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SM Redesign: Axeil Edition FINAL

Started by Drewseph, April 04, 2015, 03:17:51 AM

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Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition FINAL

1.6 FINAL (03/18/2021)
- Created a checkpoint system for the escape sequence. if you die during the escape, you can
  choose to restart from the end of the Mother Brain fight when the timer begins.
- Fixed tile colors in Maridia.
- Appearance change for some structures in rooms. No change to actual gameplay affected.
- Moved an annoying little zeela in the brinstar fisrt elevator room.
- Shot reflections from missile/locked doors when aiming UP no longer get stuck inside door.
- Hopefully fixed an error where walljumping did work while screw attacking.
- Repointed a Door FX to prevent acid appearing in a norfair room when it should be Lava.
- Fixed an issue with the appearance of glass shards from glass tubes. Shards now appear on both sides when exploding.
- Elevators will auto-center the screen in bigger rooms when activating them.
- Removed death by being out of bounds.
- Fixed error in ceres where samus might get softlocked when ridley pushes player asside. 
- Fixed a glitch where placing a powerbomb destroys Mother Brains pillar preventing the fight from soft locking.
- Fixed several soft lock scenatios during the EPBC
- Fixed a potential hardlock during EBPC when running out of powerbombs during a certain part.
- Fixed a solid wall preventing 100%
- Surprise bug introduces with lava animations speeds fixed. haha
- Fixed issue with zebes explosions occuring in the air while in some rooms.
- Added event states to two rooms once thought inacessable during the escape sequence.
- Fixed a bug with scrolling in the room before Kraid. Spring balling would result in samus off screen death.
- Adjusted platform to prevent getting stuck in water during escape if not knowing about crouch jump.
- Fixed a problem in Metroid behavior with screw attacking.
- Addressed an issue with demorhing sometimes slowing samus down for a few frames.
- Addressed a bug where sometimes demorphing in the middle of a bounce
  meant a full height jump even when tapping the jump button.
- Fixed maridia express elevator unlocking trigger from explored map, to door shell.
- Slope fixes that were causing the player to stop when hitting the ceiling.
- Fixed a crumble exit which might cause softlock.
- Patched movment glitch with walljumping off left wall and releasing jump.
- fixed a shortcut in tourian which was not checking correct events.
- fixed zebes timer during escape.
- Added a break system for morphball I meant to implement but never did.
- Scroll fix in a maridia shortcut.
- New title screen that does not block half of the screen off.
- New Ending sprite to match consistency of Redesign story.
- Fixed a bug with bouncing while facing right which would move the player a pixel over time.
- Removed a bug with Rinkas where getting latched by a metroid while standing in a rinka meant MAJOR energy drain.
- Fixed a bug where samus would double bounce in one frame
- Fixed a bug with HBJ locking you into a direction upon
  colliding with a wall until you land or alternate left/right rapidly on dpad.
- Blue suit is no longer stripped when you mid air morph or land
  without d-pad input, while speed boosting.
- Running and morphing quickly will keep running speed
  (easier in real time once speed boost is aquired since it is based on acceleration speed)
- Fixed a bug while morphing/landing which could teleport samus
  a full screen or more to the side sometimes causing death.
- Doors now reflect shots that do not match, for example, blue doors open to everything, but a missile door reflects beams.
- Removed the penalty of booster loss and running slowdown when Arm Pumping.
- Level Design tile fixes for continuity/permastucks
- Fixed a missed check for samus falling while space jumping in sand falls.
- Fixed errors in code for death beams
- Minor Level design changes in various rooms.
- Fixed permastuck scenarios when getting early bombs.
- Reduced duration for auto crouching spark charging animation.
  (horizontal super jump into slope holding ONLY D-pad)
- Fixed crash on touching a door transition tile while reaching 00 Energy.
- Added a smoothing acceleration to door transition speeds.
- Fixed a bug when exiting a door where the player skips scroll triggers causing oob deaths.
- Fixed bad Ice beam damage value
- Samus moves to center of screen on dying much more smoothly.
- Inserted a check to initiate shinespark. Samus will no longer super jump when
  the RUN button is pressed. This should lead to fewer accidental sparks during long chains.
  for the same reason as above super jumps cannot occur when samus has been hit by an enemy.
- Added transitions for poses (croucing and aiming down while moving)
- Re-wrote momentum routine to adjust rules based on movment type
- Re-wrote Acid damage routine. 5 second limit inside acid. Fixed bug where flash stayed perminent on getting out.
- Re-wrote grapple swing speed calculations.
- Re-Wrote Bombjumping.
- Reduced Screw Attack speeds slightly. (due to overshooting many platforms by accident)
- Fixed an issue with scrolling in one of the last Tourian Rooms.
- Fixed an error with Screw Attacking in acid.
- Space jump sprite changes to normal spin on touching water without gravity suit.
- Fixed samus placment when moving upward through vertical door.
- Fixed an issue with bad frame animation and Walljumping
- Fixed bad demorph tiles in Tourian & Solid door bug in main power room.
- Fixed permastuck in bird cage.
- Fixed and moved HINT for lower crateria.
- Set check so damage bit was not cleared on mid air morphing.
- Fixed an issue with morphing in water gaining a 'Gravity roll' boost
- Express elevators moving upward would glitch out the top row of tiles.
- Corrected an error in crouching and turning around on the same frame and holding direction.
- Fixed an issue caused when grapple releasing too fast.
- Fixed an issue with bombs affecting samus during a grapple swing.
- Fixed an isse with grapple walljumps causing samus to float into the wall or across the screen.
- Fixed bug where walljumps pulled torard the wall.
- Fixed Scroll Snapping when changing direction and falling.
- Fixed Screw attack flash getting stuck on turning without holding run.
- Adjusted decel speed for spin jumping.
- Repaired an oppsie which broke the Intro scene 2.
- Adjusted Escape time parameters.
- Slightly reduced WJ horizontal speed due to slower fall rate.
- Fixed a bug with demorphing breaking suit colors.
- Fixed issue with changing directions during a door transition. and the side effect of elevators being borky.
- Save stations can be re-used after moving off of them.
- Removed acid penalty while grapple swinging.
- Made vertical death beams a bit more forgiving.
- Silly mistake in leaving a tourian room set as Brinstar causing purple feeding pit colors.
- Fixed a scroll bug in the big room before Kraid
- Fixed issue with save station asking to save on load game
- Fixed a bug that can cause screen glitches when getting hit by an enemy at fast speeds.
- Screw Attack lock was impossible if switches were on opposite sides, fixed how switches add to timers.
- Fixed scroll bug in pre bomb room where players could die off screen.

fixed game breaker bug for epb
minor tile fixes (art bugs)

version 1.51
Fixed a few very minor bugs, no severe design changes aside from fixing changes that didn't get saved during 1.5
fixed game breaker bug for epb

9 years of on and off work has finally paid off.

I tried my best to follow all the negative feedback from players and deliver something more fluid.  there's a lot of extras added into this game too. So I'd suggest giving it a try even if you've already played the original Redesign in the past.

I'm listening to critiques so if you have problems please let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it.  :bounce:

::EDIT 8::
After taking considerable feedback I've polished off a great number of changes for 1.5  most drastic of changes being the Express elevators, which are now completely useful. for zipping around the world. if you encounter any major bugs, do let me know via PM please.

::EDIT 7::
Always trying to reach a perfect balance.  This patch was mostly tourian fixes.  Metroids have been made easier to deal with  in early tourian. see the read me for specific changes.

::EDIT 6::
From what I can tell this should be close to the final patch, unless of course more bugs are discovered because of this patch.

::EDIT 5::
Discovered a bug in tourian where a certain room spawned seemingly endless metroids even when the intended amount was 4. I hade odd nukbered patches, but the change is so small but serious enough to need one.

::EDIT 4::
Version 1.2 is up.  Change list is in the read me. IN order to fix a certain bug I needed to move lots of data stuffs around so if it becomes crashy I'll fix it again.

::EDIT 3::
Version 1.1 is up.  read the read me at the bottom to see changes made.  There are probably still some balancing to do so I'm listening for feedback.

::EDIT 2::
As with every release, so many undiscovered bugs were found, as well as balance issues.  sometimes testers can really judge difficulty because they are so damn good at the game.  I'm addressing much of the complaints as I can and will release a patch soon.

::EDIT 1::
Thanks again for everyone who's played I appreciate the feedback both positive and negative!  I've managed to patch a few of the newer bugs that have been brought to my attention.

since it has been less than 24hrs I'm keeping the patch version 1.0  from here on out I'll clearly label updates on the main page and readme!


That hint system is really nifty :yay:
Needless to say that the physics are much more bearable ! This is going to be fun.
Edit: Except underwater, those spikes are killing me.


Well, I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day. :grin:


I think you're being a bit hard on yourself.  I'm a decidedly average player and with the help of a small bit of save stating and reduced emulator speed even I was able to complete Redesign.  However, that said I do look forward to playing this more player-friendly version.  :grin:


Quote from: ianfrombristol on April 04, 2015, 12:32:11 PM
I'm a decidedly average player and with the help of a small bit of save stating and reduced emulator speed even I was able to complete Redesign.  However, that said I do look forward to playing this more player-friendly version.  :grin:
Quote from: ianfrombristol on April 04, 2015, 12:32:11 PM
a small bit of save stating and reduced emulator speed

That's what axeil was designed to cut down on. Despite tool assistance is a common thing these days, it's still nice to be able to legitimately beat a game without feeling cheated by the game, and resorting to tool assistance.


So I will just leave this here.

I get my SNES controller adapter on Monday so I'll be playing then.


Judging by the descriptions for difficulty ratings, I don't feel that this could be considered as easier than the original game.  It should be at least 'Vanilla'.  Also, while the readme is included in the .zip, it probably wouldn't hurt to have it on the page too.


I have not played this yet so I can't really give an accurate judgement on the difficulty level. But based on what the testers have been saying on IRC, it seems that ridley and the metroids are still really freaking hard. If so it would be veteran at least. I would have classified the original redesign as Expert based on the high difficulty on many things, for reference.


I'm in heaven.
And at the same time, Hell.

Alisa Orlova

The "hint" toggle does not work properly. I click "OFF" and can see a hint and Vice versa.
I'm sorry if I thousandth who noticed it.


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on April 05, 2015, 05:01:43 AM
The "hint" toggle does not work properly. I click "OFF" and can see a hint and Vice versa.
I'm sorry if I thousandth who noticed it.

Y: HINT OFF means when you press Y, hints will turn off


I'll give it a shot tomorrow. :yay: I never completed redesign but I have seen videos of it. Maybe I will actually finish it this time in this version. :neutral:

~ SpoOkyMagician


This took me 22 hours so I will post my thoughts tomorrow when I am less tired and cranky.

Edit: So while I enjoyed many things about Axeil Edition, there were many gripes I had about the 1.0 version (and for most of these, I wasn't alone) that completely ruined the overall experience for me. I'm happy to say most of these were addressed in the 1.1 patch, specifically:

[spoiler]* Reintroduction of a bug where the full cooldown of super missile rate of fire didn't apply to shooting a wall or a door. It's kind of weird to want a bug to be put back in, but all this did was make purple doors super slow to open.

* Some crumble block placements were addressed given that jumping from them is disabled.

* Auto space jump has been tweaked. You can gain height with it now, although I wouldn't use it for that purpose because that would be very slow, but I think it does a better job of catching the player on a missed space jump.

* Energy tanks have been moved around to be more accessible, although I haven't replayed through the game to experience it for myself.

* Crystal flash now restores 799 instead of 500, which is more fair given it costs half the ammo.

* Grapple physics have been tweaked, although again I haven't tested this myself.

* IBJ-prevention blocks were removed I think? This felt pretty cheap to me so I'm glad they're gone.

* Sandpit in Botwoon's room now works based on a timer so a turnaround won't make you instantly fall through. Also I apparently missed a shortcut in my playthrough to get back to his room after falling through.

* Can't save inside the LN boss rush anymore, so you're no longer screwed if you forgot screw attack or something. Also shooting Ridley in Ceres actually helps now, instead of just hindering (with the increasing vulnerability system, you had to shoot him a lot or it did absolutely nothing to help you, and was pretty much impossible to balance because increasing his vulnerabilities by 1 meant a significantly easier fight).

* Metroids are a lot easier to deal with, at least the ones outside the feeding pit. The ones inside the feeding pit are still difficult, to at least preserve some of the challenge. I was ok with this because the feeding pit isn't an exploratory section. Having Metroids impede exploration was the biggest turn off for me, and by the time you get to the feeding pit you'll have some experience in fighting them and it won't feel so hopeless. Tourian definitely isn't easy still, but it isn't meant to be. I think the difficulty now is a fair compromise.

I don't think anything was done about:

* Acid damage. I think he just really wanted touching acid to be a no-no. Not game-breaking to me on its own though.

* Express elevators. Specifically I hated the purple doors that locked some of them, leading me to an elevator I couldn't use now and I never used later. Seems like other people got use out of them though.

* The grapple gauntlet being disappointingly easy. Apparently people still managed to have trouble with this, lol.[/spoiler]

So all in all I think the changes make the hack well worth finishing now. Having played through Tourian multiple times, I actually find the area enjoyable to progress through, now that it's actually doable. I know some people still had issues with the large amount of puzzles added throughout the world. I think they're warranted just because most people know where to go already, and there's a hint system for people who don't, and these obstacles prevent a player familiar with the original Redesign from just breezing through the hack. But I guess the new puzzles aren't everyone's thing.

This hack is kind of like a Project Base meets Redesign to me, with all the little changes, new physics, extra features, and extra map connections.

Personally I still prefer the original. For nostalgic reasons I guess, if anything. But I happened to really like the original, while others may not have. So definitely worth checking out if you want to re-experience Redesign, or played it before but stopped midway through.

[spoiler=My original scathing review of 1.0]
Edit: Alright so here it is
[spoiler=The Good]* The new physics. Jumps finally get much needed horizontal speed, breaking the water line is made easy instead of damn near impossible, and it's actually possible in most cases to get out of lava/acid traps if you fall in. Quicksand is no longer something I would rather reset than jump out of. The new fall speed is also much better. In the original you fell so fast that it was impossible to get a sense of the rooms during the descent at the beginning of the game.

* The map. Showing the actual shape of rooms as well as the door connections is really handy for navigating. The hint system is also pretty neat, didn't expect it to show stuff like power bomb and speed blocks.

* Most changes made to rooms. Some frustrating rooms were fixed, some turned into puzzles, and many interesting puzzles were added to give a fresh experience even to those who had mastered the original Redesign.

* Short message boxes for minor items and long message boxes for major items. Really minor thing to most people, but it kind of bugs me when people do the instant message box thing in their hack and I get an important item like speed booster and the box just goes away instantly.

* New bomb graphics were a nice touch. Despite the blinding effect of power bombs actually being a bit of an annoyance, I thought it was a really nice touch. The morphing glow was also really neat.

* Rebalancing of enemy damage, and relocation of door caps. The original had a lot of problems in the beginning, with high enemy HP/damage. Sure, this may have been a way to encourage missile use, but the excessive amount of red doors in the beginning of the game with only 5 missiles available to the player, tough enemies in the way, and being stuck in some Brinstar rooms with only a Zeela to farm (these only dropped missiles at full health, otherwise gave you small energy) were some issues I'm glad were addressed here. I don't remember being short on necessary ammo in most places, which is really good. Also less ammo required for crystal flash.

* The increased value of energy pickups was really nice.

* The Lost Caverns felt a lot more like caverns, and less like a Lost Woods style grid, and the symmetry of the solution was really neat. Phantoon's room was also a lot more appropriate for the area.

* The nameplates for new areas are really cool. Especially the ones for subregions like "Crateria Depths".

* Auto-morphing was a pretty neat feature. I was afraid it would go off at times when I didn't want it to, but that never happened. Auto wall jump is also nice as missing wall jumps in the original was very frustrating, although unfortunately this removed the ability to control the distance/height of a single-wall jump.

* Vertical shinespark assist came in handy a couple of times. The decreased crash time, also nice.

* The changes made to x-ray scope controls really came in handy. It allowed to have x-ray on and still be able to run and shoot things relatively freely. This made searching for guardians a lot less painful than it could've been.

Edit: The relocated/added save stations were really nice too, in much better places. Worth an edit to mention.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=The Bad]
* "Fixing" the cooldown of supers hitting a door/wall. This is something I really don't think needed to be fixed and just makes it more annoying to open purple doors and such.

* Removal of crumble jumping. I'm assuming this was done by disabling the jump button when in contact with crumble blocks. Dear lord why. This made already painful things like the power bomb maze in Crateria much worse.

* Space jump. I had a lot more trouble using space jump here than in the original. The auto space jump feature really didn't help me much, often in cases where I wanted to use it I just got hit out of the air by an enemy anyway. I'm not sure why space jump in this was so bad for me, but I suspect it may be a side effect of the slower falling speed.

* Acid damage. Way too much. This combined with space jump being worse caused me to die just trying to traverse one room with acid, late in the game with gravity suit and lots of energy tanks. Obviously acid shouldn't be safe, but even having momentary dips at the bottom of a space jump was deadly. I think it would've been much better if the acid damage curve completely reset after exiting the acid, for any amount of time.

* Speaking of energy tanks, I had a hard time finding any early game. I skipped over the first one in Crateria because I'm used to getting it later at the elevator to Norfair. My fault for skipping it really, but still kind of ridiculous that the first energy tank I got was in the Magmoor style morph ball tunnel. With the heat run being optional, it's understandable that the energy tanks would no longer be provided for free, but taking away the one found out in the open in Brinstar was bad. If anything I think you should've put more tanks out in the open for the player to find, to compensate for not being guaranteed 3 at Norfair. I was planning on challenging myself and doing the hell run, but I couldn't because I was stuck down there with no tanks (and didn't find the one in the refill room until much later).

* This is my fault for not remembering it from the readme, but why did you change the button input for crystal flash? I died trying to crystal flash because I was holding L+R and had no idea why it wasn't working. Also, would've been nice to know beforehand that it only refills 5 energy tanks.

* Changes to grapple physics. Falling like a rock was the only thing wrong with them in the original. I fell many times while grappling because the new vertical boost caused me to bang into the ceiling. The changes already made to the physics would've fixed the problems with grapple on their own, the added grapple boost is just an annoyance.

* Speaking of grapple, grapple gauntlet was extremely underwhelming. The only things unfair here in the original were dropping like a rock because of the physics, and being unable to get out of the acid (again, because of physics). Besides those it was a very rewarding section to complete. The changes to the room made it far too easy. Not even any ripper grappling smh

* Changes to executing shinesparks threw me off and caused me to jump almost every time I was trying to recharge a spark.

* Removal of early screw attack. I was really upset that this couldn't be gotten early. I very much enjoyed the ability to get this early in the original, especially being able to cheese Botwoon as a reward. I even spent a while trying to IBJ to it, and apparently there is some BTS that disables the bomb refill at the lava's height where the gate to screw attack is. I was able to IBJ just fine elsewhere, so this felt really cheap and depriving.

* Speaking of Botwoon, the sandpit in the safe spot. Why. Why did you do this. I pretty much fell into this instantly as the fight started and it forced me to take a giant loop around Maridia again. Really unnecessary and irritating. This also bugged out the map, as it started registering me as one map tile higher than I actually was, and recording those tiles as pink visited instead of the tiles I actually occupied. This also resulted in the hint for space jump never being cleared, since the game thinks I was never in that map square.

* More boss gripes. I remember reading some months ago on IRC that Ridley's damage was to increase from being wounded at Ceres, as well as his health being decreased. This combined with the fact that you are locked into Ridley and GT's area, with a save, has a lot of potential to make the game unwinnable or excessively frustrating. I didn't defeat Ridley at Ceres, but I got a good number of shots in, did not notice a significant decrease to his health, and his fireballs did around 60 damage. I didn't end up finding out how much damage his body did (thanks to screw attack) but I'm sure it was way too much.

* The express elevators. They were a nice touch, but spending 25 missiles on a purple door you come across, finding an elevator, riding it up only to find a locked door, and then having to sit through the ride again on the way down is really annoying. I was a bit less annoyed when I remembered how these worked (opening the door cap on the other side), but when it came to late game I hardly even used these, since I searched for guardians region by region. So they were annoyances early game and I didn't get much out of them late game.

* Last, and definitely least (or not, depending on how you look at it)
[spoiler=Tourian]WHY DID YOU DO THIS. God why. This made me so angry. It pretty much single-handedly ruined the entire hack for me. Turned what was a very positive experience into a very, very negative one. I vaguely remember you saying something on IRC about wanting Axeil edition to make the player feel like Axeil, and if that was what you were going for here, then you very much succeeded. But it does not make for a good hack. Not even close.

I'm not even sure where to start with this one. Let's go with Metroids. These could've posed an interesting challenge but the way they were used was overwhelmingly bad. Specifically, there were way too many Metroid rooms, posing a ridiculous drain on ammo and energy. Also there were far too many rooms where you had to kill 3 Metroids at once before any of them could respawn. One or two of these rooms would've been fine. It would be an appropriately intense challenge if done sparingly. The problem with 3 Metroids is that they don't seem to ever want to latch on 3 at a time. This leaves you waiting to be able to use 5-6 bombs to get the 2 on you off of you, and almost every time the third one will just jump in before you get a chance to even freeze one (and even if you did, it only stays frozen for about one second, which is pretty much useless). Supers are almost required to have any chance of defeating multiple in time, but their drop rate for super missiles is so low that you will run out of them pretty quickly. Also, dying to Metroids introduced an annoying bug: not being able to fire beams upon reloading. I experienced this many times, riding the elevator down from the save point in Crateria, and not being able to open the door and having to hard reset and reload again.

Tourian was basically a giant maze that you needed to navigate to destroy Zebetites and shut off deadly laser beams in your path. Not a bad concept at all, this could've been very enjoyable and a great finish to an epic journey if done right. However, the Metroids severely increased the explorational difficulty to the point where the area long, long overstayed its welcome.

There were two more major flaws. One was the requirement for spring ball jumps in lengthy morph ball tunnels over gaps with a crumble block, where because of the removal of crumble jumping, missing the jump meant that you had to take a giant loop back around, re-enter the tunnel, and roll all the way back through it just to try again. This was in 2 places that I can remember and was absolutely infurating. Dumb reason to have to recover so much ground. The other was accessing the Zebetite in the top left of the map by shinesparking between the death lasers. I ran out of missiles on this Zebetite, and it turned out that because of the ridiculous cooldown on firing supers, 20 super missiles were not enough to destroy it. That is absolutely stupid and I was trapped there, unable to leave because of the death lasers. Lost lots of progress to something very inconspicuous (yay having to redo a ton of really awful Metroid rooms!). No player should ever have to go through this. What the hell were you thinking.

Also, why was there no energy recharge station at the start of Tourian with the ammo station? I found myself having to leave Tourian and go farm Zoas near Botwoon. Huge detour that shouldn't be needed. And since the missile stations now refill all types of ammo, I'm really not sure why you didn't just combine the energy and ammo refill à la Escape II. They're seldom found apart in Redesign anyways (this was seriously the only time I remember seeing one without the other).

[spoiler=The Ugly]I hate to say it, but even with all the good in this remake, the extensive changes made to the physics, mechanics, and level design for ease of play and a fresh new experience, Tourian completely ruined the hack for me. Being very familiar with the original Redesign, having speedrun it and it being one of my favorite hacks, I decided I'd stream myself trying to play this in a single sitting, the result being this 22 hour video, here if anyone's curious about how the experience went for me. I underestimated how long it would take me to reach the end, what with all the new puzzles and new guardian locations, but Tourian was something else. I was delirious and irritable by the end. It was an experience I never want to go through again. I spend all of up until Tourian highly recommending the hack to everyone who stopped by and asked how it was, and after finishing it my answer is: Stay away.

Yes, it's great up until then. But as late into the game as the horror is, it is still part of the game and I cannot exclude it when taking it into account. The ending of a game is still very important. It's what all the hours spent playing the game all lead up to, the reward for finding the way to the end. I spent hours searching for the last few guardians. I didn't mind this because I was looking forward to the reward of reaching the end of an excellent hack, but what I got from that was a huge slap in the face. I can't recommend people play a game up until a certain point and then just stop because it's not worth finishing. That's not how games work, at least not for me. And it's sad because I know a number of people in the speedrun community who are turned off of Redesign because of the physics and end up experiencing so little of it, and some of them are excited to be able to play a more accessible, less frustrating version, and be able to appreciate Redesign for the great hack that it is. But Tourian drags it down so much. It was a low point in the original, but really not that bad. This was a thousand times worse.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


スーパーメトロイドとそのROMハックのすべての日本の愛好者に: こんにちは、皆さん!
私は、どんな未熟な日本人についてでも謝罪します。 面倒な話はこれくらいにして、メイン・イベントに移りましょう!
重大なスーパーメトロイド修正の時代から長い9年でした。そして、それはスーパーメトロイドから始めました: 改革主義(我々自身のDREWSEPHによって作られる)!





Because it is. It's an update/addendum to/alternate version of Redesign by one of the original team of creators, namely Drewseph.


All fun and games, and then there's the suitless underwater section which is still way too long and way too slow. And then there's the new and improved Lost Caverns, which, despite all what Drewseph says, is even worse than the original. Even freaking SLT has more enjoyable mazes, and that is a feat I thought was impossible to achieve.


As someone who never bothered getting very far in the original redesign because I hated the physics changes, I'm glad they weren't as bad in this version. Unfortunately, I lost about an hour of exploration due to a spike pit and decided to stop playing. I'll never understand the reason for early game spike pits, specially given the scarcity of save points early game.


Quote from: bobisadrummer on April 05, 2015, 05:59:45 PM
As someone who never bothered getting very far in the original redesign because I hated the physics changes, I'm glad they weren't as bad in this version. Unfortunately, I lost about an hour of exploration due to a spike pit and decided to stop playing. I'll never understand the reason for early game spike pits, specially given the scarcity of save points early game.

Where was the spike pit? I'll see what I can do to change it.


He's likely referring this pit in Western Crateria:


I'll change that pit then, I'm also going to reduce Air spike bts 02 tiles to $08 damage instead of $10.

I also am going to change the invincibility timer, when you are in a liquid the slow movement makes getting trapped way too easy.  I'm going to double invincibility time when in water with no suit.


Quote from: Elminster on April 05, 2015, 08:29:15 AM
This took me 22 hours so I will post my thoughts tomorrow when I am less tired and cranky.

Edit: Alright so here it is
[spoiler=The Good]* The new physics. Jumps finally get much needed horizontal speed, breaking the water line is made easy instead of damn near impossible, and it's actually possible in most cases to get out of lava/acid traps if you fall in. Quicksand is no longer something I would rather reset than jump out of. The new fall speed is also much better. In the original you fell so fast that it was impossible to get a sense of the rooms during the descent at the beginning of the game.

* The map. Showing the actual shape of rooms as well as the door connections is really handy for navigating. The hint system is also pretty neat, didn't expect it to show stuff like power bomb and speed blocks.

* Most changes made to rooms. Some frustrating rooms were fixed, some turned into puzzles, and many interesting puzzles were added to give a fresh experience even to those who had mastered the original Redesign.

* Short message boxes for minor items and long message boxes for major items. Really minor thing to most people, but it kind of bugs me when people do the instant message box thing in their hack and I get an important item like speed booster and the box just goes away instantly.

* New bomb graphics were a nice touch. Despite the blinding effect of power bombs actually being a bit of an annoyance, I thought it was a really nice touch. The morphing glow was also really neat.

* Rebalancing of enemy damage, and relocation of door caps. The original had a lot of problems in the beginning, with high enemy HP/damage. Sure, this may have been a way to encourage missile use, but the excessive amount of red doors in the beginning of the game with only 5 missiles available to the player, tough enemies in the way, and being stuck in some Brinstar rooms with only a Zeela to farm (these only dropped missiles at full health, otherwise gave you small energy) were some issues I'm glad were addressed here. I don't remember being short on necessary ammo in most places, which is really good. Also less ammo required for crystal flash.

* The increased value of energy pickups was really nice.

* The Lost Caverns felt a lot more like caverns, and less like a Lost Woods style grid, and the symmetry of the solution was really neat. Phantoon's room was also a lot more appropriate for the area.

* The nameplates for new areas are really cool. Especially the ones for subregions like "Crateria Depths".

* Auto-morphing was a pretty neat feature. I was afraid it would go off at times when I didn't want it to, but that never happened. Auto wall jump is also nice as missing wall jumps in the original was very frustrating, although unfortunately this removed the ability to control the distance/height of a single-wall jump.

* Vertical shinespark assist came in handy a couple of times. The decreased crash time, also nice.

* The changes made to x-ray scope controls really came in handy. It allowed to have x-ray on and still be able to run and shoot things relatively freely. This made searching for guardians a lot less painful than it could've been.

Edit: The relocated/added save stations were really nice too, in much better places. Worth an edit to mention.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=The Bad]
* "Fixing" the cooldown of supers hitting a door/wall. This is something I really don't think needed to be fixed and just makes it more annoying to open purple doors and such.

* Removal of crumble jumping. I'm assuming this was done by disabling the jump button when in contact with crumble blocks. Dear lord why. This made already painful things like the power bomb maze in Crateria much worse.

* Space jump. I had a lot more trouble using space jump here than in the original. The auto space jump feature really didn't help me much, often in cases where I wanted to use it I just got hit out of the air by an enemy anyway. I'm not sure why space jump in this was so bad for me, but I suspect it may be a side effect of the slower falling speed.

* Acid damage. Way too much. This combined with space jump being worse caused me to die just trying to traverse one room with acid, late in the game with gravity suit and lots of energy tanks. Obviously acid shouldn't be safe, but even having momentary dips at the bottom of a space jump was deadly. I think it would've been much better if the acid damage curve completely reset after exiting the acid, for any amount of time.

* Speaking of energy tanks, I had a hard time finding any early game. I skipped over the first one in Crateria because I'm used to getting it later at the elevator to Norfair. My fault for skipping it really, but still kind of ridiculous that the first energy tank I got was in the Magmoor style morph ball tunnel. With the heat run being optional, it's understandable that the energy tanks would no longer be provided for free, but taking away the one found out in the open in Brinstar was bad. If anything I think you should've put more tanks out in the open for the player to find, to compensate for not being guaranteed 3 at Norfair. I was planning on challenging myself and doing the hell run, but I couldn't because I was stuck down there with no tanks (and didn't find the one in the refill room until much later).

* This is my fault for not remembering it from the readme, but why did you change the button input for crystal flash? I died trying to crystal flash because I was holding L+R and had no idea why it wasn't working. Also, would've been nice to know beforehand that it only refills 5 energy tanks.

* Changes to grapple physics. Falling like a rock was the only thing wrong with them in the original. I fell many times while grappling because the new vertical boost caused me to bang into the ceiling. The changes already made to the physics would've fixed the problems with grapple on their own, the added grapple boost is just an annoyance.

* Speaking of grapple, grapple gauntlet was extremely underwhelming. The only things unfair here in the original were dropping like a rock because of the physics, and being unable to get out of the acid (again, because of physics). Besides those it was a very rewarding section to complete. The changes to the room made it far too easy. Not even any ripper grappling smh

* Changes to executing shinesparks threw me off and caused me to jump almost every time I was trying to recharge a spark.

* Removal of early screw attack. I was really upset that this couldn't be gotten early. I very much enjoyed the ability to get this early in the original, especially being able to cheese Botwoon as a reward. I even spent a while trying to IBJ to it, and apparently there is some BTS that disables the bomb refill at the lava's height where the gate to screw attack is. I was able to IBJ just fine elsewhere, so this felt really cheap and depriving.

* Speaking of Botwoon, the sandpit in the safe spot. Why. Why did you do this. I pretty much fell into this instantly as the fight started and it forced me to take a giant loop around Maridia again. Really unnecessary and irritating. This also bugged out the map, as it started registering me as one map tile higher than I actually was, and recording those tiles as pink visited instead of the tiles I actually occupied. This also resulted in the hint for space jump never being cleared, since the game thinks I was never in that map square.

* More boss gripes. I remember reading some months ago on IRC that Ridley's damage was to increase from being wounded at Ceres, as well as his health being decreased. This combined with the fact that you are locked into Ridley and GT's area, with a save, has a lot of potential to make the game unwinnable or excessively frustrating. I didn't defeat Ridley at Ceres, but I got a good number of shots in, did not notice a significant decrease to his health, and his fireballs did around 60 damage. I didn't end up finding out how much damage his body did (thanks to screw attack) but I'm sure it was way too much.

* The express elevators. They were a nice touch, but spending 25 missiles on a purple door you come across, finding an elevator, riding it up only to find a locked door, and then having to sit through the ride again on the way down is really annoying. I was a bit less annoyed when I remembered how these worked (opening the door cap on the other side), but when it came to late game I hardly even used these, since I searched for guardians region by region. So they were annoyances early game and I didn't get much out of them late game.

* Last, and definitely least (or not, depending on how you look at it)
[spoiler=Tourian]WHY DID YOU DO THIS. God why. This made me so angry. It pretty much single-handedly ruined the entire hack for me. Turned what was a very positive experience into a very, very negative one. I vaguely remember you saying something on IRC about wanting Axeil edition to make the player feel like Axeil, and if that was what you were going for here, then you very much succeeded. But it does not make for a good hack. Not even close.

I'm not even sure where to start with this one. Let's go with Metroids. These could've posed an interesting challenge but the way they were used was overwhelmingly bad. Specifically, there were way too many Metroid rooms, posing a ridiculous drain on ammo and energy. Also there were far too many rooms where you had to kill 3 Metroids at once before any of them could respawn. One or two of these rooms would've been fine. It would be an appropriately intense challenge if done sparingly. The problem with 3 Metroids is that they don't seem to ever want to latch on 3 at a time. This leaves you waiting to be able to use 5-6 bombs to get the 2 on you off of you, and almost every time the third one will just jump in before you get a chance to even freeze one (and even if you did, it only stays frozen for about one second, which is pretty much useless). Supers are almost required to have any chance of defeating multiple in time, but their drop rate for super missiles is so low that you will run out of them pretty quickly. Also, dying to Metroids introduced an annoying bug: not being able to fire beams upon reloading. I experienced this many times, riding the elevator down from the save point in Crateria, and not being able to open the door and having to hard reset and reload again.

Tourian was basically a giant maze that you needed to navigate to destroy Zebetites and shut off deadly laser beams in your path. Not a bad concept at all, this could've been very enjoyable and a great finish to an epic journey if done right. However, the Metroids severely increased the explorational difficulty to the point where the area long, long overstayed its welcome.

There were two more major flaws. One was the requirement for spring ball jumps in lengthy morph ball tunnels over gaps with a crumble block, where because of the removal of crumble jumping, missing the jump meant that you had to take a giant loop back around, re-enter the tunnel, and roll all the way back through it just to try again. This was in 2 places that I can remember and was absolutely infurating. Dumb reason to have to recover so much ground. The other was accessing the Zebetite in the top left of the map by shinesparking between the death lasers. I ran out of missiles on this Zebetite, and it turned out that because of the ridiculous cooldown on firing supers, 20 super missiles were not enough to destroy it. That is absolutely stupid and I was trapped there, unable to leave because of the death lasers. Lost lots of progress to something very inconspicuous (yay having to redo a ton of really awful Metroid rooms!). No player should ever have to go through this. What the hell were you thinking.

Also, why was there no energy recharge station at the start of Tourian with the ammo station? I found myself having to leave Tourian and go farm Zoas near Botwoon. Huge detour that shouldn't be needed. And since the missile stations now refill all types of ammo, I'm really not sure why you didn't just combine the energy and ammo refill à la Escape II. They're seldom found apart in Redesign anyways (this was seriously the only time I remember seeing one without the other).

[spoiler=The Ugly]I hate to say it, but even with all the good in this remake, the extensive changes made to the physics, mechanics, and level design for ease of play and a fresh new experience, Tourian completely ruined the hack for me. Being very familiar with the original Redesign, having speedrun it and it being one of my favorite hacks, I decided I'd stream myself trying to play this in a single sitting, the result being this 22 hour video, here if anyone's curious about how the experience went for me. I underestimated how long it would take me to reach the end, what with all the new puzzles and new guardian locations, but Tourian was something else. I was delirious and irritable by the end. It was an experience I never want to go through again. I spend all of up until Tourian highly recommending the hack to everyone who stopped by and asked how it was, and after finishing it my answer is: Stay away.

Yes, it's great up until then. But as late into the game as the horror is, it is still part of the game and I cannot exclude it when taking it into account. The ending of a game is still very important. It's what all the hours spent playing the game all lead up to, the reward for finding the way to the end. I spent hours searching for the last few guardians. I didn't mind this because I was looking forward to the reward of reaching the end of an excellent hack, but what I got from that was a huge slap in the face. I can't recommend people play a game up until a certain point and then just stop because it's not worth finishing. That's not how games work, at least not for me. And it's sad because I know a number of people in the speedrun community who are turned off of Redesign because of the physics and end up experiencing so little of it, and some of them are excited to be able to play a more accessible, less frustrating version, and be able to appreciate Redesign for the great hack that it is. But Tourian drags it down so much. It was a low point in the original, but really not that bad. This was a thousand times worse.[/spoiler]

This is some fantastic feedback. I hope that Drewseph guy takes it all in. *poke poke* Drewwwwseeephhhh!


Quote from: Elminster on April 05, 2015, 08:29:15 AM
This took me 22 hours so I will post my thoughts tomorrow when I am less tired and cranky.

Edit: Alright so here it is
[spoiler=The Good]* The new physics. Jumps finally get much needed horizontal speed, breaking the water line is made easy instead of damn near impossible, and it's actually possible in most cases to get out of lava/acid traps if you fall in. Quicksand is no longer something I would rather reset than jump out of. The new fall speed is also much better. In the original you fell so fast that it was impossible to get a sense of the rooms during the descent at the beginning of the game.

* The map. Showing the actual shape of rooms as well as the door connections is really handy for navigating. The hint system is also pretty neat, didn't expect it to show stuff like power bomb and speed blocks.

* Most changes made to rooms. Some frustrating rooms were fixed, some turned into puzzles, and many interesting puzzles were added to give a fresh experience even to those who had mastered the original Redesign.

* Short message boxes for minor items and long message boxes for major items. Really minor thing to most people, but it kind of bugs me when people do the instant message box thing in their hack and I get an important item like speed booster and the box just goes away instantly.

* New bomb graphics were a nice touch. Despite the blinding effect of power bombs actually being a bit of an annoyance, I thought it was a really nice touch. The morphing glow was also really neat.

* Rebalancing of enemy damage, and relocation of door caps. The original had a lot of problems in the beginning, with high enemy HP/damage. Sure, this may have been a way to encourage missile use, but the excessive amount of red doors in the beginning of the game with only 5 missiles available to the player, tough enemies in the way, and being stuck in some Brinstar rooms with only a Zeela to farm (these only dropped missiles at full health, otherwise gave you small energy) were some issues I'm glad were addressed here. I don't remember being short on necessary ammo in most places, which is really good. Also less ammo required for crystal flash.

* The increased value of energy pickups was really nice.

* The Lost Caverns felt a lot more like caverns, and less like a Lost Woods style grid, and the symmetry of the solution was really neat. Phantoon's room was also a lot more appropriate for the area.

* The nameplates for new areas are really cool. Especially the ones for subregions like "Crateria Depths".

* Auto-morphing was a pretty neat feature. I was afraid it would go off at times when I didn't want it to, but that never happened. Auto wall jump is also nice as missing wall jumps in the original was very frustrating, although unfortunately this removed the ability to control the distance/height of a single-wall jump.

* Vertical shinespark assist came in handy a couple of times. The decreased crash time, also nice.

* The changes made to x-ray scope controls really came in handy. It allowed to have x-ray on and still be able to run and shoot things relatively freely. This made searching for guardians a lot less painful than it could've been.

Edit: The relocated/added save stations were really nice too, in much better places. Worth an edit to mention.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=The Bad]
* "Fixing" the cooldown of supers hitting a door/wall. This is something I really don't think needed to be fixed and just makes it more annoying to open purple doors and such.

* Removal of crumble jumping. I'm assuming this was done by disabling the jump button when in contact with crumble blocks. Dear lord why. This made already painful things like the power bomb maze in Crateria much worse.

* Space jump. I had a lot more trouble using space jump here than in the original. The auto space jump feature really didn't help me much, often in cases where I wanted to use it I just got hit out of the air by an enemy anyway. I'm not sure why space jump in this was so bad for me, but I suspect it may be a side effect of the slower falling speed.

* Acid damage. Way too much. This combined with space jump being worse caused me to die just trying to traverse one room with acid, late in the game with gravity suit and lots of energy tanks. Obviously acid shouldn't be safe, but even having momentary dips at the bottom of a space jump was deadly. I think it would've been much better if the acid damage curve completely reset after exiting the acid, for any amount of time.

* Speaking of energy tanks, I had a hard time finding any early game. I skipped over the first one in Crateria because I'm used to getting it later at the elevator to Norfair. My fault for skipping it really, but still kind of ridiculous that the first energy tank I got was in the Magmoor style morph ball tunnel. With the heat run being optional, it's understandable that the energy tanks would no longer be provided for free, but taking away the one found out in the open in Brinstar was bad. If anything I think you should've put more tanks out in the open for the player to find, to compensate for not being guaranteed 3 at Norfair. I was planning on challenging myself and doing the hell run, but I couldn't because I was stuck down there with no tanks (and didn't find the one in the refill room until much later).

* This is my fault for not remembering it from the readme, but why did you change the button input for crystal flash? I died trying to crystal flash because I was holding L+R and had no idea why it wasn't working. Also, would've been nice to know beforehand that it only refills 5 energy tanks.

* Changes to grapple physics. Falling like a rock was the only thing wrong with them in the original. I fell many times while grappling because the new vertical boost caused me to bang into the ceiling. The changes already made to the physics would've fixed the problems with grapple on their own, the added grapple boost is just an annoyance.

* Speaking of grapple, grapple gauntlet was extremely underwhelming. The only things unfair here in the original were dropping like a rock because of the physics, and being unable to get out of the acid (again, because of physics). Besides those it was a very rewarding section to complete. The changes to the room made it far too easy. Not even any ripper grappling smh

* Changes to executing shinesparks threw me off and caused me to jump almost every time I was trying to recharge a spark.

* Removal of early screw attack. I was really upset that this couldn't be gotten early. I very much enjoyed the ability to get this early in the original, especially being able to cheese Botwoon as a reward. I even spent a while trying to IBJ to it, and apparently there is some BTS that disables the bomb refill at the lava's height where the gate to screw attack is. I was able to IBJ just fine elsewhere, so this felt really cheap and depriving.

* Speaking of Botwoon, the sandpit in the safe spot. Why. Why did you do this. I pretty much fell into this instantly as the fight started and it forced me to take a giant loop around Maridia again. Really unnecessary and irritating. This also bugged out the map, as it started registering me as one map tile higher than I actually was, and recording those tiles as pink visited instead of the tiles I actually occupied. This also resulted in the hint for space jump never being cleared, since the game thinks I was never in that map square.

* More boss gripes. I remember reading some months ago on IRC that Ridley's damage was to increase from being wounded at Ceres, as well as his health being decreased. This combined with the fact that you are locked into Ridley and GT's area, with a save, has a lot of potential to make the game unwinnable or excessively frustrating. I didn't defeat Ridley at Ceres, but I got a good number of shots in, did not notice a significant decrease to his health, and his fireballs did around 60 damage. I didn't end up finding out how much damage his body did (thanks to screw attack) but I'm sure it was way too much.

* The express elevators. They were a nice touch, but spending 25 missiles on a purple door you come across, finding an elevator, riding it up only to find a locked door, and then having to sit through the ride again on the way down is really annoying. I was a bit less annoyed when I remembered how these worked (opening the door cap on the other side), but when it came to late game I hardly even used these, since I searched for guardians region by region. So they were annoyances early game and I didn't get much out of them late game.

* Last, and definitely least (or not, depending on how you look at it)
[spoiler=Tourian]WHY DID YOU DO THIS. God why. This made me so angry. It pretty much single-handedly ruined the entire hack for me. Turned what was a very positive experience into a very, very negative one. I vaguely remember you saying something on IRC about wanting Axeil edition to make the player feel like Axeil, and if that was what you were going for here, then you very much succeeded. But it does not make for a good hack. Not even close.

I'm not even sure where to start with this one. Let's go with Metroids. These could've posed an interesting challenge but the way they were used was overwhelmingly bad. Specifically, there were way too many Metroid rooms, posing a ridiculous drain on ammo and energy. Also there were far too many rooms where you had to kill 3 Metroids at once before any of them could respawn. One or two of these rooms would've been fine. It would be an appropriately intense challenge if done sparingly. The problem with 3 Metroids is that they don't seem to ever want to latch on 3 at a time. This leaves you waiting to be able to use 5-6 bombs to get the 2 on you off of you, and almost every time the third one will just jump in before you get a chance to even freeze one (and even if you did, it only stays frozen for about one second, which is pretty much useless). Supers are almost required to have any chance of defeating multiple in time, but their drop rate for super missiles is so low that you will run out of them pretty quickly. Also, dying to Metroids introduced an annoying bug: not being able to fire beams upon reloading. I experienced this many times, riding the elevator down from the save point in Crateria, and not being able to open the door and having to hard reset and reload again.

Tourian was basically a giant maze that you needed to navigate to destroy Zebetites and shut off deadly laser beams in your path. Not a bad concept at all, this could've been very enjoyable and a great finish to an epic journey if done right. However, the Metroids severely increased the explorational difficulty to the point where the area long, long overstayed its welcome.

There were two more major flaws. One was the requirement for spring ball jumps in lengthy morph ball tunnels over gaps with a crumble block, where because of the removal of crumble jumping, missing the jump meant that you had to take a giant loop back around, re-enter the tunnel, and roll all the way back through it just to try again. This was in 2 places that I can remember and was absolutely infurating. Dumb reason to have to recover so much ground. The other was accessing the Zebetite in the top left of the map by shinesparking between the death lasers. I ran out of missiles on this Zebetite, and it turned out that because of the ridiculous cooldown on firing supers, 20 super missiles were not enough to destroy it. That is absolutely stupid and I was trapped there, unable to leave because of the death lasers. Lost lots of progress to something very inconspicuous (yay having to redo a ton of really awful Metroid rooms!). No player should ever have to go through this. What the hell were you thinking.

Also, why was there no energy recharge station at the start of Tourian with the ammo station? I found myself having to leave Tourian and go farm Zoas near Botwoon. Huge detour that shouldn't be needed. And since the missile stations now refill all types of ammo, I'm really not sure why you didn't just combine the energy and ammo refill à la Escape II. They're seldom found apart in Redesign anyways (this was seriously the only time I remember seeing one without the other).

[spoiler=The Ugly]I hate to say it, but even with all the good in this remake, the extensive changes made to the physics, mechanics, and level design for ease of play and a fresh new experience, Tourian completely ruined the hack for me. Being very familiar with the original Redesign, having speedrun it and it being one of my favorite hacks, I decided I'd stream myself trying to play this in a single sitting, the result being this 22 hour video, here if anyone's curious about how the experience went for me. I underestimated how long it would take me to reach the end, what with all the new puzzles and new guardian locations, but Tourian was something else. I was delirious and irritable by the end. It was an experience I never want to go through again. I spend all of up until Tourian highly recommending the hack to everyone who stopped by and asked how it was, and after finishing it my answer is: Stay away.

Yes, it's great up until then. But as late into the game as the horror is, it is still part of the game and I cannot exclude it when taking it into account. The ending of a game is still very important. It's what all the hours spent playing the game all lead up to, the reward for finding the way to the end. I spent hours searching for the last few guardians. I didn't mind this because I was looking forward to the reward of reaching the end of an excellent hack, but what I got from that was a huge slap in the face. I can't recommend people play a game up until a certain point and then just stop because it's not worth finishing. That's not how games work, at least not for me. And it's sad because I know a number of people in the speedrun community who are turned off of Redesign because of the physics and end up experiencing so little of it, and some of them are excited to be able to play a more accessible, less frustrating version, and be able to appreciate Redesign for the great hack that it is. But Tourian drags it down so much. It was a low point in the original, but really not that bad. This was a thousand times worse.[/spoiler]

Wow  :whoa:  I've just watched a major portion of your video on twitch and I must applaud you on your perseverance and tenacity.  It's a shame that the 'Bad' and 'Ugly' lists you drew up are so extensive  :cry:

I've just started playing this revised hack and I'm liking the changes I am seeing (only subtle so far) but I'm now wary of what comes later and can see a whole world of pain, frustration and save states that await me...   


Quote from: Elminster on April 05, 2015, 08:29:15 AM
[spoiler=The Bad]
* Speaking of Botwoon, the sandpit in the safe spot. Why. Why did you do this. I pretty much fell into this instantly as the fight started and it forced me to take a giant loop around Maridia again. Really unnecessary and irritating. This also bugged out the map, as it started registering me as one map tile higher than I actually was, and recording those tiles as pink visited instead of the tiles I actually occupied. This also resulted in the hint for space jump never being cleared, since the game thinks I was never in that map square.

After looking at your botwoon fight again, The first time you enter that room and immediately fall through the sandpit was because you were turning while hitting the sand fall (and we all know how quirky samus' turning is with anything that isn't solid. *hinthint crumble blocks*). I've told drew about the map mis-alignment after falling through that sand (Although fixing it seems a bit less obvious than we thought).

The sandpit after falling through botwoon's room...I think that pit might need to be lowered (no one wants to sit through a minute of falling through sand, especially multiple times)

As for the long backtrack to botwoon:
Did you remember that super missile block that you shot opposite the door above botwoon? That should cut down on tedious backtracking.


That is all I have to add for the time being.