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Metroid Construction Mini-Contest Tournament!

Started by Scyzer, May 03, 2014, 11:15:10 PM

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Another question, where is the sound located for this spike enemy? I have a bunch running at the same time, and it's getting kinda overwhelming with the sfx. I'd like to either mute them, or give them another more subtle sfx.


Edit: Sorry, forgot to check the readme. Also, why can't I modify my messages anymore?  :pwuh:


Any other enemies, level design, etc, is all up to you. The only requirement is using this enemy in puzzles.
You can also edit the sound via the enemy DNA sound byte iirc (I made this a long time ago).

Also for those who may want to tinker with the ASM, you do not need to use this enemy as it was coded. You are welcome to change vulnerabilities or how it moves around, if you can figure it out.


the enemy is not working in the landing room but in the other rooms it works so why its not working in the landing room and how to fix?
ohh i forget the thing thats happen is that the room not starts


I've checked the patch and enemy I linked, and both work fine. It is likely an error with your enemies. Make sure all the enemies (all of them, not just spikes) in the room have correct values, and there are no broken enemies or PLMs being unused.

Vismund Cygnus

Hi I made a hack
It doesn't need beta testing 'cuz I'm too cool for that.

I call it

Spikes!!  :cool:
(for uh)

Special thx:
SadGrime for Spikes

[spoiler]By the way, even though this seems stupid, it is actually my entry.
I don't like one-room hacks.[/spoiler]

EDIT: I made a version that actually can be beaten. Thanks Squishy(?) for the end game BTS, and also for the timer patch.


lets wait :D


I don't really like the Transparencies, it makes it look like Samus is ontop (layering-wise) of the platforms when she is actually equal to them.

Also that permastuck. Oh dear.

Nice work anyways.


we should send our hacks to Scyzer right? i know i did not first but i removed it ;P


Quote from: retroknuckles on May 29, 2014, 03:58:56 PM
we should send our hacks to Scyzer right?

That's what I'm going to do, and play them all at once when the time comes. Should be fun.


So it was pointed out to me that Contest 2 should have ended today :O
Unfortunately, I have work very soon, so I will leave it open until I get home tonight (in about 6 hours).
If you haven't yet submitted your entry for the contest, do so before I get home (you can send me an IPS via PM, or link it here in this topic).
Since the voting for this contest is based on more than just looking at pictures, I'll also allow a few extra days to download and play the entries so you can pick your favorites.

If you intend to enter this contest, get your hacks in within the next 6 hours! Also, if you've already submitted one, feel free to make any final adjustments as well.


I think Jefe962's link in your first post is broken, I'm getting a bunch of gibberish as a page.

Edit: Might aswell write reviews while I play them:

I'm already finding tons of permastucks. Gotta be careful about putting 2 tile high things in before morph. Also, to the very right, there's a endless abyss. Unless I just haven't got far enough, I have no clue why it's there. All you do is fall out of the screen, and sometimes enter a door and glitch out.
Alright, beat it. My opinion is that it had some decent puzzles, but I ended up using savestates more than I felt I should have. Also, I never knew that the door transition rule changed, wish I would've known that for my own hack to make it less compact.
At first I didn't like the first puzzle where you fall, but after loading a savestate I realized that you did give a hint, so good job putting yourself in the player's shoes.
Beat it. That was actually pretty good as far as obstacles goes. Overall the hack could've used more aesthetic design, but it doesn't matter, that's not what this contest is about. [/spoiler]
Hehehe, that last room is actually pretty clever. Don't really know what else to say about the hack, it is what it is. [/spoiler]
You can find any additional info in the included readme. The hack itself is nothing spectacular, but it's what you'd expect from a guy that's already infatuated with spikes. Unfortunately I didn't include many puzzles that made you use your mind, but that'd probably take some knowledge of ASM to make anything uniquely special. Also, for some reason, the deleting save files lags, I've had it do this before, think it's associated with a patch, but not sure which. It has no effect on gameplay, though.


Hehe, sorry, Sadi.  I had plans for an entry, and had a lot of the build done, but I couldn't get the other bits done in time (or even figured out). :neutral:


FoF certainly had the most content, and was pretty good aside from the palette monotony, and the grapple climb on very hard by all that is good in this world FullOfFail WHY but my vote has to go with Vismund. It has lashings of character [spoiler]and something akin to Limit's speedbooster escape[/spoiler]to it, which is something I don't see a lot of in hacks.


I'd definitely agree with the monotony part, but I ended up liking it like that after awhile, so I stuck with it.

Vismund Cygnus

[spoiler=Jefe]Permastucks. So many permastucks. Additionally I dislike your choice of palette. The puzzles themselves were okay. Not anything too special, but okay.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fof]Probably the best out of the group that weren't mine. I like your use of an unusual palette and your puzzles were pretty good. Overall it was a little easy (did the hard version because fuck instakills). But not bad at all.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=retro]There were some weird design choices in this, and the puzzles were lacking to say the least. Probably my least favourite of the three.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quietus]Yours was my favourite because one room hacks suck and you chose not to make a second one.  :heheh:[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Me]One room hacks suck. I had fun doing this though.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 10, 2014, 02:48:23 AM[spoiler=Quietus]Yours was my favourite because one room hacks suck and you chose not to make a second one.  :heheh:[/spoiler]
I'm trying to finish it up with workarounds, so you can still 'enjoy' it. :heheh:

However, that's between working on my Z-Factor speedrun.  The recent mention of a race has got me back in the mood for it.


Edit: For, reasons.



Needs updating, please. I can't wait for Number 3.