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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Well after kicking a flu bug, I've gotten back to this game and finished collecting the rest of the items, with the help of the map WindowHead posted! Final time: 09:47 (may or may not be completely accurate since I used a few states here and there to save backtracking if an item search ended up fruitless lol)


Stuck and need a hint... Not sure if needs a spoiler but why not.
[spoiler]I currently have:
>Super Missile
>Hi Jump Boots
>Grapple Beam
>XRay Visor
>Wave Beam, Ice Beam, Charge Beam
>Varia Suit

>Non-Gold Chozo Statue
>I think his name is crocomire? Dude you kill by knocking back into lava pit.

Only thing I havent considered doing is possibly exploiting IBJ into getting Spazer or Spring Ball.
What should I be doing at this point? I can try to piece together explored maps if needed.
Also not sure how to get into Maridia at this point. Only known accessible access point without powerbombs is a row of fallthrough blocks that you have to cross with the morphball. I imagine that requires spring ball unless there is another way...[/spoiler]

Lucky Dearly

Quote from: TULOA on April 29, 2015, 03:07:32 AM
Stuck and need a hint... Not sure if needs a spoiler but why not.
[spoiler]I currently have:
>Super Missile
>Hi Jump Boots
>Grapple Beam
>XRay Visor
>Wave Beam, Ice Beam, Charge Beam
>Varia Suit

>Non-Gold Chozo Statue
>I think his name is crocomire? Dude you kill by knocking back into lava pit.

Only thing I havent considered doing is possibly exploiting IBJ into getting Spazer or Spring Ball.
What should I be doing at this point? I can try to piece together explored maps if needed.
Also not sure how to get into Maridia at this point. Only known accessible access point without powerbombs is a row of fallthrough blocks that you have to cross with the morphball. I imagine that requires spring ball unless there is another way...[/spoiler]
I believe your next path is to beat Kraid since you can access his area with Super Missiles. [/spoiler]


Quote from: Lucky Dearly on April 29, 2015, 03:13:09 AM
Quote from: TULOA on April 29, 2015, 03:07:32 AM
Stuck and need a hint... Not sure if needs a spoiler but why not.
[spoiler]I currently have:
>Super Missile
>Hi Jump Boots
>Grapple Beam
>XRay Visor
>Wave Beam, Ice Beam, Charge Beam
>Varia Suit

>Non-Gold Chozo Statue
>I think his name is crocomire? Dude you kill by knocking back into lava pit.

Only thing I havent considered doing is possibly exploiting IBJ into getting Spazer or Spring Ball.
What should I be doing at this point? I can try to piece together explored maps if needed.
Also not sure how to get into Maridia at this point. Only known accessible access point without powerbombs is a row of fallthrough blocks that you have to cross with the morphball. I imagine that requires spring ball unless there is another way...[/spoiler]
I believe your next path is to beat Kraid since you can access his area with Super Missiles.[/spoiler]

Thanks and Ahh I see... Nice work to the creator for the method to get to his door.
I got stuck because I couldnt figure that room out and figured I needed a super grip or something lol. Must be the wrong game lol.


Made an account just to give some feedback.
Just finished my first run: 7:24 | 96%
Happiest Moment:
Overall Rating: 6/10
The fact someone spent the time and effort to do this
A neat free-flowing experience, once you're almost done with the game.
plenty of rooms to use your items on
a unified ammo idea
the minis
bomb jumping seemed to be easier than I remembered it to be
the backflip, and speed morph ball were neat concepts
The music!
The gate idea
(Minor) No sound when you get an item.
(Minor) The storyline of Samus having a husband and a family.  When did Samus settle down?  Additionally, Adam is the name of her former CO because of whom she left the G.F.Police (if we take other media as canon).
(Minor) The re-color of Samus and the Doors.  I passed many missile doors for a while, thinking they were all power bomb doors.
(1st Playthrough) the sheer number of super missile, power bomb and grey doors.  I get that you want mileage out of the maps, but it seemed like I was going back and forth quite a bit just to accomplish anything.  I imagine there is a good 'route' to take, but that's for subsequent playthroughs.
Tanky Bosses.  It just seemed like they had more HP than they needed.
(MAJOR) The speed booster.  The reason I did not get 100% item completion is because of the speed booster.  I am not sure where in the game I'm supposed to learn the techniques to get the item beneath Gate #9 and the item northeast of Gate #9.  Many of the speed booster-gated items/areas were unnecessarily complicated and finicky. It took away from the otherwise smooth flow of the game.
The escape.  While having a longer escape route is not bad in and of itself, this one didn't make sense.  There were random speed booster (of course) spots which was annoying but passable.  How did the gates (#1 I think?) start closing again?  Who re-triggered the switches for them?  Furthermore, the Hyper Beam can demolish some metal bars that look like gates, but not the gates themselves. Odd.  There was also rubble along the path, that wasn't there before, that could not be destroyed by: Screw Attack, Hyper Beam, nor Power Bomb.  I understand it was to provide a linear path from Mother Brain to The Gunship in a very roundabout way, but parts of it didn't really make sense in a lore/continuity sense. At least we had 10 minutes.
Places where I got stuck for a bit/while:
Getting the grapple beam:  I feel stupid for not seeing the bombable crack in the same room, /duh.
Getting to the Wrecked Ship:  I probably did two or three complete tours of the entire known world at this point before I blindly leapt into the distance.
Getting the Super Missile: This one took me the longest.  After I got the Ice Beam, it took me really longer than necessary to actually use it in the right spot in Norfair to climb up behind the gated doors.
Getting to Draygon: after running into numerous grey doors and Gate 15, I finally found the speed booster (of course) tiles that I passed before.  It took me a while to actually make it work.  I ended up running and jumping from the room to the right (2 tiles) and changing direction mid-air ever so gently so I could fall with the speed booster effect still in place.  If there was a 'proper' way, I haven't a clue.
Getting the last items in Norfair:  Did not accomplish, speed booster (of course) techniques are unknown to me.  The item to the Northeast of Gate #9 you have to use the ball just to get there, and then there is no space to charge up speed.  You can just get speed boost from the path from the up door to the item, but not enough space to fall with the boost onto the necessary area.  The item underneath Gate #9 is blocked by a metal bar (that looks like a gate) and I don't know where the switch is to hit it, or if it's a timed thing.  I just got frustrated with speed booster stuff and proceeded without it.
This was a neat experience, for the most part.  Some of the additional mechanics were neat to play with, and triangle jumping to try to get to new areas only to have them blocked off by (especially in brinstar) super missile doors was both fun and not. For a while I thought of the game as "Dr. Strangetroid and how I came to love the (Grapple) beam."  Space Jump made me very happy. Tourian was very well done.
6/10, not sure if I'll play again.


Quote from: TULOA on April 29, 2015, 03:34:46 AM
Quote from: Lucky Dearly on April 29, 2015, 03:13:09 AM
Quote from: TULOA on April 29, 2015, 03:07:32 AM
Stuck and need a hint... Not sure if needs a spoiler but why not.
[spoiler]I currently have:
>Super Missile
>Hi Jump Boots
>Grapple Beam
>XRay Visor
>Wave Beam, Ice Beam, Charge Beam
>Varia Suit

>Non-Gold Chozo Statue
>I think his name is crocomire? Dude you kill by knocking back into lava pit.

Only thing I havent considered doing is possibly exploiting IBJ into getting Spazer or Spring Ball.
What should I be doing at this point? I can try to piece together explored maps if needed.
Also not sure how to get into Maridia at this point. Only known accessible access point without powerbombs is a row of fallthrough blocks that you have to cross with the morphball. I imagine that requires spring ball unless there is another way...[/spoiler]

I believe your next path is to beat Kraid since you can access his area with Super Missiles.

Thanks and Ahh I see... Nice work to the creator for the method to get to his door.
I got stuck because I couldnt figure that room out and figured I needed a super grip or something lol. Must be the wrong game lol.

I got stuck in that same room as we'll for a few minutes I just explored more then figured it out. 


Sorry you found the game frustrating. For the speedbooster, you can turn around/slow down your speedboost during a somersault. The item under gate #9 requires doing this to traverse the room as quickly as possible.
With the existence of shinespark, I found it really difficult to actually teach this to the player.

Oh, and the story in Hyper Metroid is completely unrelated to the canon storyline. It is its own.
welp, thanks for playing!


Quote from: RealRed on April 29, 2015, 12:49:19 PM
Sorry you found the game frustrating. For the speedbooster, you can turn around/slow down your speedboost during a somersault. The item under gate #9 requires doing this to traverse the room as quickly as possible.
With the existence of shinespark, I found it really difficult to actually teach this to the player.

Oh, and the story in Hyper Metroid is completely unrelated to the canon storyline. It is its own.
welp, thanks for playing!

Mine wasnt finding it frustrating I just got stuck figuring out that room.
Thats how metroid works with these kinds of puzzles. I woulda found it sooner or later. Like I said I assumed there was a super grip for some reason lol.
[spoiler] I activated the pillars and got in the morph ball slot I was suppose to use to get across but I didnt find the hidden bomb spot to get to the next level to the bomb jump to the next half. [/spoiler]

Black Soldier

Just finished another run of Hyper Metroid; this time, with 100% in 2:39 (single-segment).
Videos of it to be up soon.


Quote from: Black Soldier on April 29, 2015, 02:52:00 PM
Just finished another run of Hyper Metroid; this time, with 100% in 2:39 (single-segment).
Videos of it to be up soon.
:O That is freaking too long to play this hack for one single run.  For me, it take me many hours to finish the game with 100%.   Can't wait to see your speedrun.


Quote from: RealRed on April 29, 2015, 12:49:19 PM
Oh, and the story in Hyper Metroid is completely unrelated to the canon storyline. It is its own.
welp, thanks for playing!
Still, Adam is an ass. Any mention of him makes me go wtf.


Until Red confirms otherwise, how do we know that the Adam in Hyper's story is Adam Malkovich? :bounce:


Readme says Adam Aran.
Who's Adam Malkovich? :-D

So today, I managed this using Super Missiles. A nifty second-saver that could potentially make some tough spots easier. I'm gonna look for more of these...

I also made a beams chart since I love my beams.
[spoiler]Not totally sold on frost, Dryfreeze, cryogenesis, slayer, or cycle beams.
If you have any better ideas do let me know.


Just now got the gravity suit so no more crappy weak jumps in maridia.  Maridia looks beautiful can't wait to explore it.  My favorite looking room so far is the save room in tourian right before all of the locked gates.  The floor looks high tech and the bright green fluorescent acid underneath the floor looks badass.


[Spoiler]Hey not sure if this was intended but I doubt I shoulda been in the area to begin with but I was curious if you knew that if you run through the lava fast enough you can get through and eventually stick yourself with powerbomb doors before ridley or otherwise get on the other side of some powerbomb areas through the area highlighted in yellow on this screenshot.

I was worried for a moment that I was stuck but I managed to get back out.
Sorry cant figure out how to make dropbox show the link in a manner that allows it to be an image here lol.


Regarding the story: As the hack is called Hyper Metroid and is a retelling of the same events of Super Metroid, I think the unfamiliar story is best taken as an alternate universe that is darker and grittier, like some of the Batman universes compared to, say, the old live action or The Brave and the Bold. I was actually really happy to see the common "male pain" tropes inverted and applied to Samus, it's fun to see a badass woman get to use tropes that are so much more oftenly used for badass men :D

Also, I don't think anyone pointed this out yet, but I LOVE the shape of the world... there's a commonly ignored art in and of itself to the overarching shape of the maps. This hack definitely delivers on both the micro scale with beautiful individual screens, and the macro scale with super interesting and well-constructed overall shapes to the areas. I love the big sprawling chambers and tunnels of the organic areas and how starkly they contrast to the gestalt, mechanical squareness of Tourian.

[spoiler]Personally, I loved the pure desperation of the constantly diverting escape sequence, it's pretty much my favorite singular moment of the hack. Tourian in general is amazing though, the fleshy overgrown parts gave me chills. It gave me a very cool and specific feeling of isolation and worry that only a few other games ever really instill- Super Metroid, for one, was very intimidating back in the day. Also, the intro to Half-Life where you carry out the experiment. I was so relieved to learn that it wasn't a point of no return, as well.[/spoiler]


Realred, where did you get Super Missile so early?


Quote from: bradzx on April 30, 2015, 11:54:04 AM
Realred, where did you get Super Missile so early?
Quote from: Zhs2 on April 26, 2015, 04:05:15 PM[spoiler]Super Missiles (these can be gotten early in three places - one is the intended place, but without Varia and before Phantoon; the second is in Crateria, reached from a large gap - bombing from crumbles or running at Gravity speed enables early collection; and the third is immediately after Spore Spawn, which immediately closes with a Super Missile door after obtaining Varia)[/spoiler]


I'm stuck again.  Explored maridia but can't find the powerbombs.

Black Soldier

Quote from: smgoty on April 30, 2015, 08:50:06 PM
I'm stuck again.  Explored maridia but can't find the powerbombs.
[spoiler]You're going to have to fight Botwoon for it. Make sure you take the elevator from the Wrecked Ship to Maridia in order to reach Botwoon. After you defeat Botwoon, the first Power Bomb pack isn't too far.[/spoiler]


Quote from: smgoty on April 30, 2015, 08:50:06 PM
I'm stuck again.  Explored maridia but can't find the powerbombs.

[spoiler] If you're already in the elevator section of Maridia and can't find anywhere else to go, you proceed through a hidden passageway towards a suspiciously empty area of the map... [/spoiler]


Got it thanks guys I have the powerbombs now!  I didn't find the bombable wall behind the chozo statue that leads to the secret area where botwoon is.  What is up with that troll chozo statue holding a concrete item that is really nothing?  I X-ray'd it and it appears to be nothing LOL


Got a question for the creator:

Spoiler just in case...
[spoiler]Are the Reserve Tanks bugged? Emulator locked up using one during boss that opens left door under wrecked ship entrance to maridia that has the two gray doors and the open gap entrance to wrecked ship.

Just want to be sure if its the rom I patched or if it was a bug in the hack. [/spoiler]


Quote from: Quietus on April 30, 2015, 02:54:32 PM
Quote from: bradzx on April 30, 2015, 11:54:04 AM
Realred, where did you get Super Missile so early?
Quote from: Zhs2 on April 26, 2015, 04:05:15 PM[spoiler]Super Missiles (these can be gotten early in three places - one is the intended place, but without Varia and before Phantoon; the second is in Crateria, reached from a large gap - bombing from crumbles or running at Gravity speed enables early collection; and the third is immediately after Spore Spawn, which immediately closes with a Super Missile door after obtaining Varia)[/spoiler]
Uh I am kinda confuse what Zhs2 said because there is nothing about first.  Third is not early.  It normal.   But second, I don't know where which is large gap is.   There are alot of large gap everywhere in Crateria.  So Zhs2 need give more detail in room.


In western Crateria, there is a room shaped like this: ]||[

It's in the top left-hand corner.