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Your story with super metroid

Started by Retroo, August 03, 2014, 06:04:41 PM

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Whats you story with Super Metroid?


I got the big, limited edition version of Super Metroid, which came in a large box, and included a huge player's guide.  It was about 1995 or 1996. and I got it from a car boot sale.  I paid just £4.  One of my best ever purchases. :^_^:

I spent a long time with a friend around 1998 / 1999, scouring the game for the last few items, and once we'd figured out 100%, we started racing.  I recall getting a 1:17, and we decided at the time that anything under an hour would be impossible. :oh:

I got quite into speedrunning a few years later, and equalled Red Scarlet's time from 2004 - 0:55.  I can't remember how long afterward I got it.

I got into hacking quite late, and Redesign had already reached its final version when I picked it up.  I loved it.  I was like reliving those first days of playing Super.  Since then, I've been tinkering with hacking the game ever since.


Funny enough, I found Super Metroid through a Metroid Prime search. I believe it started when I searched early Space Jump for Prime into YouTube back in '08 and a SM speed run popped up. About a week later, I decided to by the game on Wii Virtual Console and from there, have always enjoyed the game. Found the hacking community through searching for SM vids and found Silver Skree's play through of Redesign (generic right?) and ever since, been here. :lol:


Old siblings bought the game along with the SNES early after its' release. (Also got some other games, but those don't matter.) Watched them play it. I finally got a chance, and died in Ceres the first time because I was too slow. Also, because DSO will never mention this, and still denies it to this day, first time he saw Crocomire melting in the acid he ran crying from the room. Just felt like sharing that vital information.


My uncle gave me a CD-ROM with a bunch of emulators and ROMs, no discrimination between ROMs with trainers, translation or origin. After browsing my way through the Super Nintendo a bit, I found a bunch of great stuff, but nothing captivated me more than Super Metroid. Shortly after I found out about hacks, JZD, Metroid2002, IRC and saw the birth of MetConst. I also made some friends along the way.


Bought it from a pawn shop. Had saves on it that were already completed. Loaded one up and went straight to Mother Brain, which scared the shit out of Bloodsonic (he was only seven at the time). Eight years later, we discovered internet services better than dial-up...


I got super metroid for my 8th birthday, it was amazing, i can remember the smell of the 3 carpets I played it most on in front of the tv.
Before that, gameboy in the backseat, complaining about light rays making M2 unplayable.
Before that, about 4 or 5, played and beat metroid with my cousin.


I remember playing it most when i was 6-7 around the time the virtual boy came out, my mom was with this dude named tiger. we lived in a trailer that wasnt big enough for my family so me and 3 of my brothers had to sleep in a RV that was in the back yard. i remember he had a son that would visit half the time that was retarded named jeffery and we would play this and mario rpg alot, jeffery used to hmm this silly tune with the battle music in mario rpg that would make my younger brother cry every time. It's the first game besides mario that i remember finishing.
I moved alot when i was younger and lost games from moving (i lived in 14 different houses by the time i was 12). I sold weed in high school and found out that i could trade weed for old games that people had so i started collecting snes and nes games. I think i got super metroid for 2 grams from my brothers friend ace. I spent alot of high school playing super metroid and mega man x.
I moved to edmonton after high school to work and found out about rom hacking through's earthbound hacking ppl. figured if one game has hacks then there must be more, then i found m2k2 from redesign stuff.


Time for a history lesson kiddies, so grab your snacks and settle down.

In my younger years, I didn't have the luxury of video games, I read books. Eventually I got a Sega Genesis hand-me-down around the time my brother was born in '97 when I was nine.  Got into such games as Sonic the Hedgehog and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.  At some point in the next couple of years (no clue when) I ended up with an SNES hand-me-down and one of the games that I happened to have was Super Metroid.  I enjoyed playing it quite a bit, but I could never figure out how to get out of the Etecoon pit or that I needed to PB the tube in Maridia. Over the next few years after that I didn't have any video game consoles to play but a gameboy (the original grey) and got into pokemon.

It wasn't until seventh grade, '02, talking to someone I knew about Super Metroid that I learned about how to break the glass in Maridia, but I didn't have an SNES anymore.  My family moved in with my aunt and uncle that next year, (who just so happen to be where I was getting my hand-me-down video games from!) and I got into several other video game series like Final Fantasy, Diablo, Starcraft, and several other games, blah blah blah. It wasn't until I was learned about emulators in high school that I eventually beat Super Metroid.

In my last year of high school, '07, I found a Redesign Tourian escape video on google videos (haha, remember google videos?) at school, and tried to play it, but I couldn't wrap my brain around headered/unheadered (yeah, I was that guy!) but eventually figured it out.  Redesign was such a blast, and then I found out about ROM hacking, played a few more classics, downloaded SMILE, and over the last couple years helped out peeps on the interwebs until I eventually stopped hacking and here I am now!

Good times.


My oldest sister got a SNES with super metroid for a present around 1997 or something. I remember SM being the first game i ever saw (i was 2) and could only play small segments without dying when i was about 4/5. I always got my older siblings to do the bits i couldn't which was most of the game. I knew where everything was and the route to take to beat the game but my sister took the SNES to uni when i was only 6. Many years later i bought SM on the wii virtual console and beat it a few times after several hours. I knew about emulators for GBA but only realised a couple years ago that there would be some for other consoles. So i downloaded ZSNES and SM and played through a couple times. I decided to do a 100% run so googled it and i stumbled over NintendoCapriSun's run where he mockballed for early supers. This is when i found out about sequence breaking and when doing some more searching i found Legacy and played through that. This was about 18 months ago and after that i found MetConst through ShyGuyExpress and joined because i also didnt know about headered and unheadered roms. Since then i basically learnt how to play SM well enough for a 0:52 run. I've picked up hacking and hope to release a few hacks in future :^_^:


Wow - seems like i'm one of the lucky few who still has his first SNES.

   Though our SNES and Super Metroid was for my father, he beat it only once and then I took to playing it. I was about 5 at the time (2001-ish) when i started attempting to play. Day and night, I spent trying to beat it, dying a lot and learning. I got up at 3:00AM and put a blanket over my tv and me so my parents couldn't see the light of the Tv and catch me playing it at night. I even went as far as to drawing the upper part of Crateria into the bottom of my Cloths Dresser and shelves trying to map a way out after leaving bomb torizo's room. I eventually stopped playing do to life complications and family issues and the divorce of my parents. Then around 2009, having not played it since 2003, I found the RCA cables to my SNES and dusted off the old console (Which I had by this time, had usurped at this point, as none of my family cared for it anymore) and started playing super metroid again.

     The funny thing is, I actually had found a save where I got to tourain with only 3 e-tanks and about 40% of the items. I discovered that I was pretty good at the game, but was now worse after not playing the game for nearly 6 years. Though my first game completion time was 11 hours, it was quite the achievement to get 86% of the items for my age in 2001. I had memorized most the items at that point and so I decided to start playing it again, finally getting 100% after looking at a full item map for the first time after not playing for so long. Three years after that, [2010] I discovered the wonders of speedrunning[2012], emulators[2011], Redesign (which I found a while back ago but forgot and never got to try) and then, finally, The hacking resource im typing this in today.


Quote from: jk16bit-palmy- on August 04, 2014, 06:03:51 PMWow - seems like i'm one of the lucky few who still has his first SNES.
I'll never be getting rid of mine.  I even have a spare, just in case. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus


Quote from: Quietus on August 04, 2014, 08:11:13 PM
I'll never be getting rid of mine.  I even have a spare, just in case. :^_^:
A spare?! i'd love to have one.

I went to visit my sister with the SNES about a month ago and we spent all day playing DK country, SMW and Super Mario All Stars. Unfortunately she had lost Super Metroid so i didn't get to play it. She found it again yesterday so i might have to journey to Plymouth just to play it :yay:


Do so.  There's always some small, smug satisfaction you get when playing the games on the original hardware. :^_^:

Just remember to have some patience, because you won't have all of the niceties that we usually take for granted when emulating, such as fast forward, rewind, and save states.  So much so that in Super Metroid you may find yourself visiting those weird rooms with the big S's on the map, whatever they are... :O_o: