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Community Stardust Race

Started by MetroidMst, September 30, 2014, 01:40:47 PM

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I think perhaps I'm not being clear in what I'm trying to say. :neutral:

Imagine a race starts at 12:00, and two identical players are racing, both of whom always finish in exactly one hour.  They will both finish the race at 13:00.  Now imagine that player two decides to use six save states costing thirty seconds each.  Player one would finish at 13:00, as normal, but player two would now finish at 13:03 - losing the race by three minutes.  If you compared the actual time on the ending screen, then player two would likely be quicker due to better boss fights (or whenever they chose to use those states).  However, while player two had the better time, they lost the race.

That sounds clearer.  I think... :oh:


Eh, I understand why save stats are frowned upon in a race. I just wished there were more save stations in this hack for a "just in case you die" scenario so you don't lose much time/effort. Sure, the first time you need to learn the hack but, I still do not see me doing well on this hack without wasting time. (Then again, I can always call GG if I don't want to bother continuing the race...) :neutral: I'll probably be checking into SMILE as well after I complete the hack though. I have yet to complete it yet. (I don't want to spoil it for myself just yet.) Just frustrated I didn't save in a long time and I'm gonna have to collect all those items again... :mad: Anyway, I will still do it. It's just gonna take me some time/practice.

edit: Okay 1:43 77% Clearly I got too many items. (Although, this still was my first run playing it.) I'll start practicing/preparing my run now.

edit2: Alright... I think I got a route... I just need to practice/perfect it. It's very risky but, it should be pretty fast.

~ SpoOkyMagician

Vismund Cygnus

Quietus: While what you're saying makes perfect sense, it's more just that it gives some people an unfair advantage by being able to use save states. Yes, it goes by who finishes first, but it allows for someone to make mistakes (such as with person's example) and just plop right back up to where they were 2 seconds ago. In my opinion it's sorta like having a risk vs reward only with no risk at all. Say, going for a tricky sequence break that could cost huge amounts of time because of the chance of death/backtracking, but success will save you ten minutes. Now completely remove that risk, and you can take infinite attempts and probably still save more time than by avoiding the sequence break. Plus save states means that it's less about the participant's skill level, and more about how often they remember to save state. That's my two cents (or fifty euros or 9000 rupiah), for what it's worth.


How many racers are allowed? If there is room I totally wanna join, though I've never played this hack yet either.
Edit:I can't get the ROM to work. It's headered like it should be so I don't see what the issue is.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on November 13, 2014, 12:02:36 AMHow many racers are allowed?
There's no limit to the number of racers. :^_^:


Methinks I'll get in on this, my last metconst race went oh so well :P


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on November 13, 2014, 12:02:36 AM
Edit:I can't get the ROM to work. It's headered like it should be so I don't see what the issue is.
Redo the whole process. Try it on both headered/unheadered ROMs after making sure they're clean.


I did. I went into smile, took away, then re-added the header. That got it working.



Give or take 4.999949 million, yeah. :^_^:


Stupid Ridley, I was making good time for my first run, then he ruins it.
EDIT: I've died three times now. Meaning going from 6-8 energy tanks, 25 Super Missiles, 95 Missiles, 20 Power Bombs
back to, 15 Supers, 55 Missiles, 2 E-Tanks, no X-Ray, Speedbooster and 15 Power bombs... 3 times. Good times.
EDIT 2: Finally beat him and found a save station.  :bounce: :bounce:
EDIT 3: Beat it with less than half a second on the escape timer.
EDIT 4: Got a good route. I made alot of errors so if I practice I should be able to get it at least 35.


I am extremely proud of my practice run I just completed. :D I managed to get 33 Minutes (game time) with 48%. Check it out. :grin:


~ SpoOkyMagician

Vismund Cygnus

I'm aiming for sub 3 in-game. wish me luck!


Sub 3 must be a real glitch-fest. :^_^:


Even a sub 3 would be much slower than dessy :heheh:

I know i could definitely get a sub 25 by the times i've been getting, i just need to stop sucking at draygon (and pretty much everywhere else :lol:)


Hi, I think I might join in this race if that's all right by you guys. I managed to get 29min/36% with a route I just came up with. I could probably cut out 2-3 E-Tanks with practice at Draygon. Also don't forget to refill your supers after Ridley, getting stuck at the zebetites isn't fun, especially when there's only one save station. I'll attach an smv of the route if anyone is interested.

Also don't lose heart Vismund, I know it's hard but sub 3hrs is definitely achievable with enough practice  :^_^:


Hmm, I'm finding this more difficult than I thought.  My 100% run is so ingrained, it's hard to skip so much stuff.  I could probably have done with fewer missiles, fewer supers, and definitely three energy tanks less (along with a reserve).  It's also harder to save those minutes than I thought.  I finished with 0:24 and 36%, which makes it seem silly that I collected the other 64% in only six extra minutes.  Man, I was playing this to death when it was first out. :whoa:


Wow... those are some low times... I may need to cut some stuff out of my run... Although, I am not sure I should... (probably will die.) I will have to do some testing later...

I made a video of my route last night. It's okay but I screwed up twice due to Draygon. (I should be fine from now on though.)

Super Metroid Stardust Practice Run

~ SpoOkyMagician


Lol I only got to 40 for now.  :sad: I could skip alot of the items if it wasn't for ridley.


Use charge shots. With Ice/Wave/Plasma, it only takes 20 hits. And by that time, you should have either 7 or 8 ETanks, which provides plenty of energy for the fight. I would recommend learning when to jump to avoid his tail, since that is generally what will kill you.


Yea I noticed the charge beam was most effective in my last run. I think I lost most of my time collecting Supers and normal Missiles. I'm going to run again in a bit and see, I'll edit the post with my time.
EDIT: The ridley fight was quick and easy, but lost alot of time with draygon. I'm gonna need to save my supers for him instead of Spore Spawn. Duh
That moment when you're making good time and find out Spore Spawn has to be fought. I dunno which file to send to I sent the whole folder. Also the movie seems to be bugged, It screws up near high jump for me. I'm not sure whats going on there.
EDIT 2: Beat it in 30 minutes at 41%. I may have a chance after all.


Just got a :34 on a routing run (where I didn't have a route planned in advance) with 29%. I expect the % to drop, I probably got too many supers, I wasn't sure if I wanted to skip varia or not (I ended up getting it, but turning it off for the whole run) I got two reserves then realized I had no good way to fill them, and I accidentally picked up Ridley's missile. Maybe I will stream more practice this time around, but that will come when I've decided on a route, though with the one I just used, the game feels very linear.

Quote from: snibsnib on November 17, 2014, 08:22:28 AMAlso don't forget to refill your supers after Ridley, getting stuck at the zebetites isn't fun, especially when there's only one save station.

I would recommend using the Zebetite skip.


Quote from: Dessyreqt on November 22, 2014, 12:58:34 PM
I would recommend using the Zebetite skip.
In Stardust? What? I though both methods required there to be a platform infront of the zeb. :pwuh:


Well that room is 10 times easier now. Thanks.