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Audio Remastering of Super Metroid?

Started by jk16bit-palmy-, June 21, 2014, 01:33:37 AM

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Just a small, random thought, has anyone actually tried to remaster the SM Soundtrack (or any metroid game for that matter) into in game audio? I know that the audio stuff in SNES cart's are really a pain to mess with, and DSO has done some work but does anyone think that the games audio could be remastered?

For that matter, how hard it would be to actually make instruments that play Hi-fidelity audio? My brain pokes at the idea that what if an "instrument" gets re-written to execute a third-party sound container off from a contained "space" in the ROM, and that place being an active Directory in the SNES9x Emulator its self. Maybe it could be done via LUA script or rewriting a part of the emulator itself maybe? It would be nice to have a kind of "Pseudo" instrument that could play PCM or WAV audio files. 

Just food for thought.


Well, there is MSU1, which there was discussion about not too long ago somewhere.


That'd either require owning an sd2snes or being able to run higan, both of which are pretty high bars to set.


The specification for MSU1 is open, so it wouldnt be impossible to add support to snes9x. Zsnes might be tough since it almost completely written in assembly.


Quote from: Szandor on June 21, 2014, 02:13:15 PM
The specification for MSU1 is open, so it wouldnt be impossible to add support to snes9x. Zsnes might be tough since it almost completely written in assembly.

Hmmm... I might try and do some tweaking with MSU1. Having some different types of action music and new sounds would be nice to have.


*a retarded person talking about retarded concepts: disregard this post*


Exporting every single one of SM's sounds, fixing them up with whatever audio editors, then importing 'em again is something I'm gonna do in the distant future.


Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 25, 2014, 04:48:49 PM
May as well add Ogg and Opus support. And [tracker] module support. I want an SM hack with Unreal music so badly.
Please, for the love of god, just stop...
What you want is impossible.  Even using the MSU-1, it's still it's own 16 bit data format.  Ogg or some form of tracker isn't going to work.  The best you're going to be able to do is convert a 16 bit .wav into the .msu format for the container.

If you really want Super Metroid with high quality audio, your best bet is to follow the lead of Dr.M64 and create a clone in a higher programming language like some form of C.  Trying to hack better audio formatting into the SNES CANNOT BE DONE.  Just get it through your thick skull and fucking let it go already.


...well, sorry for not knowing. Nobody said anything about it being i possible before. Obviously though, I must be pretty stupid; my IQ is below 70 no doubt.


Vismund Cygnus

I'm pretty sure you've been told, albeit in a nicer way than crashed said it, at least once before that it's just not possible for a SNES to do it. If you're gonna rage quit over something so minor, whatevs mang.

See you next mission!


Kitsune_Phoenix, I probably could have said all that in a much nicer way.  The crux of it is this:
If you are going to hack a video game, the first thing you need to do is learn about it.  All of your posts about adding so-and-so tracker or music format to SM really shows that you haven't taken even the slightest initiative in learning how SNES audio works.

When I started working on the title screen for my own hack I was very disappointed to learn about the VRAM space limitations for gfx because of Mode7 tiles and mapping.  But guess what?  I worked around it, because hardware limitations are arbitrary and suck but it's what you have to work with.

Take your time.  Learn about the things you want to work with.  If there are restrictions, then try to work around them for the best possible result.  If it can't be done, then re-evaluate what it is you want to do.  Not everything is possible when you're working with 20+ year old technology.  Don't like it?  Then make something better.