Want to help give back to the community more than ever? Read on up.

Started by Zhs2, March 12, 2012, 11:48:49 PM

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The main site has been a bit stagnant since a mix-up between our previous site manager, Grime, and the owner, GF_Kennon. As a result, we're looking for a competent team of talent to take up the flag of keeping the site up to date, between managing the page layouts and content and interpreting the constant flow of information on our favorite games into a product that everyone can enjoy. If you would like to help out and you know a thing or two about any Metroid's internal workings, create an account on our wiki - found at http://wiki.metroidconstruction.com - and help to fill in what we've got missing. If you think you have what it takes to manage the comprehensive database of patches and other content on the main site itself, shoot me a private message on the forums here with your application and why you think you'd make a good addition to the team of editors. Thanks for your support, Metconst community!

EDIT: For backstory, this topic.


I don't really want to manage anything officially, because, that sounds like it requires responsibility. And, I'm a very irresponsible person. I will however attempt to do some: behind-the-scenes, under-the-radar organization of some documentation. Just try to sort out Engine Works a bit into a more comprehensible informational database. Whether I do that by direct links or new pages entirely, I'm not sure at this point. I'll just follow the format others have used for consistency.


I know a bit of site running, and whatnot. Shame I don't give a flying feather about the wiki right now. (Not saying it's bad, I just don't have the :effort: to add shit to it.) If anything mainsite related is needed I would be willing to help out there though.

But whatever, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.


IMHO, we need 5 people.

1st: update patch section.
2nd: update docs section.
3rd: misc site update (update hack section, update tools section, add new quotes, write news, update top hack pages etc).
4th and 5th: update the wiki.

If I calculated everything right, everyone of this five will work no more that 2 hours per week. So, no one will be the second Grime. I mean, will not have to work only to update site and hex tweaks, ignoring own hack.


I dunno about that. Sounds like too many chefs to me.

I'll reiterate that most of this can go in the wiki, which anyone can participate in. Maybe a couple of people with (limited) ftp access. Just a thought, but what might be cool is if the main site can pull content from the wiki (they could be protected pages if appropriate). Similar to how on my website I list an excerpt from the most recent WordPress post on the front page. It seems simpler to me if nobody needs to go digging around in HTML to update the pages, and it would be simple to assign/remove editing privileges of these pages as appropriate. That's all assuming that the wiki supports protected pages.


I might be able to give a hand to update the Wiki, but I don't know where to start. The completed SM hacks section seems pretty much outdated, I'm not even sure this is useful to keep this list because there're already two different pages dealing with this ("Hacks page" in the Main Site, and "Super Metroid Current Pages" in Super Metroid Forum section)
What do ya think ?


Probably not, since the wiki list looks painfully unworked on, and the topic in the Super Metroid board may have a couple of older things that haven't been put on the main site (either because they're WIP or they've just been plain missed.) I daresay the list on the main page is the most updated since we have this topic that hasn't been cleaned up in a long while that lets us know whose hacks we still need to add to it. Maybe the forum post IS a bit obsolete now...



The issue regarding hacks lists is probably more-so the fact that people are always making new versions. Take your Z-Factor for example, there's already 3 versions of it. While it's true the OPs aren't doing as much as they theoretically could, you couldn't really expect them to in certain regards. Too much info gets passed around here to organize it all.

I feel your pain Meta, but there's also the practical matter of how to go about organizing everything. If you wanted to transfer all of the information from the forums to the main site or wiki, things can get complicated, fast. Not to mention all the man-hours.

I do, however, have a easier way to make this possible if necessary.

With this:


Someone (or something) has added an unwanted page to the Metconst Wiki recently :
I can delete this page, but nothing will prevent that user from posting again, and removing stuff, administrators, you might want to take care of this. :wink:


Yeah, messages like "enlarge your pencil" are appearing there from time to time...


Quote from: JAM on April 14, 2013, 07:53:27 PM
Yeah, messages like "enlarge your pencil" are appearing there from time to time...

But I thought pencils only get shorter as you use them (and sharpen them).  :lol:


Unfortunately, there's about a thousand junk accounts on the wiki and the security hasn't been as well managed. Granted, these things aren't seen quite as often as the forum (and the bots can't edit anything important) but... I've got some cleanup to do.


This is getting out of control, spam bots add new pages every day. :pale:


It's okay, they only added like 10 of them. Cleanup was easier than I thought! :grin:


Quote from: Zhs2 on April 27, 2013, 04:56:55 AM
It's okay, they only added like 10 of them. Cleanup was easier than I thought! :grin:
Thanks but it seems spam bots have striked back !
Blast their stupid accounts once and for all !

My wiki username is metak, there's snarfblam too, who else created an account that shouldn't be removed ?


i think i could help some on the wiki my name is retroknuckles  :^_^: