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Community Stardust Race

Started by MetroidMst, September 30, 2014, 01:40:47 PM

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Well i managed that 0:23 last night despite accidentally turning my controller off during draygon and wasting a lot of time. Now to try a Varialess run...


All my boss battles are good. (MB is the hardest due to low energy tanks). Room movement is pretty good too. But for some reason I can't get below 26 or 25. I usually end up with 25 missiles, 10 pb (need those for draygon), and 20-25 supers, and 6-7 e tanks.


It's all about finding little tricks to speed stuff up, i've learned a lot from watching others. I usually finish with 15 missiles, 20 supers, 5 pbs and 8 e-tanks (stand-up and all that) but I waste time getting hi-jump and screw attack which if I was better I wouldn't get.


I see what you mean. I would have got at least 24 on my last run but my Draygon fight went horrible. Also Spore spawn went a bit slow because I missed a shot. I even had some pretty good room movement I might add.   Ended up getting 27 again.  :<_<: Even with Zebetite skip. Finding a better way to beat Phantoon would help too.  :rocket:


So I said I'd upload a video. Ain't the case anymore since I apparently can't upload videos 15+ minutes in length anymore despite there being a 54 minute long video before hand... In any case, rewatching my run has shown me the Mother Brain's tank form will fall with only 9 missiles and 10 supers! :grin: Go ahead and give that a whirl if you're feeling really brave in the race. I think that would also cut the fastest minimum percentage down to 20% (18% if you don't collect Ice and Plasma).


I may consider getting Screw Attack. (I was skipping it FYI.) I don't think I will fair well in the race without it. (It will make Ridley much easier...) I also tried to Zebetite skip and I just can't seem to do it. I did get partially stuck in the wall but, I didn't get though. :\ I'll try watching the video again or something. I just can't seem to get it yet. I also noticed, if your not careful enough at saving your supers, mother brain can be near impossible to kill. (The glass form.) Leaving the room, the glass respawns... -_-'

I am considering 25 missiles, 25 Supers, 5 Powerbombs, Both Suits, Bombs, High Jump, Speed Booster, Ice, Wave, Charge, and Screw Attack.

Edit: If I don't learn to do Zebetite skip, I may need a few more Missiles/Supers. Going back/recharging will just waste time.

~ SpoOkyMagician


You get stuck in the wall if you don't spin jump or don't jump high enough or aren't invincible (it's very easy to do that, i often do that 2/3 times before i get it). Yes the glass respawns, so if you're worried you don't have enough, save your supers and refill your missiles. Also, i think i requires just 9 missiles and 9 supers (make sure to use 6 of those 9 missiles on unbroken glass tank).

Okay so person and I were talking and it is a huge time waste to get Hi-Jump, so I personally wouldn't bother. If you can't super short charge just gravity jump (there's a large margin on this) or ibj out of Draygon's room.


I'll try skipping High Jump. I have my doubts about it but, can't hurt to try. (Need to try getting screw attack as well and see what I need to change.)

Edit: Okay, I can shinespark out of Draygons. I am still unsure of my Ridley fight. I feel like I am wasting my time using charge shots. Although, I will need all my missiles/supers for MB and such... I'll do a recording and see what happens...

Edit: Well, I did fine on Ridley. I think I can manage with charge shots/screw attack. I got to MB and ran out of missiles/supers again... I highly doubt I will get the skip. I also need to practice the shinespark out of Draygons room. I need to perfect it or I will just waste time. I had a good run but, I deleted the recording. It was bad... I'll keep practicing and post one once I get a decent run.

Edit: Meh, It will be faster to just IBJ out of Draygon... -_-'

~ SpoOkyMagician


using charged shots is only slightly slower, but having to grind for ammo after makes it the much faster option. I don't use any ammo between killing draygon and shooting MB.


I can't get past 27 now xD. Whe. I skip high jump I got down to 26. I guess I just need to work on my skills. As long as I'm not last in my first race I'm all good.


Yeah, I dunno if I wanna race this anymore. I got a disappointing 28 minutes with 33%... I don't want to change my route beyond this... I am fairly sure, I will place last at this rate. There is a very small chance if someone died/screws up but otherwise, I don't see any point in joining at this rate.

~ SpoOkyMagician


The point isn't just to win. (It is better if everyone tries though.) But hanging out with the goal of completely smashing a hack the best we can.


I haven't even had time to practice yet so you're more than likely not going to place last  :lol:


Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on December 01, 2014, 08:43:00 PM
I am fairly sure, I will place last at this rate. There is a very small chance if someone died/screws up but otherwise, I don't see any point in joining at this rate.
Naw you should still race. I mean, I would love to place first but I'm just glad I'm gonna be in a race with some cool people on YouTube. If I get last, I won't be mad per se, but It would still have been fun to be apart of.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on December 01, 2014, 08:06:05 PM
As long as I'm not last in my first race I'm all good.
Provided vismund runs this one blind too, there's no way anyone can come last.

Don't kick yourself spooky. The first race I took part in (Legacy), out of those who practiced, I came last. But mst raises a very good point: It's not just about the race. Enjoy yourselves (and don't DNF). Despite my legacy run wasn't the greatest, I still had fun.


Yeah, perhaps I sounded too frustrated. (Partially because I am. I am somewhat competitive but, I know how to draw the line and just have fun.) I just wish I was a little faster at this. *shrugs* Oh well... :eyeroll: I'll join in just for the hell/fun of it though. :^_^:

edit: Bah, my video resolution got cut off... I need to work on my settings in OBS... Oh well. I fell asleep earlier so I didn't get a chance to check until now.

~ SpoOkyMagician


If anybody is interested, I can upload a run tonight.  It might give a few ideas for people's runs?  Let me know if you're interested. :^_^:



That would be good Quietus, we all want to reach those 0:19s and 0:20s like you :grin:


Quote from: Jordan5 on December 02, 2014, 06:28:06 AM
That would be good Quietus, we all want to reach those 0:19s and 0:20s like you :grin:
Given the practice I've done over the last few days, I could possibly manage 00:20 in-game. If phantoon and ridley behave, maybe 00:19. I may upload a run of that some point this week. At least it's not just dessy going fast this time.


If anyone joining wants to see my minimalistic time run of the hack:

If you have suggestions, please let me know. However, I really do not want to get wave beam before gravity. (I know it's slower but, IDC.)

~ SpoOkyMagician


Great to see so many people interested in this.  And it seems a lot of folks keep pushing their times down--should be a good race!  Better get back to my practice.


Quote from: MetroidMst on December 02, 2014, 06:27:35 AM
Do it! Just don't be bad.
Look 'ere, you!  I haven't died on my way to Morph in Aegis. :nowai:


A lot of my movie files keep borking. Like it'll show me standing there and not moving randomly into it I'll have to recorded another run. My most recent run didn't mess up, but it's only 27 and I already have a vid of me getting 27. Anyone know why the movies are doing that?


Depends on what your using to record with.

If emulator movie recording, I have no idea. I never used it before. I know its possible though. (you might wanna ask other users in this topic.)

If another capture software, please post what it is. Also, google helps sometimes.

~ SpoOkyMagician