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Super Metroid: Sunshine

Started by Vismund Cygnus, June 04, 2014, 09:39:05 AM

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Vismund Cygnus

I should've waited to make that post until I'd done this, but I guess that 99% on palettes can be 100% now:
Super Metroid Sunshine Preview #1 - Glows


That's actually really well done.  Good job, Vismund. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

The Great Non-Update: Summer 2015

So everything is pretty much the same as it was the last update. All of the framework is done, aside from one piece of ASM which will be done well before it is needed. Which means I just need the motivation to make roughly all of the rooms, aside from one area which I am proud to say is complete.
Now, don't get your hopes up, but I may be contending for Worst Hack 2015. It's not out of the question anyway.

Vismund Cygnus

It's been almost 3 months since I last shared anything, but rest assured the work continues!
Here's a little sneak peek to keep you happy:
5.87 Seconds of Sunshine
[spoiler]Thank goodness for backups![/spoiler]


I like the part with the yellow lines. :O_o:


Not sure what I'm looking at... :neutral:

Vismund Cygnus

I guess the joke was not apparent. . .

I broke something. I have no clue what or how. Fortunately I had made a working backup only hours before that. I thought since I had no "real" news to report, I would be insane instead.

Basically, it's an Australian 'humour' thing.  :heheh:


I love it, staring at blank greyness is one of my secret vices.  :whoa:


I love to hear of any nonlinear takes on Super Metroid, and it's also really good to see more vibrancy in palettes. I absolutely love the Space Pirate Captain, I sigh whenever I fight the same old Torizo but this one does at least have fun flavor to it!

[spoiler=The bottom left screenshot here...]
Wow, love the reflection-- wait... Samus is a vampire!! :razz:[/spoiler]

It probably doesn't fit in with the vision as you're imagining it, but the subtitle makes me think of collecting MacGuffins to pass doors. Super Metroid: Arrival does something a bit similar with its four Chozo Keys, but I think it'd be really cool to see a Super Metroid hack with an amount of collectables that goes into the double digits. Anyway, sorry for the tangent, but I'd love to see collectathon traits in a hack one day. I think it'd go together with the Metroid formula like chocolate and peanut butter!

Will be excitedly following the thread, open ended game design is practically my greatest interest!

Vismund Cygnus

Welp, seeing as people didn't like my fake update, here's a real one, done the only way I know how; with statistics! Only this time with fun colours!

Area GFX: 100%
Area Palettes: 100%
Enemy GFX: 95% (there's still this one guy I want to edit)
ASM: 50% (which, to be fair, is like one thing)
Boss Palettes: 90%
Enemy Palettes: 70% (could still be more if there's palettes I can steal from other enemies)
Mapping: 33%
Rooms: 25?%
Testing: 0%

Green = Done!
Yellow = More done than the last update!
Red = Unchanged

So yeah, it's not dead, and it's not really broken. I just get lazy with posting updates here sometimes. Don't expect that to change.  :lol:


OOOoooo! This hack has my attention! A Super Metroid hack with bright and colorful visuals contasted by some dark and spooky areas where the space pirates are? Sign me up! :grin:


Vismund Cygnus

Long time no update.

Here's a trailer showing off some of the earlier areas in the hack. I didn't want to spoil too much, because it's getting close to done.
[spoiler]Super Metroid: Sunshine - Official Trailer[/spoiler]


I'm curious as to why the minimap changes from pink to red. Is it intended, or maybe just earlier / later recordings?

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on August 16, 2015, 08:28:24 AM
I'm curious as to why the minimap changes from pink to red. Is it intended, or maybe just earlier / later recordings?
Most likely the latter. The palettes may be slightly different on some of the tilesets though; I'll have to go back and investigate. Thanks for pointing that out!


Is this whole hack in crateria?


Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: RealRed on August 16, 2015, 09:00:04 PM
Is this whole hack in crateria?
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 16, 2015, 12:04:46 AM
Here's a trailer showing off some of the earlier areas in the hack
There are 2 and two half areas shown in the trailer. There's roughly 6 and two half areas in the hack total.
...I probably could have shown more than just those ones though.  :lol:

Vismund Cygnus

So it's been a while, hasn't it?
I was going to wait a little while longer to post this, but I'm at a point right now where I think I'm comfortable to admit that I am a quitter.
So some time in October, the trailer for Sunshine was taken down from Youtube. This sort of caused me to have a bit of an existential crisis in regard to my hacking "career". I'd been putting a large amount of time into working on this project; what if it all ended up being for nothing? All that time wasted for what is essentially my creative outlet. The reward for me is seeing the finished product, being able to go through it as a tangible thing and see everything I've accomplished. But I also want to share that with others, and to me, I stopped seeing the point if it was all going to be for nothing, if everything I had done was going to essentially be erased by a certain group of persons.
So, Sunshine is basically dead. It hit the point where finishing it was no longer something I was excited for, where working on it was no longer a fun thing for me to do. What you have to understand is that ROMhacking is for me, like the majority of you, a fun hobby to be done to get away from whatever stuff is going on IRL. I stopped getting that from hacking, and as a result it's just no longer in my best interest to continue working on this project.

Now, as for the fate of hack - I'll not be releasing it in it's current state. My work methods are best described as sporadic, doing little bits here and there. Only one area is complete, and most of the rest of my work is totally unreachable. The amount of work it would take to string it all together in a coherent enough way for it to be playable is more than I wish to put in, it'd be just as much work as simply finishing the hack. Plus, I wouldn't want to release half of what my vision was for the whole thing.
That said, it is likely that at some point I'll release all of the resources I have for this, namely tilesets, palettes, that sort of jazz. Assuming anyone's interested of course.

I'm sorry for anyone who was looking forward to seeing this finished. The stress of the "hobby" just ended up getting to me.
That's also part of the reason I've not been as active around the community as usual, but that's not really a thing to be worried about.
Now, with the sad news out of the way, time for the maybe good?
Now with all that said, that's not to say I've not been up to stuff. I always feel the need to have a creative outlet of sorts - without one I'd go insane.
So, game design has always been an interest of mine, as I'm sure it has for all of you. But while all of this stuff has been going on, I decided I'd pick up some game development stuff and give making my own thing a try.
And it's been fucking fantastic. I've not felt more fulfilled in my creative projects for the longest time, basically since I started working on Sunshine. I don't want to go into to much detail, but what I've been working on is a fantasy Metroidvania (stick with what you know!). It's getting close to a stage where I'm ready to show it off, and hopefully convince someone to do some art for me, because drawing has never been my forte. The most important thing is that I'm enjoying doing this, and there's no chance that I'm going to get thrown a C&D because what I'm making is 100% my own intellectual property, so that feels nice. It's also nice to think that maybe one day, what I'm working on might be good enough to other people that I can make a career out of doing what I love. But until then, I'll stick to having fun doing what I enjoy doing.
And hopefully you guys will be there to support me, like you always have.   :blush:

TL;DR Sunshine is dead, Vismund is not. Long live the King.

Watch this space.

Black Falcon

Well, sad to hear that, but I totally feel ya.
I've been having these exact same issues with my hack and motivation as well, so I totally get where you're coming from.
Same with releasing hack related material. Even though people would like to play the current 'snapshot' of a hack, you don't want to release it because no matter what you'd shatter their high expectations with thrown-together stuff anyway, so releasing the individual assets makes way more sense.

Also motivation is always unpredictable, so it's best to not judge a project's future outcome based on your current mood.
That's why most people tend to not have a release date for their hacks, except when they definitely know what little there's left to do.
It's no hobby if it doesn't make fun, right?
But good to see that you're having a blast with your current project, so best of luck with that!

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on January 16, 2016, 08:33:12 AM
And hopefully you guys will be there to support me, like you always have.

Well, that is the purpose of a community :heheh:

Steel Sparkle

It's sad to see this hack die. But i do support your choice and fully understand. Good luck with any future projects Vismund!


sucks about sunshine, but projects sometimes get like that.
looking forward to that gamedev stuff, i've been working with GM:studio lately trying to get back into the swing of things myself.

Vismund Cygnus

So all of the tilesets that I thought were worth putting on the main site are now on the main site. That's not all of them, but most of the others were just plain old palette swaps. These ones I think are at least different enough that they warrant letting other people nick. So yeah, go nuts.  :^_^:


That's really disheartening to read, but if you felt like working on Sunshine wasn't fun anymore, you certainly made the right choice at the end. In any case, you're awesome to share your tilesets with the community, it really could help others in their own hacks and it's a bit of Sunshine that will survive elsewhere.

Keep going for your future games!


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on January 20, 2016, 06:50:26 PM
So all of the tilesets that I thought were worth putting on the main site are now on the main site. That's not all of them, but most of the others were just plain old palette swaps. These ones I think are at least different enough that they warrant letting other people nick. So yeah, go nuts.  :^_^:
Thank you so much dude! these tilesets are amazing  :cheers: