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Ceres Trouble: Part 2 [SOLVED]

Started by RealRed, July 08, 2014, 01:09:23 AM

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Okay, I can't figure this one out at all.
I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do have backups that don't have this issue (but they're 2-3 weeks old and I'd rather not switch to them);
So Ceres seems to be fine. you run to ridley, fight him, he runs off. so, this is project base, and you decide to head back without a time bomb.
However, the game crashes when you re-enter room E06B.
I guessed "oh, I broke a pointer" and tested each one. then after no success, I replaced every pointer to be exactly the same as the standard event, and to no avail; the game still crashes.
The problem becomes more troubling when I find out that E06B, DFD7, DF8D, AND DF45 (I think so for this one, anyway) all crash upon the event being triggered. I can't even say "I broke the event", because room E021 (dead scientists) DOES NOT CRASH THE GAME, unlike the rest of ceres.
This seems really enigmatic, because something I wouldn't normally be able to edit must be at work here. I've compared the entire room headers to working copies (no difference), pointers don't seem to be an issue, and the game even seems to crash if I make it so that the event doesn't activate.
Hopefully someone has some insight as to what's going on here?


The only thing I can think of is, have you edited Ridleys room at all? Because if you have edited anything inside Ridley's room and probably including Ridley himself and also the Metroid, you may run into issues as Ridley's room + The Ceres elevator shaft room can't be modified as far as I know in any way...


I know I'm not giving you very much to go by. to be honest, I've never changed Ceres once. I've never modified any enemy except for bomb torizo with Scyzer's help, which I know doesn't crash the game like this.
The part that's really getting me is that the issue doesn't seem to lie in the pointers. or the event state. What else could possibly be interfering??


I don't have smile and junk with me here, but it might be an enemy issue. Did you check to see if it's flame burst enemy that is crashing things?

Other things that change between those events is the haze FSX's pointer. It uses two different palette/etc pointers depending on if the area boss is beaten or not. Though, if that was the case it would crash on all rooms I'd wager. But the key here is looking for what is different in the room that does not crash, that way you could possibly find the root of this problem.


OH, christ.
I figured it out, and it's the dumbest thing on the planet.
I managed to break FX1s A17E, A180, and A184. Those seem awfully close, right?
I pointed a door to A17E. So the Ceres FX1s only worked when they were pointing to strings of FF.
I just scoffed and figured "FX1? There can't be anything wrong with that. lets rigorously test the things that could crash the game, like enemies, PLMs, FX2, room setup code, and every other pointer that isn't FX1!"
I got all worried about this too. damn.