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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Quote's is great but I've voted for Vismund. It looks so... Eerie!

Vismund Cygnus

I've already given my thoughts on Quote's room but here it is again:
[spoiler=Quote]I still love this tileset, however the more I look at it the more little glitches I see on blocks, and overall it just irks me a bit. With a little more polish this would be absolutely fantastic. The room itself is not anything particularly special, especially considering if it was in an area using this tileset it would just slot right in. That's not actually a bad thing, but it's not exactly a "stand out" thing. The area on the whole would stand out though because this set is great.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Myself]This room is actually a personal favourite of mine, I've taken Quietus' suggestion of un-jumbling the filler shit and I agree, it looks a lot better now. Again, this room has the problem that Quote's has: among an entire area (or could it be an entire hack. . .?) of this tileset there's only two ways to make it stand out among the rest, and I probably went with the less apparent way of doing it, however I like my idea I had for it so it's staying like that.

For now at least.[/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

I opened SMILE for the first time in weeks today.


This is about as minor a niggle as you can get, but it jumped out at me for some reason: All of the girder-looking things are broken in the same direction, which makes it seem less random.  Maybe another Samus sliced through them all with her Screw Attack. :oh:

Other than that, it's a great room.  Certainly good enough for us to include it in a weekly competition. :wink:


[spoiler][/spoiler]If you recognize this game, you are my new best friend, and yes, this is a legit room, and yes, I totally wasted a whole tileset in my hack to make this one room, (The hack that will probably not be released until 2053, and when it does it'll be full of even more bizarre ass shit like this) I mean it's simple, and different, why not.


Well, since RotW is pretty much eye candy for me, I'm going to give this week to Quote Vismund.  I'd be interested to see whether those leafy tiles could be used to make reasonable looking shrubs or bushes, or whether they really only work as tree foliage.


Um. Its my tileset but its not me there quietusI'm much more versed in using those gfx. The lush room is Vismund.


You know, I knew that, even when typing it, but I saw the Last Edit by, and boobed.  Sorry, Vismund.  Edited accordingly. :blush:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on April 15, 2014, 07:15:02 PM
You know, I knew that, even when typing it, but I saw the Last Edit by, and boobed.  Sorry, Vismund.  Edited accordingly. :blush:
It's okay, my entire plan for making the room was "What would Quote do?" The fact that it fooled even you means my plan worked perfectly.  :lol:


Hook, line, and sinker. :neutral:

The lack of sidehoppers should have been a dead giveaway. :wink:


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 18, 2010, 12:59:07 AM

Good lord.

That is so incredible it's putting me off. Insanely good. That's gotta be the best room I've seen in my life. Please, tell me it's part of a hack that is being worked on- I really want to see more stuff like that. It's just so beautiful.

What's going on in the other one? Has the HUD been hacked, or is that part of the room?


Quote from: Dragon-Tamer795 on April 16, 2014, 05:07:47 PMWhat's going on in the other one? Has the HUD been hacked, or is that part of the room?
Taking a wild guess, our competition doesn't specify that it has to be Metroid related, and it's from something else entirely.  I think... :O_o:


IIRC that room was created in SMILE. The HUD is probably part of the room.

Quote from: rulez
You may submit any 2D Metroid related screenshots here as long as you follow the rules.


Please tell me there's more stuff like Vismund's room


Quote from: snarfblam on April 16, 2014, 06:23:28 PM
Quote from: rulez
You may submit any 2D Metroid related screenshots here as long as you follow the rules.
Ah, I did read the rules, and didn't see it.  It's in the top part.

Two fails in one week?  I must perform some self-flagellation. :nowai:

Quote from: Cirno on April 16, 2014, 06:28:54 PM
Please tell me there's more stuff like Vismund's room
Yes.  Check here.  Weeks 1, 11, and 18. :^_^:


Plebeians can't appreciate the Mappy room. Fortunately, those of us in the bourgeoisie have more refined taste, and can appreciate the finer things in life.

(What I'm saying is that Tobi's room makes me laugh on the inside. That pretty much makes it a shoe-in.)


[spoiler=Your cactus just bloomed][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

[spoiler=Recycling saves the planet][/spoiler]


Two rooms and neither of them look remotely navigable. They sure look pretty though.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: RT-55J on May 06, 2014, 07:34:49 PM
Two rooms and neither of them look remotely navigable. They sure look pretty though.
I know for a fact that my room is (or at least, was, given that I can't find it now) navigable, using the magic of doors. and I'm pretty confident that Mst's room is, because he's crazy and that is a tame room for him. The wonders of hacking, things that don't look like they should work work!  :grin:


I've gone for Vismund this week.  Mst's room looks great, but it's hard to get your head round how it'd work in-game, so I've had to vote on what I can see. :neutral:


I allowed Vismund to think his room was the real winner last week.

[spoiler=Stunning Averageness][/spoiler]


- :O_o:

Vismund Cygnus

I too can play the Crateria game.
[spoiler=Mst is jealous because he'll never be as good as me][/spoiler]


I love the lushness of your room, Vismund. :^_^:

One thing I would say about all rooms this week is that they could all possibly be improved by avoiding the room-loops when tiling.  What I mean is having a single loop of tiles that are unbroken, looping round an entire room, rather than being broken up.  Usually, it's not a major problem, but is something to consider when building rooms.  Here's an example, with the same room done twice over - firstly with a single room-loop, and then with more broken terrain: