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[SM] Ceres graphic editing (Tilesets 18-21) [SOLVED]

Started by JAM, September 11, 2014, 11:01:13 PM

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I've just ripped the SCENERY graphics from Ceres Ridley room and... can't understand what to do to edit it. I've used TLP and FaTILEty and tested every graphic mode. It should be Mode 7 graphics, but even in this mode it looks like a random crap. Any ideas, how to get the editable graphics?

I've also noted the different size of GFX: 32 kb while all other SCENERYs are having the size of 18 kb.


From my understanding the rooms in Ceres ARE editable, however, Ridley's room and the elevator room are not, Jathys was supposed to be working on something to edit these (as they come up all blurred in SMILE) so I don't think there's much you can do with them, I've been working with it a lot in my hack to make the area larger and I've found it's easier to use the existing graphics from Ridley and the elevator and edit new rooms in between. I think if you rip from the middle rooms in Ceres you can get the actual graphics, however, it's still really weird to edit those rooms so whatever you update I think has to match up to the vanilla, at least that's my finding so far, I'll check into it a bit more though to see if I can produce any more results.


His question was not whether CERES rooms were editable, but rather if the ridely room was (and the elevator room). To that I will say it certainly is possible to extract the actual gfx and edit those rooms, however the only person I know of that has done this is Scyzer, and iirc it took a lot of work.
Also tobi, the reason it's weird to edit those middle rooms, is because they don't use the CRE like the other tilesets.


The 32kb SCENERY GFX from Ceres Ridley's room is just Mode7 graphics interleaved with its tilemaps, it represents Ridley during his fly off scene. The "background tiles" are using sprites graphics. Import this file (attachement below) as the SCENERY GFX, you may understand what I mean. (By the way, hide layer1 in SMILE, layer2 and BTS can be modified freely)

That being said, making Ridley's room fully editable is not worth it, just get rid of it. :razz:


If my words are worth anything here and iirc, Scyzer once said that the graphics in both mode7 rooms are made out of 8x8 tiles (not to be confused with 16x16 tiles made out of 8x8 pieces).


And these 8x8 tiles are made of... what? I've ripped them successfully and correctly using SMILE (compression method is the same as far as I see). The structure is different. Crap, it's like an unknown archive format compressed once more with WinRAR.

All I need to do is draw 1 new tile... and that's all.


Last I heard/IICR, they are drawn as is. Imagine any non-Mode7 room. Those would be drawn with 16x16 tiles. Mode7 rooms are drawn with 8x8 tiles. Though, again, please remember this is from memory and what I believe I had heard. If anything else, hopefully I'm giving a starting point of some sort. :\


iirc the 'tiles' in Ridley's room are uncompressed right underneath his sprites in the ROM, around 0x182800


Quote from: DSO on September 14, 2014, 10:10:15 AM
iirc the 'tiles' in Ridley's room are uncompressed right underneath his sprites in the ROM, around 0x182800
I've just done a quick check, and this seems correct.  That area doesn't use many different tiles, and they all seem to be there.


Thank all of you for pointing me to the right way (that graphics I need can be uncompressed). I was searching for a letters (not level design blocks) and suddenly found them uncompressed at $1BDA00 when looking at mini-Oub aka enemy $F153. Between Mother Brain and Botwoon GFX.