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Super Metroid: Thermos

Started by Cadarot, September 26, 2009, 01:56:03 AM

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So this is a my hack that I have been working on for about a month or so. I call it Super Metroid: Thermos.
It's a reboot of planet Zebes. All the areas are still in the game, just different.

My hack features:
Reduced jump height
increased fall speed
Annoying bomb-jump timing
Gravity suit doesn't protect from heat (grabbed in Grime's docs, found by Rakki)
Heat heals you with the Varia suit. (using Black Falcon's MP2 blocks)
Extremely cold water (LN2 AKA Liquid Nitrogen) heals you with Gravity suit. (using Black Falcon's MP2 blocks)

To do list:
Make suits swappable (like the spazer/plazma)
make new tile set
rebalance enemies and beams
Redo music
change first Torizo fight (bombs)
redo all boss rooms and miniboss rooms
redo almost all of the areas :/

Done list:
change first Torizo fight (bombs)
Super Metroid Thermos Torizo Fight

Progress is about 30-ish% for the actual layout, everything in the to do is up in the air.



Music in video by Me

Feel free to comment, post bugs/glitches, and feedback


Oh ROFL at screenshot 1.
Hint: That's not how you make new palette. I made the same error in my first hack. :P
The colors are in the palette editor in the GFX editor. You edit each color manually. Sure you can change what palette each tile use. But putting lots of tiles on the same palette is just asking for problems. :P


I'm just borrowing the color from from that palette until i can come up with something better.
Thanks for the tip though.


Why are you giving out the lps if its only 30% done?


Good question. I'll get back to you on that when i figure it out myself.


Well it's been a good month since i posted in here, So might as well bump the bitch up and show off what I have been doing lately

New tileset for the landing site/change to font and gravity suit

New missile graphic

New super missile graphic

New power bomb graphic

that's about all i have that's worth posting

GF Edit: you forgot some img tags ;p

Flamestar Edit: Haha thanks I was pretty tired when I posted it

Edit again: Added patch for the missiles



That vitality bar. Awesomeness. The vitality bar doth pwn all fuck the missiles they can go to hell


Quote from: Zhs2 on October 29, 2009, 09:12:00 PM
The vitality bar doth pwn all frak the missiles they can go to hell

But hell is an awesome place

Excellent work so far keep it up


The vitality bar makes me curious as to how it'll work. Like, is it a bunch of energy tanks or is it ASMed? Keep up the work, looks to be promising. =)


I hope to one day make it so it keeps track of your heath as it goes down but right now they're just energy tanks

I'm going to use this post for shoutouts

First, Jathys for smile and for putting up with my question

GF for his palette guide

Grime for his documents on hex tweaks. helping me make make the %sign on the HUD(I'm also using PJBoy's and Rakki's tweaks in the docs to thanks to them too)

Dchronos for helping me with bugs in my hack and making it cooler

Black Falcon for his Acid mod and MP2 blocks patch

and everyone in IRC that's helped me, or gave me feedback

And here's a new image for you guys


Having the visor the same color as the rest of the head is most likely not a good idea. :<



New screenshot to add.

With the better background  for my snow tileset



The BG is very flat above the trees, I suggest adding a gradation from that blue into black and adding starts once it's high enough.

The FG needs some major work to look like anything at all.


And yet it still comes off simple enough as "OH MY GOD YES DO WANT HACK"

I agree, though. The sky is pretty meh as far as skies go. Also, the snow could use a little more detail so it looks less bland, but not so much that the snow turns into clouds-- :shotty:


Only my landing side has a sky like that.
other outdoor areas have a nicer cloudline that's lower to the ground


Amazing!  :whoa:

I agree the snow needs a bit of depth though. I

I've heard people discussing using the states as diferent day/night atmospheres, but I'm not sure how you'd go along about doing that exactly. You could probably pull it off using the wrecked ship's rooms though. It'd be neat to experiment with!


You can add states to rooms though I'm still not completely clear on how it's done. Go check out the SMILE help topic or the Moonedit FAQ.