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Super Metroid Skill Training

Started by Lunaria, March 26, 2015, 08:59:50 PM

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A small half hack project I started on in the wake of this thread.

I realised that most hacks just drops players in and expects them to be able to do a bunch of tricks such as walljumping naturally. However, people who go straight from vanilla SM might never have learned these skills, tricks, and techniques. This hack is the answer to that!

Skill Training is a half hack that follows standard super metroid progression to as an large extent as possible. However, the terrain has been modified in places to force players to practice a bit more advanced skills. Most of these required tricks places are in safe areas without constant enemies, etc and should provide an ideal environment to gain some skill while still enjoying SM as a whole. A few of the optional expansions requires harder tricks in order to get. BUT! That's not all! In some places the terrain has been modified as well to provide some slightly harder platforming in order to ease players into the more varied and difficulty platforming that certain hacks has. Furthermore, enemies have a very very small boost to the amount of damage they do, so running through enemies mindlessly is a bit more punishing this time around. Lastly, but not least, the hack features a new coat of paint. I realise that this may be hit or miss for some, but I think it helps the experience as a whole.

Mid air morphing!

Single one time wall-jump!

More mid air morphing! (The breakable floor was removed.)

Here is an video if late game Maridia and what tricks and skills the player are asked to do that far in. (Though, I actually mess up the first room, you're supposed to freeze enemies to use as platforms rather than single wall-walljump like I do. :P )

No idea when this is coming out, but it's a fairly small project so it should not that take long to wrap up.


Nice idea!  This would have been nice before I jumped straight into Redesign and had a very very difficult time learning some of these techniques.

It seems like about half (or more?) of hacks include the ability to change up/sideways in mid shinespark.  Plan on implementing this physics, and teaching the player?


For the most part, it was the physics changes that made Redesign tough.

For this hack, I thought you might actually be creating a training hack, with text and arrows on-screen, saying things like 'Jump, then press down twice to morph in mid-air.'  I was thinking of something that looked like Daltone's Grand Prix hacks.

Anyway, this could be fun. :^_^:


altoiddealer: This hack will not feature any physics changes. Most hacks don't change the physics, and those that do vary from each other. This is mostly to aid in learning tricks that are common in many hacks.

Quietus: hmmm, I'm unsure how much enjoyment veteran/expert SM players can get out of this hack...
And no signs or things like that, the terrain should be enough aid.


It would be interesting if you could have the bird guy do a short charge, and maybe flash or change colors or some kind of indication of when you should begin running.

Yeah I know, everyone else knows all the creatures/enemies by their actual names  :eyeroll:

So definitely no shinespark chaining either?  It's a shame because the Shinespark stuff is one of those things it would be good to learn before playing the hacks where those non-vanilla skills are required for many item collects


I can't think of any hack that has shinespark chaining other than redesign to be honest. Plus, there is Zero Mission and Fusion which both has that mechanic if you want to learn it. Lets not forget that redesign is not really open source and none of the resources from it has been released. Even if I wanted to include the physics changes from it, (I don't, that would completely ruin the point of this hack,) I can't.

Really, this is more a broad hack to teach general skills that are commonly used in most hacks. Not a beginners intro to the sweeping physics and mechanics changes that Redesign did.


Quote from: Crys on March 27, 2015, 07:04:34 PM
I can't think of any hack that has shinespark chaining other than redesign to be honest.
Metroid Super Zero Mission has it as well. Though, I've been speedrunning SM for years now I wouldn't need this as much. So, here's to hoping this will help newbies get a better footing on the SM engine!


Quote from: Other peopleStuff about physics challenges
So... a Project Base edition?