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Community Stardust Race

Started by MetroidMst, September 30, 2014, 01:40:47 PM

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Got mine down to 27. I could save a bit of time and energy if I actually did the zebetite skip correctly for once. :nope:


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on November 23, 2014, 12:36:43 AM
Got mine down to 27. I could save a bit of time and energy if I actually did the zebetite skip correctly for once. :nope:

If you manage to zebetite skip in stardust i'll be very impressed :heheh:


Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 22, 2014, 12:58:34 PM
Just got a :34 on a routing run (where I didn't have a route planned in advance) with 29%.
29%? I can barley get mine to 39%.  :blush: That's pretty darn impressive IMO.


Quote from: Jordan5 on November 23, 2014, 07:07:06 AMIf you manage to zebetite skip in stardust i'll be very impressed :heheh:

You must have missed my prior post:
Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 22, 2014, 08:13:38 PM

Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on November 23, 2014, 07:52:45 AM
Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 22, 2014, 12:58:34 PM
Just got a :34 on a routing run (where I didn't have a route planned in advance) with 29%.
29%? I can barley get mine to 39%.  :blush: That's pretty darn impressive IMO.

Here's what I collected:

charge beam
ice beam
wave beam
plasma beam

varia suit
gravity suit


speed booster

7 energy tanks
2 reserve tanks

20 missiles
20 super missiles
5 power bombs

I must have mistyped 29%... I'm pretty sure that's all I got (27%), and the route that I have planned out currently is actually 23% (I won't be getting varia or the reserve tanks, and hopefully not ridley's missile again.) I can probably cut it down to 10 missiles as well without any dire consequences, having 20 supers is really nice in that way. But I'll have to do more testing and see.

EDIT: I forgot to include the power bomb and missile in the escape, so I did infact complete with 29%.


Quote from: Jordan5 on November 23, 2014, 07:07:06 AM
If you manage to zebetite skip in stardust i'll be very impressed :heheh:
I was trying zebetite skip this morning. And I seem to be very consistent with it.

Seems like this is going to be an interesting race, dessy, unlike the legacy race. fucking ridley
My best run so far is 35:39 real-time, 00:24 in-game and 32% (which could be be cut down to 22%)

[spoiler=Theoretical 22% list]
4 Energy tanks
10 Missiles
15 Supers
Power bombs
Escape Power bombs and missiles

Every beam (minus Spazer)

Varia Suit
Gravity Suit

Morph ball & bombs
Screw attack
Speed booster (Yes dessy. I know it boosts my speed)

I'm not sure which would be faster: Skipping varia to collect e-tanks for the stand up glitch or to get varia and skip the e-tanks.

UPDATE [23/11/2014]:
Last run was 33:15 real time, 00:23 in-game and 23%


Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 23, 2014, 12:33:47 PM
Quote from: Jordan5 on November 23, 2014, 07:07:06 AMIf you manage to zebetite skip in stardust i'll be very impressed :heheh:

You must have missed my prior post:
Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 22, 2014, 08:13:38 PM

You're right, I did. Didn't know it was possible without a platform, guess that'll save me a few minutes in my run :^_^:



Don't know if anyone is interested, but here's my most recent run (This is also the last practice run I'll upload for this race. I don't want to end up with 30 videos just being stardust practice).

33:15 Real time
00:23 In-game
23% Items[/spoiler]


So I did a little testing, but it seems like going Phantoon first (and skipping Varia for 7 ETs) is about 15 seconds faster than getting Varia first. What does that mean? Really, it means both routes are competitive and you should try both to see which you like better. Personally, I'm a fan of going Phantoon first, but doing the hell run isn't too bad either.


I personally, prefer the Phantoon route, and now the I've realized I can shinespark out of Draygon's room, I can skip high jump.


Also, if you struggle with consistent spark charging, you could just do an IBJ with a mid-air start.  It only takes 3-4 seconds to get back up. :^_^:


I've been putting this off for a while now... I should probably practice this again soon... Also, going to Phantoon first? :pwuh: I never even thought about that... Interesting... Although, I think I am gonna stick with varia first. I just need to determine what items I can cut out of my run. I am thinking about collecting MORE supers and MUCH less missiles. (That may ruin my Draygon fight...) Dunno yet though. :nope: I'll probably try it... the 29th or so... (if not then, December for sure.) I'll do a recording again as well. (Just for the fun of it/analysis.) Anyway, it's late so, I'll check in later.

Edit: Any idea of what day in January yet? Any discussion on that yet?

~ SpoOkyMagician


A fixed date will most likely not appear until much nearer the time.

As for the run, I was on course for another 0:20 last night, then I had a stupidly slow Ridley fight.  The bugger just seemed to fly everywhere he possible could that made him off-screen. :mad:

I'm sure 0:19 is possible with cleaner room strategies too, and possible less if you can toss in things like the Metroid skip.  Go, go, go! :>:


Quote from: Quietus on November 27, 2014, 05:17:40 AM
I was on course for another 0:20 last night

I was on course for 0:23 last night (which i was really happy about) but screwed up the zebetite skip. There's no way i'm going to make it anywhere near 00:20 :nowai:


There's nothing wrong with 0:23.  If you're looking to improve it, then it's really the same stuff you'd do in any run: Better bosses, better room traversal, and mastering those one or two specific tricks.

(Over, and over, and over...) :neutral:


Quote from: Jordan5 on November 27, 2014, 10:46:00 AM
I was on course for 0:23 last night (which i was really happy about) but screwed up the zebetite skip. There's no way i'm going to make it anywhere near 00:20 :nowai:
Don't feel bad, I only got to 25 so far and I doubt I can get much lower.


25 Minutes sounds about where I should be as well. I don't really see myself doing it much faster than that. :neutral: As long as it is relatively fast, I am okay with it. :nod:

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: Quietus on November 27, 2014, 05:17:40 AM
I'm sure 0:19 is possible with cleaner room strategies too, and possible less if you can toss in things like the Metroid skip.  Go, go, go! :>:
In comparison to vanilla baby skip, it doesn't seem plausible off of the one attempt I tried since the floor is raised up around where the third jump would be. Not to say that there isn't another method of going about it though. I just wouldn't have a clue what that would be. :neutral:

I any case, I've yet to do any major practice. I do have what I think is a nice method for beating Bomb Torizo however:
To start, you'll need 10 missiles before heading back to the landing site. I'd recommend the first one outside of Morph Ball and then the second in the hidden morph tunnel on the way out. Opening the pink door will leave you with 5 going in, which is fine.

When the fight starts, you'll want to be in the middle of the left tile of the left platform in the middle of the room (that's a mouthful...) in morph ball. When Torizo gets up and starts walking, he should jump back, and when he does wait a moment for him to land then proceed to jump over and behind him. If all goes right, you'll jump behind when he starts his "hand lasers." If this occurs, pump him with 15 power beam shots and 5 missiles for GG.
The only fault here however is that I've so far only found this to work on the Wii's Snes9x emulator. Seems like regular Snes9x doesn't emulate it like such so if someone happens to find a way to get this to work off the Wii, let me know! At the very least, you now know how many hits Torizo will take. :^_^:


My torizo fight is always wack. I just sit by the door and shoot till he dies :3. But anyhow, I was making good time, just beat Draygon, go down to norfair and realize I have no PBs and none of the drops gave me one. Had to start over. So mad,  :evilno:


I did another practice run just now. It was going great until I got to Mother Brain. I took too much damage going in, I got hit from Onion Rings, and I didn't have enough energy to survive the Rainbow Beam... :evilno: My current route that I feel comfort with is 50 Missiles, 30-35 Supers, 7 Energy Tanks. It's not the fastest but, I feel it's safe enough for me to play repeatedly with minimal chance of dying. I just need to be careful at Mother Brain and I should be okay.

edit: I should probably practice Zebetite Glitch too... I never done it before. I saw it was possible though. That would make MB's room much easier...

edit: There also may be a chance of me dying to Draygon as well. Hopefully, it doesn't happen though... :<_<:

~ SpoOkyMagician


I would suggest trying that out, but dropping 20/25 Missiles, as they won't do enough to matter. You should be using Charge shots for Ridley/MB, and with that amount of Supers, even without skipping the Zebetites you will have enough ammo. (It will be a lot closer though.) I do think you should try it out and see how it goes. I don't think you'll miss them.


Couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a few attempts. Got a 0:23 with 24%.
Speed Booster
Varia Suit
Gravity Suit


5 E-Tanks
25 Missiles
10 Supers
5 Powers

Escape PBs and Missiles
I think a high 21 is easily reachable. :^_^: Also, Zeb Skip in this hack is a tricky one. I'll have a video up tomorrow.

Also, Mst, if you're going to use the route you used in your most recent upload, may I suggest using a diagonal bomb jump to cross the gap to wave instead of turning off HiJump and turning it back on. At least, that seems like it should clear it.


I already changed that to get Gravity first just because.


I already tried less missiles. It went horrible... :mad: I will die at Draygon if I don't have some back up missiles. Charge shots might help but, IDK... I'll give charge shots a chance but, it's not likely. I know Ridley only takes 20 charged shots but, I don't see myself managing that. I honestly want a relatively safe route.

Anyway, I will try my less missile run again tomorrow though. Good night.

~ SpoOkyMagician


Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on December 01, 2014, 04:27:04 AM
edit: I should probably practice Zebetite Glitch too... I never done it before. I saw it was possible though. That would make MB's room much easier...

~ SpoOkyMagician
The trick with zebetite skipping is to make sure you're spin jumping onto the frozen rinka without screw attack (From my experience with stardust's zebetite skip, just jumping onto the rinka jams you into the wall. Not good)

Quote from: SpoOkyMagician on December 01, 2014, 04:37:05 AM
I already tried less missiles. It went horrible... :mad: I will die at Draygon if I don't have some back up missiles. Charge shots might help but, IDK... I'll give charge shots a chance but, it's not likely. I know Ridley only takes 20 charged shots but, I don't see myself managing that. I honestly want a relatively safe route.

~ SpoOkyMagician
Draygon falls to 20 supers (6000 health) so charge shots might not be as useful, with wave/ice dealing 180, +spazer dealing 300 and supers being faster to fire.
If it's possible, try to built up a short charge before draygon shows up and crash straight into him. You should still have enough supers at the end to start preparing for mother brain.
As for ridley, it's just keeping him within firing range. There's not really much you can do about that, so best of luck.

All of these low 20s. This has got to be the closest race we're going to have.