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General Fusion Discussion

Started by FelixWright, January 23, 2015, 08:03:32 PM

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And I have found something all of you should see. (If you haven't, already.)

0911 Prototype: [spoiler]

Basically that link takes you to the september 11, 2002 prototype of Metroid: Fusion.
This includes everything the prototype had, and in some extraordinary detail.

Let's get a little more specific with what you people may be interested in. These will link to subtopics of the page:

Obviously, this shows all unused text in-game, and will explain whether it was in that version or the final.

There isn't too much of interest here except for what I found interesting: The cockpit from the prototype. I feel like that would fit the ship a LOT better, so I have no idea why it was removed and replaced.

Layout changes seem interesting for examination of level design. Honestly, though? We've practically seen all of this already.

Unused rooms...Some /or all/ of these are still in the final! This is of particular interest if you like messing with rooms. Likely more to explain here, but I am too lazy.

More unused stuff...Many of these sounds and things are just beeps, but there are actually some really cool things to find in here. It makes me wonder if they are anywhere in the final ROM...

Probably only useful for the prototype rom. It's another version of the Debug screen.


Final Releases: [spoiler]

A mapping of all events in order from the Debug menu. This could be useful if you're trying to remove mess with the event system.

meh, I bet EVERYONE knows about all the missing rooms in MF. But jic I posted this if nobody had seen the alternate neoridley room that had its own tileset.

This ranges from enemies to spritesets of other things. Take a careful look at the chozo statue; The beam obtain system would have likely been the same as any other Metroid game if that was in place of the other statue.

Oddly, a track or two weren't discussed in the prototype page: So here it is again for final product.

Not too much you don't know already; but if that event system is ever broken, it would seem nice to know that you can single walljump with screw attack.

Are we so sure that difficulty settings are ONLY in the JP version? Likely. Sounds to me like that one should be given a translation since it also has some bugfixes.[/spoiler]

Just a couple images as well. (from Metroid2002)


UPDATE! I've been playing around with MF on my 1% run. (Yakuza is a bee-yotch.)

I've come to notice a few things:

When you have the default suit and you are hit by the SA-X, your health drops to 01. It is unconfirmed whether a second ice beam shot will kill you or not.

When you obtain the varia suit, being hit by ice beam will instantly kill you if you don't have an energy tank or three.

When you shinespark into something horizontally, you can pseudo wall-jump as soon as you are able to move again. I hear no walljump sounds, nor see the animation, so this could just be a fun little suprise to know.

If you jump and aim directly down before you hit peak and start falling again, most noticeably in rooms which have an upwards scroll, you can see samus jiggle a little.

To make chargebeam have a much smaller/quieter sound, release chargebeam, and in that same instant hit the "R" key. Sometimes it's muted by missile arming, sometimes it makes a more tiny release sound.

Hopefully more to come!


Quote from: FelixWright on January 24, 2015, 11:00:23 AMTo make chargebeam have a much smaller/quieter sound, release chargebeam, and in that same instant hit the "R" key. Sometimes it's muted by missile arming, sometimes it makes a more tiny release sound.
This technique is used by speedrunners: it allows the player to shoot without Samus' spinjump being cancelled.  :^_^:


Quote from: Jefe962 on January 25, 2015, 05:18:17 AM
Quote from: FelixWright on January 24, 2015, 11:00:23 AMTo make chargebeam have a much smaller/quieter sound, release chargebeam, and in that same instant hit the "R" key. Sometimes it's muted by missile arming, sometimes it makes a more tiny release sound.
This technique is used by speedrunners: it allows the player to shoot without Samus' spinjump being cancelled.  :^_^:

That's pretty awesome to find out!


Pressing up on one of these mantle points w/o morphball lets you watch samus try to squeeze into the hole and fail.


Excepting standing on surfaces, the only places samus can use beam/missile weapons is in the air/on a vertical/horizontal rung.

That being said, samus can fire her beam on the typical mantle point:

If the player fully charges the beam and releases it.

Yakuza seems to be able to catch samus in the bottom left corner of the screen every time he fires his fireballs on the right side of the screen, regardless of how religious she is at hugging walls in morphball mode.


I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but all of that info is pretty basic and has been known since the game came out.

Yakuza can reach any point on the floor, depending on its starting position. Morphing in the corners is relatively safe, but you still have to react to where Yakuza is going.


I never go to the left. I guess cause I became a firm believer in hiding in the Right Corner at a young age. I hated getting repeatedly killed by that damn spider; when I tried cornertucking, it did not disappoint.

Anyway im not actually sure what this topic is, but it reminded me of some things that fit in with some of the other stuff on here:

if you shoot and spinjump at the same time, both beams and missiles fire lower, as if while crouched. I think it also shoots from slightly farther back.

Samus's speed is added to the speed of projectiles, so the angle of diagonal shots can be manipulated slightly. (most noticeably with missiles)
[spoiler]This mechanic opens the only way to break the sequence without doing incredible shinespark combos or walljump-morph-twitching your way up a wall.[/spoiler]


Quote from: raygun on December 11, 2015, 03:40:25 PM
if you shoot and spinjump at the same time, both beams and missiles fire lower, as if while crouched. I think it also shoots from slightly farther back.
Same with morphing and shooting at the same time.

Quote from: raygun on December 11, 2015, 03:40:25 PM
Samus's speed is added to the speed of projectiles, so the angle of diagonal shots can be manipulated slightly. (most noticeably with missiles)
Only Samus's X velocity is added.

I'm not sure the point of this topic either. Most of the info here is fairly basic stuff that's already known. None of this is exactly hacking related...


Unless you're interested in the OP, There is no real reason this is here for anyone other than me. So if you're looking for someone with a breakthrough or an unoriginal idea/thought, this is not the topic

This is just a place where I record "strange occurrences".

Quote from: biospark on December 11, 2015, 04:52:30 PMI'm not sure the point of this topic either. Most of the info here is fairly basic stuff that's already known. None of this is exactly hacking related...
Hacking Metroid Fusion? What's that? Hate to disappoint, but as long as Adam is in the game and manages events, Metroid Fusion will not see the light of day as far as mods go. Mods are stuck with stock story which means same game different maps.


Quote from: FelixWright on December 14, 2015, 12:34:43 PMHacking Metroid Fusion? What's that?
Assuming you're serious here, it's the editing of the original game to create a new world to explore.

Biospark has posted loads of stuff recently in the Screenshot thread.


Quote from: Quietus on December 14, 2015, 06:02:37 PM
Quote from: FelixWright on December 14, 2015, 12:34:43 PMHacking Metroid Fusion? What's that?
Assuming you're serious here, it's the editing of the original game to create a new world to explore.

Biospark has posted loads of stuff recently in the Screenshot thread.

Well, well! Someone is actually getting somewhere with the GBAtroids this time! I'm assuming that this editor can modify both games, yes?

I've been snooping through your channel Biospark, and I've got to say I am thoroughly impressed. VERY impressed

Ignore my last post, I've been too ignorant to look around much. There's one thing I'd like to request: In MF, being hit by the SA-X's ice beam in your basic suit drains samus to 1HP. After that, it drains 300-400NRG. In my 1% runs, all I have is 99HP, and I literally get one-shot by the ice beam in my varia suit. Do you think you may be able to implement this "1HP" to varia/gravity?


Quote from: FelixWright on December 15, 2015, 08:12:13 AMI'm assuming that this editor can modify both games, yes?
I believe so, yes.

Quote from: FelixWright on December 15, 2015, 08:12:13 AMDo you think you may be able to implement this "1HP" to varia/gravity?
I doubt this would be too difficult to do, however it wouldn't be a priority while Biospark is working on the editor. Once that's up and running, then people can essentially begin putting the donkey work in to find out how to make whatever changes they wish to make.


Oh wow, I don't follow the screenshot thread either; that's magnificent progress! (Y)


Quote from: P.JBoy on December 15, 2015, 08:56:17 AM
Oh wow, I don't follow the screenshot thread either; that's magnificent progress! (Y)

You think that's good, you should check out his Channel!


Quote from: Quietus on December 15, 2015, 08:55:36 AM
I doubt this would be too difficult to do, however it wouldn't be a priority while Biospark is working on the editor. Once that's up and running, then people can essentially begin putting the donkey work in to find out how to make whatever changes they wish to make.
Yep. I don't have a lot of free time, so I can only dedicate it to my personal projects. I'm sure I'll get bombarded with personal requests like this once I release the editor, but it's not worth the time and effort for me. I'd much prefer if people started learning gba asm, so it's not just a one-man show when it comes to gba metroid hacking. In this case, it would be a very easy hack (probably a single branch statement).


Quote from: biospark on December 16, 2015, 02:46:01 AM
Quote from: Quietus on December 15, 2015, 08:55:36 AM
I doubt this would be too difficult to do, however it wouldn't be a priority while Biospark is working on the editor. Once that's up and running, then people can essentially begin putting the donkey work in to find out how to make whatever changes they wish to make.
Yep. I don't have a lot of free time, so I can only dedicate it to my personal projects. I'm sure I'll get bombarded with personal requests like this once I release the editor, but it's not worth the time and effort for me. I'd much prefer if people started learning gba asm, so it's not just a one-man show when it comes to gba metroid hacking. In this case, it would be a very easy hack (probably a single branch statement).

I admire how you spend your free time doing something like this.

The last time I tried learning ASM I was in a tutorial that told me to mess with hexadecimal values. Is ASM in itself a language like Java, C++, Python, etc.?


Quote from: FelixWright on December 16, 2015, 10:27:33 AMIs ASM in itself a language like Java, C++, Python, etc.?
The short answer is yes.


Quote from: Quietus on December 16, 2015, 10:59:47 AM
Quote from: FelixWright on December 16, 2015, 10:27:33 AMIs ASM in itself a language like Java, C++, Python, etc.?
The short answer is yes.

This interests me. Is it not possible to "decompile" this assembly language into a text editor and edit the rom from there?


Not that there was question over Quietus' post, but he is correct. The first few paragraphs of this page sum it differences between high and low level languages fairly well I believe.

In the case of decompiling the assembly in question, you'll want something more readable, like a hex editor and some reference for which type of assembly you're looking at (SNES is 65c816 assembly where GBA is ARM/Thumb). Despite the hexeditor showing you everything in characters between 0-F, the reference should help you figure out which instruction is which, and provide a fair idea of what's going on. Debuggers are really useful for this as well.


I use the no$gba debugger to read the asm step by step. I use breakpoints to find the relevant asm I'm looking for. Finding existing routines and understanding how they work is an essential first step for creating the type of hacks you see on my youtube channel. I can give names to any useful addresses I find by putting them in a text file. no$gba will read the text file and replace the addresses with the provided labels, which makes reading the asm easier. Once I understand all of the relevant routines, I can use a text editor to write my own custom asm, which is then compiled into a modified rom.


Quote from: biospark on December 16, 2015, 05:56:36 PM
I use the no$gba debugger to read the asm step by step. I use breakpoints to find the relevant asm I'm looking for. Finding existing routines and understanding how they work is an essential first step for creating the type of hacks you see on my youtube channel. I can give names to any useful addresses I find by putting them in a text file. no$gba will read the text file and replace the addresses with the provided labels, which makes reading the asm easier. Once I understand all of the relevant routines, I can use a text editor to write my own custom asm, which is then compiled into a modified rom.
Interesting enough! I may have to hop onto quakenet and see if anyone's interested in teaching ASM. I went ahead and got a bunch of docs from romhacking to help myself


Until Biospark's editor is out, I'm using DH to remove locked/white doors in fusion for fun. There are some rooms I want to play with that don't have doors, how do I add them?