the spring ball, without even more advanced techs.

If memory serves me right, you can just roll off a ledge then hold right



[spoiler=My thoughts]
Wow, I don't know what sort of dark ritual you performed to make this in just 11 months but whatever it was, it paid off. I had a blast playing this from start to finish. The fact that many areas are accessable earlier by using tricks gives this hack some replayability and freedom that many hacks do not give. The way forward was never too obvious or overly hidden and the same goes for collectables (I only needed to look at a walkthrough once to find out how to get to Draygon). There are a few things that need to be improved in later versions. Here are some from the top of my head:

-Bomb Torizo seems prone to falling to the spike pits, unable to get out.
-Phantoon did seem a tad too difficult considering the rest of the hack is relatively easy (for example, Kraid was a later boss and was a pushover).
-I was slightly annoyed when I went from Maridia to Crateria through the door near the Turian elevator only to find out that I couldn't return due to the power bomb door and had to go all the way around.
-The way to Draygon needs to become more obvious. I never would have thought to break those speed booster blocks from above and even after I found out, they were too difficult to break (this is my biggest complaint with this hack).
-Some of the speed booster puzzles required to finish the hack should become just a bit easier.
-I do not know how hard this is (or if it is possible) but it would be nice if you were able to distinguish items you have collected from those you haven't on the map. Same goes for opened/closed Turian doors.

All in all, this is one of the best hacks out there. I would gladly play another one from you if you were up to it.


on my second run... 35 minutes in, just beat Phantoon with 50 ammo and 2 energy tanks. 1:30, at Maridia, gravity suit and gate 13 unlocked.


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 11, 2015, 06:05:46 PM
No advanced tricks, and totally beatable on a console.

I call BS on that. Wall Jumping is pretty much mandatory, and god forbid you don't know how to abuse the speed-booster's new physics. It was impossible for me to do certain parts without slowdown.


Just so you know, wall-jumping isn't considered an advanced trick. For most players, it's now just one step above jumping or shooting.


Quote from: MetroidPeter on July 20, 2015, 07:53:23 AM
Quote from: Zhs2 on July 11, 2015, 06:05:46 PM
No advanced tricks, and totally beatable on a console.

I call BS on that. Wall Jumping is pretty much mandatory, and god forbid you don't know how to abuse the speed-booster's new physics. It was impossible for me to do certain parts without slowdown.

Since I know gate 12 is a thing, I will concede the speedbooster use. (Which has since been fixed in the unreleased update, so don't you worry, except about RealRed's motivation.) However, I know for certain that Wall Jumping isn't necessary. I can't think of a single required spot you can't reach by simply jumping or grappling, especially with the existence of high-jump boots and space jump.


Quote from: MetroidPeter on July 20, 2015, 07:53:23 AM
I call BS on that. Wall Jumping is pretty much mandatory, and god forbid you don't know how to abuse the speed-booster's new physics. It was impossible for me to do certain parts without slowdown.

Quote from: WindowHead on May 24, 2015, 08:41:57 PM
So I made an intended route map, played the game without performing 1wj, ibj, mockball, exploits, etc.


You might want to check this out.

And yeah, walljumping is not an advanced skill, especially with respin and moon boots


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 20, 2015, 12:29:29 PM
Quote from: MetroidPeter on July 20, 2015, 07:53:23 AM
Quote from: Zhs2 on July 11, 2015, 06:05:46 PM
No advanced tricks, and totally beatable on a console.

I call BS on that. Wall Jumping is pretty much mandatory, and god forbid you don't know how to abuse the speed-booster's new physics. It was impossible for me to do certain parts without slowdown.

Since I know gate 12 is a thing, I will concede the speedbooster use. (Which has since been fixed in the unreleased update, so don't you worry, except about RealRed's motivation.) However, I know for certain that Wall Jumping isn't necessary. I can't think of a single required spot you can't reach by simply jumping or grappling, especially with the existence of high-jump boots and space jump.
Yes the hack goes to lengths so that you don't have to walljump, though I still stand by the fact that you need wall jump to access Kraid
at 14:00, I don't see another way in there other than a wall jump, unless you have a gravity suit which requires the ceiling bomb hug advanced technique.


Either take the other way around or progress through the room that you're making mention of with Ice Beam.


Signed up to make this post, I haven't see anyone else mention this and I searched this thread a bit. I got a super missile expansion here and I couldn't get out, couldn't roll in morph ball form, couldn't bomb jump out because it's partially submerged (or maybe because the block above me was unbreakable). Got totally stuck and had to reset.

No biggie, just wanted to point it out.

In the Wrecked Ship:

Edit: Meant to edit this sooner. I tried it again earlier and I was just able to roll out without any problem. I'm not sure exactly what caused me to get stuck, but here we are.


Quote from: scotticus1 on June 09, 2015, 04:10:11 AM
Hey there, terrific hack so far. I came here to report a glitch I found with Ridley. He got stuck in the left side of the central platform while pogoing. I was on the right side and he was facing the left entrance. Once he got stuck I was free to unload charged shots until he was out of HP. He then became unstuck, picked up Samus and did the usual death animation. Really strange, I wish I had footage of it.

I was fighting him and he got stuck there, and I spent a good few minutes letting loose into his back and he never died. Restarted and got him dead after a couple tries, though.

It was GETTING to him that was so difficult. I didn't think of how to get past that one grey door since so many others were also grey.

Anyway, I'll chime in (as I return here after a hiatus) that this is one of the best SM hacks I've played. It may still be Zebes and not all-new areas, but it's so polished, thought-out, and almost completely bug-free. There are so many things I like about it, and nice little touches like the blue in parts of Maridia and the little baby Crocomires unused from the original game. The mechanics of movement and the upgrades are also great IMO. It's an amazing achievement indeed. Major kudos to Grime and RealRed, and a thanks for the effort are certainly in order.

My only issue with the actual game design is the map maybe being actually too huge, so it can take a while to traverse areas. A couple sounds weren't ideal, but these are such minor issues IMO.

There is one map error I found.


The dot is on the wrong map square. If you go to the spot where the upgrade actually is, it'll show you on the upper screen.

And though this isn't a bug, I just thought it was pretty cool to be able to reach this spot by IBJing, because I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be able to do it this early, especially with some blocks in the air over the crumble blocks, which should theoretically stop any progress by this method. :)
