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Metroid: Dreadnought v1 - Tech Demo Release

Started by TerminusEst13, February 09, 2014, 03:04:50 PM

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These likely won't make it in before that release date, but some day... some day! Any wonkiness? Feel free to complain.

[spoiler=le progress][/spoiler]
One down... thirty-nine to go...


Quote from: Zhs2 on May 17, 2014, 07:46:18 PM
One down... thirty-nine to go...
"Every journey..." :^_^:


That is the cutest sprite editor. I love it.


The tech demo is released.

Please enjoy.

Vismund Cygnus

Well, I played through the first 4-5 levels of this, it was really fun. I think the music could be a lot more Metroid-y, and I'd rather be fighting Space Pirates than random assorted aliens.
Still, usually I'm not a big fan of Doom, so to get me enjoying this must mean you've done a decent job. :^_^:
Also it made my PC bluescreen when I quit. That's probably not supposed to happen.


*deleted post*


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on May 27, 2014, 02:19:08 AM
Well, I played through the first 4-5 levels of this, it was really fun. I think the music could be a lot more Metroid-y, and I'd rather be fighting Space Pirates than random assorted aliens.
Still, usually I'm not a big fan of Doom, so to get me enjoying this must mean you've done a decent job. :^_^:

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Unfortunately if you played through 4-5 levels, then you probably weren't playing mine. :p I only have one PvE level done as a proof-of-concept (Training), and three as PvP proof-of-concept (Bounty Hunt).
The rest were probably Freedoom's levels--I've left those in so that people can play with other levelsets people have made, until I can see if I can get a campaign going. I would love to have a full set of levels for this in the vein of traditional Metroid games.

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on May 27, 2014, 02:19:08 AMAlso it made my PC bluescreen when I quit. That's probably not supposed to happen.
Thaaaaaat's definitely not supposed to happen. I'll see if I can track down what's causing it.




*deleted post*


I don't mind the additional gore and environment effects.  It's the changes to the weapons and things I don't like, as it changes the core Doom gameplay that I love.  That's why I used the Enhanced Doom mod, which is exactly what I described above. :^_^:


Not to bring politics into the matter, but I'm surprised the mod has spread as far and wide as it has considering how good it isn't - only popularized via word of mouth and the reputation of a dick mod author. I'm all for weapons that fire smoothly, feel good, and kill things effectively - and ketchup, always need more ketchup - but when it comes to the monster changes like instant melee-range kills from 70 health and over-glorified ripping animations? Nah, I'd rather just have a nuke.


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Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on May 27, 2014, 05:53:07 AM
Why is everyone against the idea of bloody messes from enemies, rescuing marines, and kicking things?

Bloody messes are not at all what Metroid is about.
Thank you for your suggestion, but I am emphatically against any Brutal Doom integration and/or support.


*deleted post*


I might be missing something because I've never used this program before but I can't seem to start the single player game.  I click it, choose the difficulty and then nothing happens.  I can load a multiplayer map but that's not exactly what I'm looking to do.


Ah, sorry, that's completely my fault. Typical Zandronum behavior is to push Y in order to accept when difficulty text pops up, but I...should probably explain things for people who aren't familiar with the engine at all. Whoops.
...Though this makes me realize everyone unfamiliar with the engine isn't going to know what keys to bind and how to do things, and the F1 tipbox only goes so far...oh man, I'm definitely going to need to write up an instruction manual or a tutorial map next build. Sorry, this was a huge and extremely glaring oversight on my part.

In the meantime, though...yeah, just push Y and it'll begin. :p
Thank you for your interest! Hope you enjoy.


Well I played it and I definitely had fun playing.  Took me a really long time to figure out how to activate Super Missiles after figuring I had to bind normal missile first.  The beams are really pretty to look at and maybe with the exception of Spazer, the beams all seem to have strengths and weaknesses.  (I just never really needed spazer once I found the other beams.)

Got to Map 6 and died on it a few times.  It got really challenging really fast, though that's probably a result of just playing on the included Zandronum maps.  Definitely looking forward to seeing where this all goes because the tech demo feels really promising.


So is the development of this still going strong? I'm a massive Metroid and Doom fan and uh, I'm a dedicated artist. I wanna help in the making of this if I can. In the coming days I'll be teaching myself some stuff about Doom modding, mainly level creating. I can do spriting and such too.
Email me at nailhedgehog@gmail(dot)com or add my skype at GenesisFlux


Aye, I'm currently taking a break to absorb all the critique and feedback I've gotten off of servers, streams, videos, chats, and forums, but pre-production for the next stage of development is already well underway and probably will pick up again come the start of July.
If you don't mind just shooting the shit with me and discussing all sorts of "man it would be totally awesome if" shenanigans, I'd be happy to let you come along.

Expect a Skype contact request soon. :p


Hey, guys, some neat stuff going on. I've got a few artists interested in making custom sprites for an enemy set more appropriate for Metroid, I've got a few mappers interested in making maps for trekking through, and I've been experimenting with a few new systems as well. If these continue going on without a hitch, then these next few months are going to be looking pretty promising.

Since people have mostly been asking for proper Metroid-style monsters, I'll be pushing for that--I've been working on their behavior with silly placeholder sprites, so I don't have much to show, but in combat they're definitely a big pain to go up against! There's a lot of quick movements and rapid-firing going on here, and it's easy to get yourself locked in a bullet hell. They'll be slightly more difficult than the typical Doom bestiary, but (if I can get this working right) they'll be toggleable via a cvar so that you can decide on the go whether you want more difficult Metroid enemies or just the typical Doom enemies for lounging through slaughterwads with.


It's all looking pretty good so far, though there were a few things I can comment on:

  • Bombs seem to be overpowered.  In most of the Metroid games, they're used more for exploration and clearing paths than attacking, and in the video it looked like you may have been better off just bombing everybody rather than shooting.
  • Same as above, but with boosting into enemies.  It might work OK as a means of escaping getting cornered, but shouldn't be used for such overpowered attacks.
  • Shooting doors seems unnecessary.  It was used in Prime to mask the loading, and I'm sure that if you were able to have the game detecting what you have equipped / acquired (which it seemed to with the blue key), the doors would be better to just open when you're in range.
  • Flying enemies should fall when they're frozen, and automatically shatter.
  • Expansions should have more varied locations.  Sometimes they should be in the open, but slightly off the main path.  In the video it seemed like everything was in a morph tunnel. :^_^:
  • Is it possible to change the glowing orb when you charge your beam, so that it look more like it's stuck on the end of the cannon?  It just doesn't seem to look right leaving the trails when you move.
  • ...and I didn't see evidence of those floating platforms. :wink:

Overall, great stuff. :cool:


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Possibly.  I must admit that I don't normally notice it so much.  Perhaps altering the weapon sounds, so they're not so overpowering?  It was only while watching the video that it began to grate on me. :neutral: