The future is now! (Because holy damn, these people are proactive.) (SAD NEWS)

Started by Zhs2, February 26, 2015, 09:21:12 PM

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Metconst started humbly, a college project on GF_Kennon's spare time circa early 2009. It was a small thing, a thing being thrown together mostly out of an IRC channel on a small network known as Espernet by the man himself and advised by a few people, likely counting me, Bloodsonic (now RealRed), squishy_ichigo, Phazar, and a few others. Over time, it got a little bigger, got a few more users, picked up a few new hacks and hackers every now and then, and, whoa, look at all of those patches and new Zebes (maybe a couple BSLs too) we've got sitting on a page on the main site, whether they're for Nintendo or Super Nintendo or even GBA. (I wonder how many people know that exists.) It's been six years, and you all likely missed its birthday exactly last week (shame on all of you! me included) but throughout it all we've had many discussions, many many posts, a few races, plenty of Youtubers, quite a few Doom servers, a Mumble server, and, of course, that classic IRC channel. (Maybe a few offshoot channels, too!) This post isn't about the future of Metconst, however, as Metconst is going to keep growing, keep improving, and keep receiving all of your wonderful contributions. I hear some plans are in the works for a few revamps, even! This post is about the future of another certain figurehead who's likely been around for a long time. Who is it, you ask? Well, that's probably certainly obvious to a few of you by now, and for the rest of you it will be painfully obvious.

Who am I? I am Zhs2, known as Ezekiel Sitkoff IRL and Chizuari to the world of IRC because I'm silly like that. I have a barebones website at (If you're interested, you might want to visit it soonish! The server behind it will disappear in a month!) and not much else to say for myself in life, living, and society. I went to college for a time for a degree, but I've never acted on that for employment; likewise, I've been living out of my grandmother's house for just about the past five years and she passed away two months ago. The estate's affairs will be settled within the month and my future, as a result, is up in the air for me to decide; as an author with no real desire to release the work I've been cobbling together for going on four years now, from about the time I realized what kind of occupation I'd like more than a stuffy desk job (but isn't really realistic on its own in terms of paying the bills), I am conflicted about my choices in continued living: one of them being working full-time with my dad's lawn business, which would allow me the time but less so the energy to continue working on other projects I've started and need to finish, or set off on my own to find a place in this world, which everyone tells me sucks but I'm more than willing to go the mile of traveling by foot or by hitchhike. Maybe even by airplane. It all sounds cool to me.

What does this mean for Metconst, specifically? Why did some shithead who let that guy Project run around being his crony need to post about his inevitable retirement? I dunno, you tell me. I'd think it'd be cool to lurk as a fake red title to reach out and snap somebody in his admin crocodile jaws for being a douche every once in a while, but while I'm not planning on doing so - and while my future shakes cataclysmic at the staggering amount of choices before me - the supreme overlord deemed a change of staff necessary, and likely for the better. I've been slacking at a lot of things, though the only real project was Top Hacks; I had wanted to create a directory dependent build with which to create pages and content in without needing to copy the structure every time, but my motivation said otherwise. As it is, I've been somewhat of a vigilante for Metconst's sake; if there was somebody who did wrong, usually excessively, I yelled at him first, sent him a warning second, and banned him third - that was my only real policy, and though I've shared this sort of system with the rest of the staff, it'd be up to them to incorporate it from now on.

With my change in posture here at Metconst, the rest of the community will need to buddy up with two dudes who are pretty cool in order to gain mass swag and favor:

  • Deep Space Observer (congrats, now you know his acronym) is to be the new Administrator of Metroid Construction Forums, not to exclude a high position on Metconst's IRC channel. But he's not alone, with...
  • thedopefish assuming a respectable last-say position for #metconst the IRC channel, as well as editing for the main site.
With all that said, I'm going back to Minecraft. Got to have fun until I've not got any time left for fun! Oh, and sorry to those of you who missed the imprint of a tire iron in their skulls. You're going to have to find a new dominatrix from now on.


Thanks for keeping the place up and running and controlling the fools on the forums for all these years. Best to ya friend.


Good luck to you Zeke (and grats on your going away post being your 1800th.  WAS IT ALL PLANNED?).  I'll try to keep the place together in your absence.


I wish you the best of luck with whatever it is you choose to do.

You've been a great Admin over the years, and I know not everyone will agree with me on that, but its how I feel. We've had our squabbles in the past, but know that I have the utmost respect for you and all the things you did for us.  I'm sad to see you go, but life goes on. As someone who's 'quitforever' myself, I can only say I hope to see you around.


Good luck with whatever you get stuck into next, Zhs2.  Thanks for helping to build a place I like to hang out. :glomp:


Thank you for everything you did, Zhs2! This place became my home. This place made me who I am now. Even when I was leaving for a some time (long and not so long) I always wanted to return here. I'll miss our dooming coops. Maybe we'll play again sometimes. I hope I'll make a better connection then.

And I understand you right now, as no one else. My world is crushing too right now. We can talk about this in PM if you want to.

And I'll try to make the ultimate hack collection in our site by adding most of existing hacks to the main site (my current goal) and then it's time to update the patches. A lot of work, actually.

About the last sentence: don't worry, I found one.