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DMan's "Escaped sectioning alive" topic

Started by Digital_Mantra, July 30, 2014, 11:38:32 AM

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[edit]: The past is history, tomorrow is mystery.


^ Glad to hear your out, you still owe me 15$ for double dragon you greasy bastard.


"A good form of healing is touch. Not a slew of meds."
I'm sorry the place didn't help too much in the medical respect, but I 100% agree with you that even a hug from someone you care about can do so much good. Glad at least that you walked out with a better future in mind.
Anyway, good to see you're back round our corner of the internet


Glad to hear you're out. :^_^:

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on July 30, 2014, 11:38:32 AMYes, I am sick and tired of worrying my
family, being an idiot online, saying things to friends and people I can't take back. Am I past
the point of forgiveness?
As far as this is concerned, it made me think of something I was told a looong time ago, and it's always stuck with me: It's never too late until it is.  Do what you can to fix things, DMan.  There's always more to gain than there is to lose.



That was some good reading. Insights into a life very completely different from mine. Gotta say, though, the beard suits you great. Hope you get on the right track and stay there in the right way. Working off the old callous may well be a good part of it but that don't mean it don't hurt. Stay the course, keep us up to date. We're here to listen if you need drop anything.


[edit]: The past is history, tomorrow is mystery.


While I haven't had to deal with any sort of substance abuse, as I've kept myself clean in that regard, I've been through a ton of family drama, and I've had a lot of the same type of thoughts as when you said that you just wanted to put the mask back on. I'm a very hidden person, I don't show almost anyone my true emotions, and I can identify with that mask concept, that you don't want to change who you appear to be to what you really are. To read all that diary, it really gives a window into your soul. Very good read, and I hope you surf that tsunami rather than drown in it.


[edit]: The past is history, tomorrow is mystery.

Zero One

It's good to hear you're a bit better now. Those diary entries are incredibly interesting. Pretty much my deepest fear is losing control of my own mind. There was a few things in there that I could identify with, which was intriguing. Do you know what you're going to do next?


[edit]: The past is history, tomorrow is mystery.


That's some intense shit, DMan. Hope it keeps you going the right way.


Keep up the fight, DMan!  Recognising, acknowledging, and talking about shite like this is half the battle.