If you have ever submitted anything to MetConst, please read.

Started by GF_Kennon, March 25, 2015, 12:36:43 PM

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So, you may have all noticed a few changes are happening around here, RotW being retired and replaced with two brand new competitions, SparkConst being created, and a fresh new roster of staff for the site, but some of the biggest changes are yet to come.

So anyway, I would like to ask the community for something, a tally of people who are active right now who have submitted something to the site really, it would be great if you could tell me what you have submitted ontop of that but you do not need to. (it would be helpful though)

And if you are active, I would look out for the biggest change yet, you are all going to love it  :awesome:

Zero One

I made this thing, a guide on editing the non-Mode 7 parts of the title screen.


I submitted two documents. One about changing item names and another about adding new rooms. (Also have some SMILE guides, but those were never submitted to the site.)


There's a handful of hex tweaks I've submitted (all listed under my name) dealing with enemies projectile damages and a few with roomstate triggers. I've written the apparently oh so useful Ins-and-Out Guide to SMILE, a (rather bad) document on working with "disconnected" gates, and also a txt containing info on how certain pointers are structured within the ROM. All of those are also listed under my name on the docs page. Then there's the three pieces of code that exist in the patches section in addition to one that never got added: boop.

I think that should do be it for me. If I remember anything I'll edit.


There's the remote bomb patch, heal/damage BTS blocks and the things that heal/damage constantly during all gameplay. Also Fusion doors but I stole those from Revolution Ex anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm not gonna bother digging up anything from before my multi-year ragequit. Probably sucks anyway. Here's what's recent.

Knockoff Redesign CRE

Colored Samus Item Menu

RevEX 2 Rocks (Tile GFX)

D03F (aka. TOGE) writeup

Randomrocks (Tile GFX)

Fake Aegis (TileGFX)

This list'll be a lot longer after Hyper comes out.


I've not contributed much lately, and A LOT of my stuff is dated, and could use some touch ups.


http://metroidconstruction.com/documents.php?x=top <-- my section here has a lot of outdated guides, reference material

http://metroidconstruction.com/patches.php?x=top <-- my section here has a few things as well

I also contributed heavily to Project Palette, and it has nearly every single palette in the game documented at this point, but I don't know if the most recent version is live, ask Grime.

beyond that.... I can't think of anything else that I've contributed, though I can think of a few things I've wanted to release, but never have, such as a complete list of enemy projectiles (Cardweaver's isn't complete afaik).  I might be assed to contribute stuff again at some point, especially with Asset of the Month being a thing! :awesome:


Does the resource collection count? If so, I posted a tileset in there. Otherwise, I had nothing to contribute sorry. :(

Edit: http://forum.metroidconstruction.com/index.php/topic,145.msg41042.html#msg41042

~ SpoOkyMagician


I submitted a suit palette and black Cacatus in the Collaboration Hunt. That's about it.
EDIT:Just contributed a title screen edit. So now that's it.


I think the only thing I ever really submitted was the backup utility.  Now, don't I just feel like a leech. :grin:


All of my stuff should be in the Collaboration Hunt and Hex Tweaks threads.

  • Hex tweak: prevent E-tanks from modifying current energy on pickup
  • Patches: E-tank and R-tank (reserve) sizing; Weapon Tank item; save station supply refills; and screw attacking frozen enemies.
  • Doc: the reserve-missiles.txt

Of these, only the screw-attack-frozen patch is new enough that it hasn't hit the main site.

It would be nice to have a decent way to get updates published--I feel a little bad about adding posts to the collaboration hunt just for new versions, but I'm afraid editing the older ones won't be noticed.


Quote from: adamf on March 25, 2015, 08:16:47 PM
It would be nice to have a decent way to get updates published--

Maybe this is why I'm asking to see who is around ;)


I can update patches page when I'm done with hacks (will start about april 1st). I'm intersting too of having at least patch page updated.


There's a bunch of custom music I made scattered in the Collab. thread. Two of them have been already submitted to the main site as well as the Flipped Kraid patch. There's also Samus' full sprite sheet here.