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Super Metroid: The Doors

Started by TobiMikami, September 12, 2014, 09:20:37 PM

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Quote from: Quietus on September 17, 2014, 09:19:44 PM
Yeah, the main problem with altering the door graphics is that the edge of the tube just behind the bubble is part of the bubble's tiles.
You could get around this by making the bubble larger and making the door smaller, graphics wise. So that the hatch is the only thing in the tile I mean. Though if one want to keep the hatch size then you'd have to modified the hitbox too. :>


Haha, I have visions of hacks with really fat doors now.  At least it'd be more like a bubble, I guess. :yay:


Quote from: Crys on September 19, 2014, 11:35:01 AM
Quote from: Quietus on September 17, 2014, 09:19:44 PM
Yeah, the main problem with altering the door graphics is that the edge of the tube just behind the bubble is part of the bubble's tiles.
You could get around this by making the bubble larger and making the door smaller, graphics wise. So that the hatch is the only thing in the tile I mean. Though if one want to keep the hatch size then you'd have to modified the hitbox too. :>
With this in mind I may take Quietus's idea and make them bigger or just move the door down, one or the other haha. General status update, HUD modifications are successful, I'll be making a video showing it off in a bit, I'm also working on a BETA for a new tileset that will be used in said video, hopefully sometime within the next few hours. Special thanks to Quote for his HUD map which made things so much easier.


I have returned with some interesting new material, this time in video format! Enjoy!
[spoiler=New HUD][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Something Special][/spoiler]
I still have no clue how the fuck to make these appear as actual videos and not URL's though.


To get videos to embed, remove the s in https. Simple as that. I can foresee those crystallites being quite tricky in a few places. ;)


Damn haha thanks man! There's actually a puzzle they're involved in that must be completed to get a certain item in the area that involves that reflective property. The Magic Book/Magic Beam was my excuse for throwing Spazer into the game, it's mainly designed to kill certain enemies that are really only weak to it, mainly as an incentive to use more beam-switching, which is the purpose of the Prime HUD anyways. If I do decide to throw that graveyard concept in there I might rig up some ASM that requires Samus to have it to enter the graveyard as like a curse or something, just random LoZ inspired stuff, I mean it would make for the perfect gateway I need from one thing to another, but meh, laziness as usual, I'll see what the community has to say too.


Hmmm... The idea of a Magic Book seems kinda weird in Metroid. Then again, Prime and Corruption had some mysticism going on. Still, something about this seems a bit out of place.


Like I figured it's just a way for me to throw Spazer into this game somehow haha


I have returned with new progress updates. The Crater Core is about 50% Complete now, including the final boss. The tilesets will probably be tweaked and updated, I consider them only half done at the moment, and I'm still too lazy to finish the ASM for that plasma door (Which is why it doesn't open for the video). Here's a list of what's been done since the last post:
CRE Updates, New Doors, New Grapple blocks
Crater Core graphics
Final Boss (A very special secret)
New Save Room palette for ascetic reasons
Metroid AI changes (Weak to power bombs, freeze and 1 Super Missile, no longer can be hurt by missiles, some are programmed to be immune to Ice as well)
A few other new rooms I'm not going to be showcasing at the moment that may or may not appear in a trailer video somewhere down the line
[spoiler=The only glimpse you'll probably ever have of this area before release][/spoiler]


The area looks pretty cool.  I like it.

Oh, and unless you're some super hacking monk, I think you mean 'aesthetic' rather than 'ascetic'. :^_^:


Couple semi off topic questions.

1 - What's that music playing in your video? (The video you most recently posted?)

2 - What app did you use to record/edit the video before posting it to you tube?


Thanks! I took the colors from an actual screenshot of Metroid Prime's Impact Crater and did some Crateria redesigning, which I think I've really overused Crateria redesigns really bad but they do reflect the type of architecture, and they all look unique so I guess it's not that big of a deal :P And yes, thank you for that, my auto correct never gets anything right xD

And Grim as for your questions:
1. Bleach OST Whispers of Apocalypse
2. Bandicam, all I did was play the music from YouTube while I recorded myself playing the game and uploaded the video to YouTube, it leaves kind of an annoying watermark over the energy bar of my HUD but it saves me from dicking around with video editors


Quote from: TobiMikami on September 26, 2014, 09:26:40 PM
it saves me from dicking around with video editors
This makes me a sad. Even minimal effort with Windows Movie Maker will give you something without the annoying watermark.


Well it's more or less the recorder that puts it on there, and I don't know of anything else that won't record my entire desktop, I mean I know my Samus wallpaper is beautiful but we came to see the hack. 


Just record straight from the emulator, and with the type of video you made there, just grabbing the avi while playing won't be an issue at all.


That was my original intent but the quality was like YouTube in 2005 level god awful, and that was in the native pixel ratio.


Then you done did your settings very wrong. I do not take laziness as an excuse when a very simple procedure will net better results.


Quote from: MetroidMst on September 27, 2014, 10:24:19 AM
I do not take laziness as an excuse when a very simple procedure will net better results.
The sole reason Fear won't be released until 2032? :P


Just use OBS, it can dump out videos only if you set it up like that, plus, it has way more customization than any "real" recording software. :/
And actually works for that matter!


Kind of incomplete but since I posted the video in ROTW might as well post it here for those who are too lazy to go to ROTW (Because why should they it's my hack god dammit)
Landing site is reworked, 95 Percent done, just gotta wire it up
I've decided not to include Hi Jump, and instead include Space Jump with two jumps using Crash's patch
Boost ball in place of Spring Ball, it's a more practical pickup and I'm using it to create a linearity (Which can be sequence broken easily by you who can mockball, but for the n00bs or just those who can't I know your pain so you can take the long route and still play the game)
New Phazon Core set (As seen in the video) (Still full of errors, fresh off the TLP, Credits to RedMonkey's graphics collaboration in which I was able to rip such tiles from, Palettes credited to me)
The Crash Site is 50 percent done, by this I mean the first sequence of it, IE The one you have to do suitless for. I've playtested it perfectly fine you need some trickery and you have to do some painful (But possible!) Alcatraz Escapes/Underwater wall jumps to escape, the frigate is merciless! There's a second sequence which is meant more as a back track quicker route, which I'm yet to work on. Credit to Metaquarius for his sweet music that makes the atmosphere all the more amazing.
As I've decided, Magmoor Caverns is going to be an "Power Up Haven" By this I mean you only really get 2 upgrades (Varia and Plasma) there (I removed all the heatbits) for all the masochist low-percent runners, you can pretty much skip the area besides the part that's necessary (Spoiler) however, while it is possible, you'll have to deal with phazon and strong enemies in your Power Suit until you get Phazon Suit at about 85 percent through the game. Also you won't have as many energy tanks or missiles, as well as a few SM upgrades and maybe a Power Bomb or two. The area is more meant to be back tracked to as you get items to obtain power ups, it's benefitial to go, but in no way required (Mainly it's a small area because there's a lot of Space Pirate labs in Phendrana and Phazon Core so those areas are substatially larger than the Overworld and Magmoor, plus the sunk Frigate and the Original Frigate points to regular rooms, it's a mess in my ROM right now)
SO- In short, we're making progress!


2 quick notes:
-If you want to keep springball and boostball without bundling it into another item, you can just grab my version of insom's boostball in the collab thread (I made the code better, as well as adding an entirely new item and message box to the game just for it. This way it can be a 100% separate, new item).
-forcing underwater tricks to progress is never a good idea. If the "merciless" parts are just for items, than it sounds great. But if they're for progression you'll lost a lot of players there.


I'm sure this goes w/o saying, and I'm just wasting time with this reply, but shouldn't the floor have higher sprite priority?

Gorgeous room, though.


I guess it's personal preference.  As long as it being behind or in front of Samus is consistent throughout the hack anyway.


Quote: That will be quite useful, thanks for the info! And the most notable part is the fact that there's kind of a trap that isn't at all hard to avoid, but if say someone went down there looking for an item (Which is not present I state this now) it might be kind of a pain to get back out unless you have Gravity, the point is to serve as a one-way path more than anything. The only other notable leg is a jumping section you have to use a Spring Ball jump to avoid being knocked down by the electric sparks, it's not that difficult (I made sure just about everything is at an intermediate/very advanced level) The Reserve Tank isn't really possible to get without Gravity (I tried sequence breaking it, due to the tunnel layout you can't wall-jump it with water physics) everything else is fairly easy once you figure out what you're doing, the hack does vary immensly in difficulty depending upon how you play it, if you choose to skip a lot of expansions and upgrades, you're gonna have a bad time (Totally just wanted to make that South Park reference) However, if you do the backtracking for all the Missiles and Supers and the occasional energy tanks, and don't blow off the reserve tanks, you'll find the game is pretty lax compared to some.

-Now as for altoiddealer's question, Quietus pretty much took the thoughts right out of my head, I usually set Samus in front of them so they don't interfere with doors (IE because I place some of them in layer 2 to make sure there isn't a tiling error when the door bubble is off, and because of the transparent tube, if I were to set them in front they would try to appear over my door too, which would be kind of inconsistent with the rest of the layer 2 door theme in the game


Gotcha   :nod:

But I personally feel Samus doesn't look as good layered this way  :nope:  At least put in some FG objects, like that tuft of grass in the beginning of the video.

I'm awestruck by the work SM hackers do, so I'm aware suggestions like this might be laughable coming from a casual player