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Super Metroid:lömpo dead

Started by Retroo, March 15, 2014, 08:58:57 AM

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 some status on lömpo
so its going good with hacking i have start feeling that the name on it suck (lömpo) i know the name maybe is not a big deal but i want a new name anyway here is a pic on a room i made ;D
looks better with fx1 (blue water ;D)


Background and tile variety could use some work, but overall layout and pallet look great.


some status again (dont even know if anyone care about theese) anyway i dont have much to say since i have not made anything on lömpo in like two weeks. i dont know  :neutral:


Hehe, that's got to be the most non-updatey update I've seen. :heheh:

Vismund Cygnus

2 weeks without working on your hack is not much. I've taken months off doing work at a time, simply because at times it becomes too much to bear or I hit a creative block. I believe I've scrapped and restarted my main project 4 times in the last 8 or so months. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  :^_^:
Also, generally people don't post updates very often regardless. Hearing a big update about someone's hack once every year is often the case. Especially given that these things take up to four years.


Vis is correct, but breaks are pretty dangerous, to be honest. A week or two is fine, but it's easy to get out of the habit. After awhile you start thinking "Why don't I randomly start a new project even though I'm 60-70+% complete with my other one?" Rinse and repeat as necessary.


It depends on the person. I find long breaks have been very helpful in a lot of ways. I get a bunch of new ideas and come back with a renewed purpose. Although, for smaller hacks with a very narrow thought/idea of what you want it to be, I would suggest completing it in a week or less.




at the bottom there is some fishes  and water


im looking for a tileset with letters to use as credits in my hack does someone knows a tileset like that?


Do you know what size you'd be looking for?  If you're only after 8x8, you could use the letters already in the ROM.  If you wanted full-size 16x16 tiles, you could resize what's already there, so that it fits in, or create your own from any source.  It probably wouldn't take longer than a few minutes per letter.

Edit: Also, if it's easier, Jathys already made a patch for a Credit Sheet, which appears at the end of the normal game credits. :^_^:




okay so this hack is dead YES i know fuck me for making a topic! When starting this i had no structure i did not planed how i wanted the map to be and stuff(its hard to make structure now when already done much work on it),crateria looks bad and most brinstar looks bad (lol =P) i have not open this hack in 1 maybe 1 and half month, i have another hack that i have structure with and have worked on for some time now. You can play this shitty hack! its bad it ends after speed booster with speed booster you can explore one room in norfair or something ;P play on the first file the other ones maybe dont work. thanks to meta,grime and jordan5


It's fine.  Newcomers often do this, and they make us all feel like wise, old sages when we say things like:
Quote from: Scyzer on March 15, 2014, 11:22:15 AMYou'll need about 3-4 more years to get it done actually, if you want it done to a good standard. Good luck :P


I'll give this a spin tomorrow and edit this post with my thoughts.


I scrapped my first few M1 hacks for the same reason you are scrapping this hack.  What you first create is often just a learning tool.  When I created Metroid incursion (M1)  I had a basic plan as to what I wanted to do with it.  With out a plan you can't expect to go very far, or to experience continual work on it, basically, less pre planning = more breaks & more burn outs.  I would consider my planning minimal, it was more like, I want this area to look and feel like this, and that area to look and feel like that, as a result I had several 6 month+ off times where I didn't even touch it.  Now that I am working on a new hack I have taken a different approach.  I do build several areas on the fly but I have a fairly detailed idea as to the over all layout of the areas as well as what the players will encounter in those areas.  I sketch a lot of ideas out.  With my experience from my first hack and proper planning I'm shooting for a 6 month completion.

Edit: A bit of advice:  Never consider an area finished right after you create it, only as a draft.  This is for two reasons, one, what you first create is never the best you can do, what I mean by that is you need to revisit and polish areas up, consider it a detailing level of creation.  Secondly you may create an area and the result is a bland looking room (SM hackers call them rooms right?) and be hard on yourself or even disappointed with the result, this is false though since you have not gone through the next step, the detailing or polishing step.  I find that this next step must always be done on a different session of hacking (different day) to be most successful.  So, that means no matter how much time you spend on an area the first time it is ALWAYS a draft, after you revisit it at least once (for me its usually several times) then you can call it done.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Grimlock on August 12, 2014, 10:05:53 AM
I scrapped my first few M1 hacks for the same reason you are scrapping this hack.  What you first create is often just a learning tool.  When I created Metroid incursion (M1)  I had a basic plan as to what I wanted to do with it.  With out a plan you can't expect to go very far, or to experience continual work on it, basically, less pre planning = more breaks & more burn outs.  I would consider my planning minimal, it was more like, I want this area to look and feel like this, and that area to look and feel like that, as a result I had several 6 month+ off times where I didn't even touch it.  Now that I am working on a new hack I have taken a different approach.  I do build several areas on the fly but I have a fairly detailed idea as to the over all layout of the areas as well as what the players will encounter in those areas.  I sketch a lot of ideas out.  With my experience from my first hack and proper planning I'm shooting for a 6 month completion.
This is basically what I'm doing with Sunshine in a nutshell, minus the "6+ months off". Instead I've just scrapped it all 4 times before I decided making a basic area plan/item progression might be a good idea, threw together 6 tilesets I like, made palettes and I've been rolling with it since. So far, this attempt is going well (oh hey I should update that thread maybe to make it look like I'm doing stuff. . .)

Don't be discouraged just because the first attempt didn't work out as well as you wanted it to. Learn from your mistakes, and what you found works and what doesn't, and build on that foundation of knowledge you've created.  :^_^: