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Ceres Ridley

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, June 09, 2014, 07:46:08 PM

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Hello there,

I am having issues putting Ridley in Ceres as some members of the forum have figured out how to put him in any area but am wanting him on the actual planet rather than the space station as I don't have the space station idea in my hack but have used JAM's 'Debug and Ceres' Patch. Now I was given a link to a set of instructions regarding this, believed I did it right but still wouldn't work. I am guessing I may need to set Ceres Ridley event bit as 'unset' as when he is put on the planet, maybe it is automatically set as 'set' rather than 'unset', causing him not to appear in room. Could I be right? If so is there a way I can make him 'unset' while yet to do him on the planet inside Ceres world, so that he will appear inside room enabling a big awesome fight inside Ceres on planet.
    If my guess was wrong, any other thoughts or ideas on what might be the solution will be greatly appreciated...
    Thankyou for any help in advance...


On a clean ROM, I've placed the E13F enemy (known as Ceres Ridley) in a Maridian room and he appears no prob, either by quickmeting straight into his room or playing the game as usual with Ceres intro etc. - so I don't see why it wouldn't work for you. May be one of your patches/hex changes are causing the issue.


Sorry Everyone, I have just realised I have made a bit of a blunder in explaining my question regarding 'ceres' Ridley, I have made it sound like I want 'Ceres' Ridley in Ceres inside the new planet rather than the space station, when I was suppose to have been saying 'Norfair' Ridley inside Ceres on planet rather than the space staion, if anyone can replace the meaning of my faulty question with the correction of this email and could answer appropriately, that would be great. Thanks for any help in advance...
    However if Ceres Ridley could be used in ceres on planet, is there any way that I could have Ceres Ridley look like Norfair Ridley so that he is not carrying the Metroid? Because wouldn't the ceres Ridley be carrying the Metroid even if he is really on the planet rather than space station on which I do not want?...
    Also, I have a suspicion that Ceres Ridley is not defeatable, Any accuracy in this presumption?
    Once again any help is appreciated and thankyou in advance.


iirc ceres Ridley is coded to leave after a certain number of hits are taken, not health lost. So I assume somewhere it's checking against a value to see how many times it's been shot (I think smile can change that value in fact).
So if by defeatable you mean destroying it like normal Ridely? Not without changes to the code.


You could theoretically just replace most of his code with Norfair Ridley's code, with a few changes.


Thanks for your input KP & Q58, I may still need to take note of your answers, however there is something else I need to mention which I probably should have already mentioned.

When I have set up Norfair Ridley in Ceres on actual planet, the room loads fine itself, however Ridley doesn't show up in the room like he normally does and you're in the room waiting for nothing to arrive and I have been able to make Norfair Ridley show up in room in other worlds. But when I give the room the event bit of 70 (come to think of it could the event bit really should be 71? idk) which is Ceres Boss event bit, any grey doors in the room are already flashing even though I am loading in standard state and it does the same thing if I use the 'boss event' bit for ceres (01) as it is set up in Space station in original unmodified rom.

However I have got Ridley to show up semi-successfully another way using a fx2 pointer normally made for torizo in any area and used in the same manner for Norfair Ridley in Ceres. Now Ridley showed up fine but 1 problem and possibly a 2nd problem which I have yet to test.

    1st Problem (definite) = No matter how many times I hit Ridley he doesn't die, even if I put His HP to like 0050 and also I am using Norfair ridley in room (E17F) not Ceres Ridley (E13F).
    2nd possible & untested problem, if I got this method to work with the FX2 ptr and because I physically have to have Ridley in the world Of Norfair but it actually shows up in the emulator as Ceres, it may make Ridley disappear once event has activated after defeating him, But it may also trigger Norfair's Ridley itself event off too, making the Ridley in Norfair itself disappear, but I couldn't be sure...

    Any Help is muchly appreciated and thanks in advance...


It might also be worthwhile considering just taking the tileset from Ceres, and using it in Norfair, which would mean Ridley would still be in Norfair, and therefore working.  It seems like less work that rewriting code.


The issue you are experiencing with Norfair Ridley (E17F) not showing up in Ceres (Area 6 in Room Properties) is due to one Ceres boss slayed event bit been set by SMILE quickmet, which makes the room load the alternate state. On top of that, Ridley's Init AI contains code preventing him to show up if the bit is set, no matter the current roomstate. If you are playing from a new game, Norfair Ridley (E17F) shows up as usual in Ceres.

To solve your first problem, you must slightly edit the hex tweaks and replace '06' by something else (most likely '08' if you don't have more than 8 different areas in your hack and don't intend to use Ceres Ridley (E13F) at all) You have to do this because Norfair Ridley and Ceres Ridley are not exactly two different enemies but share pieces of AI together, this could explain why Norfair Ridley (E17F) has inherited some sort of invincibility...

For the second problem, no reason for it to happen as long as each Ridley incarnation is placed in distinct areas.


Metaquarias, you're a hero, you have aided me into successfully putting Norfair's Ridley into Ceres in all aspects, Thankyou, thankyou and thankyou!!!!!!!!!!

   Pity that smile won't load it properly though, it's a bit of a nuisance having to load it directly from the emulator itself, but anyway that's not your fault and takes absolutely nothing away from you.

   Thankyou once again, Ridley will be going in Ceres after all...