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Uncooperative horizontal metal gate (Enemy D57F)

Started by RealRed, October 04, 2014, 11:37:10 PM

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Alright, so I'm trying to use it for its intended purpose, I think. Creating a platform. (is this thing even used in-game?)
For some reason, when shot, it just moves back and forth, forever.
I've tried matching all of its settings *exactly* to the vertical moving gates found in pink brinstar, which do actually stop. In my hack only, however, these gates keep going up and down forever.
The vertical gate's text doc in smile mentions a "set [shutter special] to stop the shutter from moving", but... Shutter special? What?

Also, while posting, I realized I might not be able to use this for the effect I was hoping for: platforms samus can place for the Dachora. Is there any way to make these enemies act as solid blocks for other enemies to stand on? Or... Are there any alternate solutions for making appearing platforms?


Change the graphics format to $FFFF. Normal SMILE can't do this though, so you'll need to use a hex editor. Go to the location of the enemy population in the room, and locate the enemy you want to change (each enemy is $10 bytes, so enemy index $03 would be $30 bytes after the start of the population data). From here, change the 10th and 11th bytes to $FFFF, and save it.


There is also no simple way of making enemies solid to other enemies, without custom collision detection code. The dachora would fall right through the gates. You could have a routine running in the room which checks the location of the gates and changes some block types to solid/air though.


Alright, it works. Thanks once again Scyzer!
I think I've come up with a decent workaround that isn't too hackish or crappy. It's probably better this way because the Dachora will never actually fall.

However, and now I derail the purpose of my own topic, there's only one problem associated with this solution, and that's this:

How would I make these appear as "invisible" or "see-through" to the X-ray visor? And while I'm at it, can I (easily) make samus's shots pass through them?

EDIT: problem solved, moving on. Change BC at 91D3B6 to FF.


Quote from: Bloodsonic on October 04, 2014, 11:37:10 PM
Alright, so I'm trying to use it for its intended purpose, I think. Creating a platform. (is this thing even used in-game?)
For some reason, when shot, it just moves back and forth, forever.
I've tried matching all of its settings *exactly* to the vertical moving gates found in pink brinstar, which do actually stop. In my hack only, however, these gates keep going up and down forever.
The vertical gate's text doc in smile mentions a "set [shutter special] to stop the shutter from moving", but... Shutter special? What?
All you had to do is click on a button under Orientation box once.
I guess, I should describe this better.