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Introducing Asset of the Month

Started by GF_Kennon, March 16, 2015, 04:07:36 PM

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So MetConstians, its time for a new competition to be thrown into the fray, introducing Asset of the Month, fundamentally this will be very similar to Room of the Month except it revolves around a resource you have created for the community, whether it be a document, patch, hex tweak, some new graphics, or even some nifty assembly for people.

The rules are very similar to how I currently laid Room of the Month out, a work in progress is as follows...

  • Only one submission per person - Only one submission per person per month, collaborations will take up the submission slots of whoever is involved, meaning you can not submit something of your own in the current month.
  • Resources - You are free to submit virtually anything to this, tutorials, graphics, assembly, its all accepted, but it has to be useful to the community in some way.
  • Media - You need to submit some media with your submission, this can be a few screenshots to show off what you have created or perhaps a video detailing, this is optional but recommended.
  • Descriptions - You are allowed to submit a description to go with your file, I suggest short and sweet but there is no limit to what you need to describe.
  • Modifications - As these resources will eventually find their way to the site, you may submit modifications of your work after the cooldown (a fortnight), as this is when we hope to update the main site with the new resources.
  • Updates - You may update your submission once, this is so to avoid you guys spamming my inbox with submissions.
  • Previous Works - Resources may not be submitted from any hacks that have been released, you may submit them to the completed resources topic for the main site however, only new resources shall be accepted.
  • PM - You will now need to PM me your submission, as I will be hosting them on MetConst, please format your subject as Asset of the Month: Month - Year, this is important, I will not accept submissions if they are into the next month forum time.

This is subject to change as we refine it, but hopefully we shall have a brand new exciting competition for you guys, so get HYPED!


It's a nice name and all, but RotM sounds like it might be confused with RotM.

Perhaps we move the words around? 'Monthly Resources'
Or maybe, add an adjective or the like, to make it one more letter? 'Helpful Resources of the Month'
OR PERHAPS, the most obvious, changing the word all together? 'Stuff of the Month'

This is all just suggestions, everyone please feel free to submit your own ideas, please.

OTHERWISE, this sounds like a great thing. Maybe even motivate some lazy people (myself included) to get off their asses and start contributing stuff! :awesome:


Resource sounded better than File but we got a better name now, Asset of the Month, much better.  :awesome: