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Shinespark of the Day

Started by GF_Kennon, March 20, 2015, 10:06:18 AM

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So people, welcome to the Shinespark of the Day, its more or less a clone of Talk of the Day harharseewhatididthere? but instead of just anything this should be focused on anything related to speed running, if you feel its too generic for a topic, feel free to post your thoughts here.

Also if anyone feels that the topic title is too naff, I can easily change it  :>_>:


Hmm I like the idea of this new board.
Anyhow, to start off, I have some difficulty short charging. I can get in project base but not in the vinilla rom. Makes Shinesparking draygon rather agitating. Any tips?


It's not so much that it's a naff title, but that it doesn't really tell anybody what it's for until you click into it.  Perhaps something more direct like 'Hack Speedrunning - Tricks and Techniques'.

Edit: Derp.  I just done seen da uvver topic. :oh:


I suppose I was going for a play on words of Talk of the Day, trying to keep it themed but I can understand where you come from with that, though I suppose its for more generic talking here, someone could say they are thinking of working on speedrunning X, or ask questions like Cpt.Glitch just there, show off misc videos, or just want to chat about speed running in general, I don't know, just trying to get the board rolling till it takes off under its own momentum.

I would like an interesting name for it, but if people come up with a better name its very easy for us to change it, so yeah, get suggesting names. :P

As for Cpt.Glitch, I know bugger all about short charge, the only thing I ever learned was to push a direction and a split second later hold run down, but I suspect you already know that.


Yea I'm aware of that much. I just saw I video Mst posted on YouTube  (his stardust Draygon video) about it saying to double tap the run button or something like that. Ima try it later. As for the name of the thread, I thought it sounded like a good name lol.


There are multiple ways to short charge actually, and there are two different double-taps that I am aware of. One is double-tapping the run button. But I have found out that I am much more consistent double-tapping the run button instead. (Thanks Dessy)

The first tap is after a couple of steps, and the second tap is shortly after that. (After which you hold it down obviously.) If done right, you can charge it in Draygon's room, which is a really good practice spot.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on March 20, 2015, 11:54:24 AM
Hmm I like the idea of this new board.
Anyhow, to start off, I have some difficulty short charging. I can get in project base but not in the vinilla rom. Makes Shinesparking draygon rather agitating. Any tips?

I'm not very good at the trick itself, much less explaining it, so here are some things you can look at if you want to learn short charging.

Video explaining short charge and how it works using the lights on the path to Tourian as reference

Wiki page on short charging

Index of the Super Metroid speedrunning wiki if you want to check out other things

Also attached is the Magic Pants patch made by Dessyreqt. This makes Samus's legs flash on the frames when the game is checking for your run button to be held. Can help with learning the timing.


Quote from: MetroidMst on March 20, 2015, 12:22:26 PM
One is double-tapping the run button. But I have found out that I am much more consistent double-tapping the run button instead.
That is helpful advice.

Speaking of helpful, here's dbx's tutorial on short charging.

There's also this Magic Pants hack that visually highlights the frame on which you need to tap run in order for the trick to work, which I personally found very helpful for learning the timing.

EDIT: Wow, ninja'd by Elm.


The name of the IPS amuses me more than it should. I'll take a look.


That patch is more handy of you're trying to do the super short charge.  For the less technical charge, Draygon's room is good for practice, as the floor is littered with visual clues that can help with timing.

In the picture below, I've numbered the tiles along the ground from left to right, and from right to left.  Underneath those, I've put numbers where you'll need to press run.  If you start at one end, press and hold forward, then tap run on the number one, then press and hold run when you get to the two.  You should be able to charge your spark, and still have two to three tiles to spare.  For the visual clues in-game, you'll press and hold forward, tap run when you get to where the taller spike meets the goo, then press and hold run when you reach the left-hand edge of the crab.  From the right, it'll be press and hold forward, tap run when you get to the small patch of plant, then press and hold run when you get to the small crab claw in the ground.

Excuse the crude artwork!

Hopefully that'll help. :^_^:


And for the case you need to master the super short charge technique (e.g. for a hack) or want to learn a very optimized method that me and Zoast (and probably others already) use which is quite close to what TASes do, Cpt.Glitch or anyone else, I have a video with lots of explanations in the description and especially in my comment for that video:
So, if one mainly focuses on paying attention to the fast, rapid rhythm and the discrete times in which I hammer onto the Forwards button at the beginning and the Dash button for very short times, respectively, (which one can easily hear since that keyboard does some loud noises there) and practices the super short charge some hours with the rhythms like that, then it should not be that hard anymore to learn this.
Hopefully it helps :)


Little known fact, I was working on an Eris (2009) speedrun back in the day.  Had the route planned, was working on getting it down, then a TAS came out, that used pretty much the route I had planned, and I lost all motivation to work on it.

Also, I won a metconst community Project Base run with a really funky route once, but only because Dessyreqt died (it was realtime).  It involved getting early plasma by crystal flashing in the new room to the left of the Maridian-Crateria elevator.  The Maridia gauntlet I went through was not fun, there was a few places I died at during testruns.

I'm really hyped for speedconst.  I'm not a very good runner myself, but I could see myself maybe getting better, I think speedrunning hacks is really cool. :awesome:

ALSO, I suggest 'Talk of the Spark' as the name of the topic.


I would submit a fusion speed run to start off that, but would  that have to be in real time as well? Also where would I submit.


Right now you probably want to make topics for your runs possibly, the subdomain is going to still be under construction till the main site is finished. (we are getting there!)

I'm not entirely too sure how this place should be run, I imagine you could make a topic for each run of a hack so people can discuss it, I wonder if the system can automatically make a topic for each run thinking about it...

Edit: Make a topic for WIP runs, and then when you finally submit, the forum generates an official run topic, its like a bit of community verification, handy.


Ok. I'll do a Fusion run in a bit. I'll have it on youtube and a movie file. Whatever is preferred.


I also dropped this in IRC, but I figured this was good discussion for the structure of the leaderboards and some community input would likely be best here.

[16:21:27] <person490> So I was thinking about the leaderboards and something came to my mind
[16:22:53] <person490> Specifically with Super Metroid, there's the issue that out of room/OoB travel exists and so does space time and x-ray. Any of these, whether on their own or not, can be enough to finish the game by non-conventional methods.
[16:23:32] <person490> Even though they are methods of beating the game, they really aren't that interesting.
[16:24:28] <LinkaMeister> thats only for glitched runs
[16:24:45] <person490> Let's stop right there.
[16:24:56] <person490> Regular runs use exploits and glitches as well.
[16:25:04] <person490> These are just extremely game breaking ones.
[16:25:26] <person490> And I don't want to immediately jump out and say "arbitrary code execution is bad" or "space time is bad"
[16:25:37] <person490> Because when it comes to any%, ANYTHING is legal.
[16:26:02] <person490> And to limit those, one could use "No Major Glitches"
[16:26:09] <LinkaMeister> true
[16:26:29] <person490> I'm personally opposed to using them but at the same time they are within the rules unless otherwise stated.
[16:26:47] <person490> Felt like this was something worth laying around for people to put some opinions on.


I feel OoB travel in most cases isn't interesting. However, some hacks have X-ray hidden fairly late anyway - I think we just need to play it by ear. If someone goes to the trouble of figuring out the conditions for a game-winning glitch in a hack, I'm not inclined to say no to their submission, but I would seriously think about putting that in it's own sort of category.


Putting that in its own category would be smart. But there would need to be multiple runs like that, or it would just be an awkward category with one submission. Also when are tall general on the IRC? I've got on a few times with no one actively online.

Zero One

People are far more active on IRC now. It's just a matter of idling until something happens, or starting your own conversation.


Could 'Shinespark of the Day' also pertain to playthrough challenges not dictated by speed but instead stuff like low% or no 'upgrade' during 'event/boss'?
I only say this 'cause I've been doing the latter more lately than straight up speedrunning, it's also a fun and fresh take on replaying hacks in different ways.


Probably best in its own category, I should think.  Maybe something like 'Variation Runs', you know, 'cause it has 'Varia' in it. :^_^:


Attempting a Fusion run to submit has been a bust lately. Almost finished a near flawless run until SA-X killed me. Causing rage and the rage caused me to instantaneously shut down my PC.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on March 27, 2015, 11:54:02 PM
Attempting a Fusion run to submit has been a bust lately. Almost finished a near flawless run until SA-X killed me. Causing rage and the rage caused me to instantaneously shut down my PC.

Welcome to speedrunning. Shitty runs will happen. Been there
(Although most of my failed fusion runs come from the boiler room, just before getting spa--wide beam)


The worst death I saw recently was during the recent marathon, where Epic got as nice 'sunrise surprise' from Phantoon. :evilno:


I've had my fair share of good runs that turned sour quickly. Thankfully, I've the self control to not throw the controller out the window in front of me and instead forcefully drop it. So long as you don't break anything (including yourself), put it all down and come back later. If you've had "the run" once, you can get it again. Just be ready to expect it later rather than sooner.