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Smile shortcuts?

Started by Lemonjuice, September 24, 2014, 03:54:30 PM

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I am working on a hack... Well, I am more working on improving my abilities to make a hack, by making a hack in smile. I was wondering about shortcuts, like when you can teleport to the room a door leads to and other nifty things I can do with keyboard inputs. I saw a couple tutorials where they used a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but they never explained what to press except for the most important things. Can anyone tell me what all the shortcuts are?


When hovering over a door tile, there are a few things to know.
1: Press C - "Clones" the door. This allows you to give that door a name, which you can grab from the door editor to connect up another door to it.
2: Press D - Opens Door Editor. This allows you to edit door properties.
3: Press E - This allows you to "enter" the door through SMILE. Basically bringing you into the room that door is connected to.

BTS Values - Press any digit while hovering over a tile, and a little box will pop up. This allows you to give a tile a specific number faster as the situation calls for it.

Press E - If you aren't hovering over a door tile, and you have quickmet set up, this will allow you to enter that room in an emulator. Keep in mind this is best used for quick testing, and you should always do a proper test before declaring it good.

Press & hold CTRL - This brings up the liquid level in the room. Liquid level shows up as a solid orange color. After holding the button, you can click with the cursor and it will move the liquid level to that height.

There might be a few more, but that is what I can think of right now.


F1: Show on/off Layer 1 (Great for editing layer 2)
F2, F3, F4, F5, F6: Shows on or off BTS, Layer 2, Enemies, PLM's, etc.
In map editor: E over a room enters it, however, there must be room data here, if there is multiple rooms a window will ask you which one you want to go to. (it's kind of like MST said in the level editor but more useful if you're trying to jump distances in an area, especially if say you changed a room in Norfair to a room in Crateria and it'd be a painstaking scroll)
There's also the toggle on/off Metroid Buddy which is kind of pointless but amusing (I kind of forgot the input for that one, for obvious reasons)
With actual slope tiles in the BTS the number represents the type of slope, certain other blocks want a BTS number (IE vertical blocks, horizontal, doors, stuff that has numbers in the vanilla game) And some ASM's want a BTS (Usually 03 because we're lazy and figure we're writing the entire rest of the code get your own hijack point if you want a different number lol)


I see, this is very helpfull. One other question though, how do you move rooms? They say you can move maps with the map editor but I have yet to see any option for it.


Hold "M" over the square that represents your room and them move it with your mouse movement, alternatively, you can click a button on the editor as well but I find the shortcut works a lot better, and less annoying. The ship and everything else is a bit of a different story but I highly doubt you'll be moving the ship anywhere so don't worry about that too much.


F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 - Disables/enables viewing layer 1, layer 2, BTS, PLMs and enemies, respectively. F6 shows all.
Z - Makes tiles larger. Found this by accident :P
M - Metroid buddy. Just for lolz, except it doesn't lolzify.
= (or +, depending on keyboard. To the left of backspace anyway) - Applies only the current tiletype (air, slope, solid, spike etc.) to the tile. Extremely useful if you accidentally make a wall air and need to make it solid or something.

As for moving rooms, I just open the map editor, hover my mouse where I want the top-left corner of the room and press M.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on September 24, 2014, 04:20:43 PM
= (or +, depending on keyboard. To the left of backspace anyway) - Applies only the current tiletype (air, slope, solid, spike etc.) to the tile. Extremely useful if you accidentally make a wall air and need to make it solid or something.
^You just saved me like a ton of suffering. Like seriously, I cannot count how many rooms I forgot to put solid blocks in the tiletables for and have like complete air rooms. THANK YOU SMILEY xD


I also stumbled across this glitch. Moving from room 79D54 back to the room where your ship is. There's normaly no blue door there and the background from D54 dragged over to this room and is now moving too. I don't think this is supposed to happen.

EDIT: Fixed the door problem by changing values. Now the background glitch...

PS: That "M" metroid shortcut is hilarious.


That's usually because your scrolls are off, if your doors aren't aligned in the middle of the scroll area against a red scroll it won't transition properly, or at least so that both doors are in the same location on each scroll, IE if you go down two tiles and place a door on the right door in one room, when you connect it to the left door in the other room it should also go two tiles down and then the door, also, the bubble will appear whether it is there or not unless you click the bubble off on the door editor (D over the door) you also shouldn't place PLMs over them if you aren't including the bubble cause that'll make them glitch out and not work properly.


Sorry for the noob question but what are plm's?  :grin:


A PLM is pretty much all your items, door caps, stuff like that, anything in the PLM editor which can be opened by right clicking on a PLM and selecting "Type" this includes Scroll PLMs, Doors (Including Gadoras) Items, Expansions, etc, and there's multiple versions of such, all four directions for all the door colors, items are all in a form of standalone, chozo orb, and in a shot block. Gates and such are also included and there's a few others that people really don't mess with like Mother Brain/Boss/Escape stuff


So how does warping to different areas work? Like those elevators?

Also, last question: How do I edit the title logo, because I cannot find it in graphics editors.

PS: I finaly found why the background glitch happened, the room I came from used Layer 2, which didn't go well with the background of the room I entered.


Depends what exactly you mean by "warping" elevators don't work like normal doors do either. And if you open the graphics editor and go to the very bottom there's a drop down that says "Special GFX" with a drop down that says like "Title 1" "Title 2" with a Hex pointer next to it, select the one you want and click "RIP" when you're done editing click "SAVE" it'll open a browser, select the .gfx you edited, and it will automatically import it, with this drop down you can also edit Mode 7, Endings, Zebes, all that stuff, and produce some cool stuff like this: [spoiler][/spoiler]


OK, some more of the very basics for you:

Cursor keys = Flip the tile your mouse pointer is over.  This saves a tonne of time flipping via the clipboard on the right.
Page Up / Down = Brightness.  This helps when trying to build with darker tiles.
When selecting tiles from the table on the bottom, you can drag the mouse to select a large group of tiles at once.
Double-clicking on any tile at the bottom will allow you to change its properties.  Bomb, solid, air, etc.
My favourite shortcut, which I only found relatively recently, is using the middle mouse button to scroll instead of using the scroll bars. (So much time wasted...)

[spoiler]Click File > Preferences > Hotkeys. :heheh:[/spoiler]


Wow, that middle click to scroll is a life-saver, but I feel pretty dumb to not find it on my own, especially since I was always hoping in vain that if spin my middle mouse wheel enough that the screen would at least go down! Why I never tried to just click it down & move will be a mystery to me.


Melons and pineapples, I present to you, my custom intro thingy logo.


Congrats :P Only 3 years 364 days left to go


Okay so here's a couple things for you:

please check out Grime's Documents for help with a lot of hacking things - there's a mixture of basic and more advanced stuff. Also, documents on the Main Site.

If you have any questions, please have a search around the site and checkout the FAQ in the engine works - there's things about the scrolling sky error you mentioned.

You could also bug us on #metconst aslot of us hang out there and can help you.

That logo is pretty awesome, now start building some rooms :razz:


Last problem though:
I can't find the left over graphics from the logo. I marked every logo graphics with a number/sign/letter but there are some left over graphics that aren't included in the file.  :pwuh:


Check Zero One's post here. :^_^:


If you're using TLP, you have to patch it so that it reads all roms as unheadered, instead of headered (which your rom isn't but by the looks of it TLP thinks it is). I don't know where to find it so i'll go and attach it - hopefully this will allow you to view the the first bit of GFX you're missing :^_^:


I feel a bit dumb now as I could've used YY-chr too were it does show up. Now I feel bad for wasting you two's time. :c


Uh... How about: File - Preferences - Hot Keys


You're kinda late to the party. :8


Also, use that patch on tlp.exe, not your ROM, I made that mistake starting out and it confounded me for the longest time haha. and I do suggest you patch it, don't lose a whole row of tiles man xD