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Started by TROM, May 23, 2014, 10:01:19 AM

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TROM's not that room I was talking about.....

that could get in after getting the speed booster....that' s OK.....But....the fact is that there is a problem with the item... I will fix it too! But this item is not necessary to continue the game....


Quote from: TROM on May 27, 2014, 07:52:02 AM's not that room I was talking about.....
Yes, I know. You were talking about the room with the 2 giant desgeegas which I killed with shinespark echoes instead of screw attack thus breaking the intended sequence yet again. By the way, that wasn't meant to be a complaint; please don't "fix" the non-linear item progression. In my opinion it makes the hack much more interesting and adds to its replay value. Of course that doesn't mean the intended route couldn't be made a little more obvious..


It sounds like you guys should consider yourselves official beta testers. :^_^:

TROM: Not all of these problems need fixing.  They just need a means to either get back on the intended route, or out of the room / area to avoid permastucks.


Will definitely play this after an update.


Thanks for playing..... Send a new version (1.1) replacing the first one at the top of this topic...Hope this will be better!


Had some scrolling issues in this room:

And how do I kill these things?

Power Bombs don't damage them, they are unaffected by the beam (so getting Wave Beam wouldn't help), Missiles and Super Missiles can't break the tank they're in, and I see no hidden tunnels anywhere. Or is that locked door on the right not a kill-all-enemies-in-the-room door?


I would imagine it IS Wave Beam considering you can make enemies weak to some beams but not others.  I haven't actually found Wave Beam though, so who knows what lies beyond the door.


Quote from: FPzero on May 27, 2014, 10:57:19 PM
I would imagine it IS Wave Beam considering you can make enemies weak to some beams but not others.  I haven't actually found Wave Beam though, so who knows what lies beyond the door.
I'm guessing it leads to Draygon, based on the layout of the room, the save room in the top right corner and the location of the boss room on the map. What a shame. And after all I went through to get there without Gravity. This room was especially evil:

Anyway, X-Ray doesn't seem to like this room very much:

And I can't figure out how to open this door either:

EDIT: Progress!

Quote from: FPzero on May 27, 2014, 10:57:19 PM
I haven't actually found Wave Beam though, so who knows what lies beyond the door.
[spoiler=Just in case you still haven't found it and don't want to spend another three hours looking for it]It's in 0002..[spoiler=Here be dragons]..behind the green twin door, which you unlock behind the yellow twin door, which you unlock somewhere around the red door I believe.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Another permastuck (did a spring ball jump in the corner) - in the sand cliff a couple of rooms right from the elevator to Norfair:

The right edge of this room overlaps with the room next to it on the map:

This enemy has no death animation, it just disappears when you kill it:

Permastuck, aka why does this block respawn?

Floating pirate:

Did you not change Kraid's HP at all? He's kinda a pushover.
And having boost ball equipped decreases morph ball jump height.


I already know all of that....that's the game....except for the shark that disappears after been killed (don't know what to do)....and the permastuck...(now cleared)


By the way, is everyone knows how to modify the title screen? I try to find it with a graphic editor but I don't!


Never messed with it myself, but Squishy wrote a Doc on it awhile back:

If you need anything else, this section may have it.


thanks... Hope I succeed!!


Zero One wrote quite a comprehensive guide to editing the 'Super Metroid' part a while back.  You can find it here. :^_^:


So.. I finally got around to finishing this hack. It's really fun, if you don't mind getting lost and not knowing where to go occasionally. Final stats:

[spoiler=Some more nitpicking...]How does one fill in this section of the map?

This door can be walked through even though it's closed:

The Space Pirates in this room have glitchy graphics:

Screw Attack takes too long to kill stuff and it's very easy to get hit while trying to do so, especially without Space Jump.

I think "Lower Norfair" (Gold Torizo's area) is a little too hard compared to the rest of the hack. First of all you need to use Screw Attack to kill a room full of enemies (see above) to unlock the door to get there. Then you have to traverse multiple rooms with lava and spikes everywhere. Still have energy left? Here, have a Gold Torizo boss fight, without being able to heal - there are no good places around to farm enemies for energy, an energy refill or some pipe bugs would really help here. At least the pin-him-against-the-wall-and-spam-charge-beam strategy still works. There's a save station right after, but if you're low on energy, saving might very well do more harm than good, because you don't get to refill your energy until you pass through a couple more rooms full of lava and spikes (including one with crumble blocks and rising lava - always fun!), and that's assuming you don't take a wrong turn somewhere along the way..

Charged Wave+Plasma does less damage than uncharged Wave+Plasma for some reason, possibly applies to other beam combinations as well.

The path to Ridley is well hidden.. very well hidden indeed. It took me several hours to find it. You might want to make it just a little bit more obvious.

I get massive lag in certain rooms, most notably warp rooms. Not sure what can be done about this.

Ridley's boss theme plays even after leaving his room.

The "final boss" has a lot of HP.. are you supposed to just spam charge beam or is there something I'm missing?

Oh, and I've only played v1.0 so far, my apologies if any of this is fixed in v1.1.


To ask the obvious question: Have you tried mid-air morphing for that little extra height? (Not that you should have to)


Thanks for all.... join a new version (1.2) with bugs fixed and new title screen!!!


Hate the jump/spin physics. It may prevent me from enjoying this and/or completing it.
Very nice custom gfx though..


sad to ear that..... You won't continue the game because of the jump.... what did you mean by "physics", if you talk about the fact that the jumps are quite not easy to handle....It's  normal....I want that to make wall jump take you far on the opposite way... And to change with original... But tell me what's wrong, I want that game for all and I'm disappointed when a player dislike to PLAY....


Quote from: TROM on June 06, 2014, 07:52:13 AM
I want that game for all and I'm disappointed when a player dislike to PLAY....
Sorry to burst your bubble (sorry Mst), but you can't make something that pleases everybody. There will always be some who dislike your work and you just need to live with that.


Some of us (like Dman and myself) don't like the physics being messed with. Continue with your hack, and when it's finished, release a version with classic (normal, unchanged) physics to satisfy us - if you want!

Cos in reality, SMILEuser96 is right, you cannot please everyone.

I confess though, I do like spinjump restart  :grin:


I'm not stupid..... I know that I can't please everybody.... But when you stop a game!!!! For me that mean that the entire game is bad.... If only one thing or two aren't like you want.....You pass and continue the game ... NO ,?? I do!!!! If I  stop all the games only for those.....I never play anything!!!


Quote from: TROM on June 06, 2014, 12:58:43 PM
I'm not stupid..... I know that I can't please everybody.... But when you stop a game!!!! For me that mean that the entire game is bad.... If only one thing or two aren't like you want.....You pass and continue the game ... NO ,?? I do!!!! If I  stop all the games only for those.....I never play anything!!!
Du calme !
The issue with physics is you have to deal with them throughout the whole course of the game so yeah, it can be a big annoyance if you don't like them right from the start. :wink:



does everyone knows how to modify palette of planet and samus' head in "save menu" ? Thanks!


Playing Hydellius 1.2. Got bombs and charge, loads of missiles, still doing roundabouts..
Could have got supers but I felt it would be a SB.

Still lots of bugs and perma-stucks, didn't take pics or make notes though.
Still absolutely hate the physics, however hi-jump boots really helped suppress my disdain.
Made the game feel just a bit more normal.

So many massive rooms felt very boring, a bit overwhelming for the player.
After a roundabout, there's so many bomb/etc places you kinda sorta remember.
However this is a linear hack from what I gather, so you're never really lost.
Rather just spending ages trying to find the next upgrade which will likely result in a 'doh moment.
But so many bullshit roundabouts!
Just confused with all these big rooms that look the same.
Shortcuts don't mean much when you've still a few dozen big rooms to ring around.

The custom GFX impressed me at first, however the overuse of them created a vacuous feel.
Still, any hacker that undergoes all this gfx editing and sheer size of a hack deserves respect.
Others may love the things that put me off. This is just my opinion, and this is still good work.

Just not my type of beer.

edit: got powerbombs, the world is open again.
Still, bad taste on my palette. I need a Steinlager.