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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, February 22, 2015, 11:38:27 PM

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When this hack get released I'll need to cover all my expensive electronics with something that's easily disposed of and will keep them clean.


One part of me hopes that you mean you'll be drooling over the gorgeous graphics, but the other part of me knows that's likely not the bodily fluid you're referring to. :O_o:


Who knows, maybe both!  :awesome: :portal: :shocking:

Been diggin' on everything I've seen so far. It's also nice to finally see the percentage and time displayed on the pause screen; something I feel (and was too lazy to work on myself :heheh:) has been long overdue.


Yeah, I'm hoping those are things that will become staples for a lot of hacks, as there's no real down side.


This hack will require jizz guards for your monitors and television screens, you can purchase them at your local home hardware, home depot, walmart and other services that offer hyper jizz protection.



Quote from: WindowHead on April 06, 2015, 12:41:52 AM
This hack will require jizz guards for your monitors and television screens, you can purchase them at your local home hardware, home depot, walmart and other services that offer hyper jizz protection.

I checked in my local home hardware, home depot & walmart stores for a jizz guard but they didn't have any  :pwuh: :nowai:  However, I managed to find a porn site on the internet that sold them  :grin:


Hyper metroid = super metroid porn?


Quote from: ianfrombristol on April 06, 2015, 07:04:39 AMI checked in my local home hardware, home depot & walmart stores for a jizz guard but they didn't have any
Perhaps you should have asked a member of staff?  Preferably an old gal, who won't have a clue what you're on about, and will make an announcement over the PA system. :grin:

Quote from: RealRed on April 06, 2015, 09:53:50 AM
Hyper metroid = super metroid porn?
Nah, Hyper Metroid = Oh, my pert ride.  Her dirty poem. :razz:


Don't even bother. Just... play this hack anywhere except in the room where you sleep. Please.


The hype is real. Err.... Samus, whatacha doing?


Two birds exploring tight spaces together?  Count me in. :wink:


Just going to drop these here :)

EDIT: Final Hyper Metroid Logo DONE! See latest post!


Just going to drop this here :)


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Samus is such a hottie. :grin:


@RealRed Final Version, hope you like it!


Do us a favour and release it early lol.. :P

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: maxipower on April 13, 2015, 07:54:49 PM
Do us a favour and release it early lol.. :P
That would require it being finished. He set the release date as the 18th for a reason. It's going to be finished on the 18th.


you guys have already done most of the waiting, and the hack will show the wait was worth it. Just a little longer.


Looking forward to it. :^_^: It'll give me something that's worth playing. :^_^:


20 minutes!




Excellent, I thought it was tomorrow (got my dates wrong)


[spoiler]Alright, so I'm only a few minutes in, and I feel I'm permastuck right away. I've gone into the shaft where I collected Missiles. 2 rooms ahead, there's a gate thing, with strange looking graphics. In the tall room, there's Crumble blocks where I came in, and Crumble Blocks on the way out, but it's 1-tile tall, so I need Morph. I must be missing something here. I've tried Missilling the gate and stuff.[/spoiler]
Anybody help?