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Zebes Winter Solstice 2013

Started by begrimed, November 30, 2013, 01:17:16 AM

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How close are you to finished?

1 (20%)
Almost Done (don't need more time)
0 (0%)
Still a ways to go (more time would be nice)
4 (80%)

Total Members Voted: 0


Quote from: JkP-troid on January 06, 2014, 11:15:41 PM
new Deadline is February 15th. One more full month

You mean i need to stay motivated for another month? :whoa:


You can do it, Jordan.  Hacky, hacky, hack - go, go, go! :^_^:

Of course, you could always finish before then, and you then don't need quite as much motivation. :razz:


Quote from: JkP-troid on December 13, 2013, 07:47:18 PMAlso note: Item limit only applies to items you pick up in game. You can start with what ever items you need, but the level design MUST be unique to the items picked in game.
So I could still throw in that the player start with say, space jump, as long as it's not one of the items the level design is focused around?


I think it means that the items you include as the "special items" are the items that dictate level design, not ones you start with. I also wouldn't bank a whole lot on Palmy coming back and clarifying since he's gone and disappeared for no clear reason. :stern:


Wait, then who the fuck is hosting this contest and judges now?

Vismund Cygnus

Well, we have a deadline set as it is. I feel as though it should be judged by the community, like the last competition, with different score categories based on the criteria. Like person said, who knows where palmy has gone. But this contest should continue, considering the work I'm sure the people working on entries have put into it.


Ya 8bit just up and left cause who the fuck knows. Too bad, he's an alright guy on irc and skype.
Anyway to answer your question GK, since I'm the active mod on the contests section, I'll deal with the organization of the contest if that's okay with you guys. I figure it'll work like the last one, the community nominates in categories, then votes on the nominees.


Make it so, number fifty-eight. :^_^:


Quote from: person701 on February 01, 2014, 06:20:45 PM
I think it means that the items you include as the "special items" are the items that dictate level design, not ones you start with. I also wouldn't bank a whole lot on Palmy coming back and clarifying since he's gone and disappeared for no clear reason. :stern:

You were saying? (New Account due to permalocking old one accidentally)

Person got it right. You can start out with what ever Items you like, In game Pick-ups and such are effected.


I'm sure Zeke would be able to get it back if you sent him a message. I'm not sure what you mean by permalocking, unless you just forgot the password or something and can't get it back. Again, I'm pretty sure Zeke can fix that, maybe.


Quote from: Scyzer on February 04, 2014, 12:54:32 AM
I'm sure Zeke would be able to get it back if you sent him a message. I'm not sure what you mean by permalocking, unless you just forgot the password or something and can't get it back. Again, I'm pretty sure Zeke can fix that, maybe.

Use a disposable 10Minute Email to register (since I have all my stuff saved on a doc...well HAD) And had a 512 Character PW. Would it REALLY be necessary??


So I added a quick poll to see how everyone si doing since the contest ends on thursday. If enough people need another week or so due to being busy or what have you, then that might happen. So please, if you are making a contest hack, vote in the poll so we can know how many people are where.


I'm not going to vote because I just cba to get it done, I feel like the contest has gone on too long as it is but I guess everyone else wanted the extra month :neutral:


I think I might be able to get it done by next weekend, however I have a lot of school work ATM what with game production and so on. More time let's me take more time to expand and test, of course, that'll probably happen regardless but after the contest instead if it's not pushed back. *Shrug*

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Jordan5 on February 09, 2014, 03:10:38 PM
I feel like the contest has gone on too long as it is
This is how I feel too, and yet here I am, voting for more time!
I feel as though I can get it done this by Saturday, all it'll require is staying up until 4am every night and destroying my sleep pattern and probably my brain too.

In other words, another week would be a life saver. But yeah, this contest has gone on for ages and it's my own fault for not getting it done by restarting 3 times  :lol:


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on February 09, 2014, 04:18:46 PM
it's my own fault for not getting it done by restarting 3 times  :lol:

Yeah I restarted after the competition was extended by a month but lost all motivation and college is just a killer at the moment :mad: But good luck Vis, can't wait to play yours and everyone else's hack :grin:


I still need more time but I feel bad because I haven't been working as diligently as I'd hoped I would.  We'll see if I manage to finish.  If not, I'll finish it up on my own without the time constraint.


Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Crys on February 09, 2014, 05:36:53 PM
ITT: Lazy hackers united.
Fixed that for you, I think this is normal hacker behavior.
ITT: Deadlines, bring on Fear 2010, Aegis 2010, Event Horizon, Volta, Cider, and Axiel!  :wink:


I too think the contest has gone on too long, however I would appreciate that extra time since last week vismund and I started a contest hack and if we have time to finish it, it'll be pretty cool. Lots of neat stuff in there.


Sorry for the double post but just so you know I will close the pole on Wednesday and we'll make the decision then. apparently 8bit will do it instead. I'm not passively aggressively showing my anger towards him nope



Quote from: Quote58 on February 09, 2014, 09:01:18 PM
Sorry for the double post but just so you know I will close the pole on Wednesday and we'll make the decision then.

Good plan. Though i'm already seeing a consensus for a week. If we can get a few more done, extending shouldn't be and issue. This contest HAS gone on a bit long. If we do one more week, we should all agree that should be the final deadline. Submission week will be the deadline week.
[spoiler]            Shame on you who have just been lazy :nope:
Also this -> A countdown Clock of when I (and others upon appearance) will stream the Hacks.[/spoiler]

Okay all. In cloudirc me and a few others came to a conclusion. The FINAL Deadline is February 22 at 12:00AM PST. Don't miss it! Also, incase you missed it, I have a countingdownto set up for those like knowing how much time they got. I will (and others if the so choose) will be streaming/recording that Morning/Afternoon of that day. Submission Week Starts February 16th. Remember to use the submission format (will be posted on the Submission thread. Check this Spoiler below!)

Updated in Submissions.


Well submission time is here! Mods might put up a submission thread but for now, remember the format and see ya in a week!


Rooms seemed nicely thought out, but the spike room was awful. It didn't look bad, but it was FAR too difficult compared to the rest of the hack, considering you're pretty much dead if you make one tiny mistake.
The bosses were a bit obscure, though the new thing about them was cool :3
The one thing I hated, which almost ruined the entire hack for me, was the increased turning around in air momentum. It made simple tasks like even jumping onto a platform annoyingly tedious. That is one physics change that should NEVER be touched IMO.

I got so many items and many of them were hard to find but then I quit because I couldn't have boltie :(
Music restarting nearly every room was kinda annoying. Also, the palette was ever so monotonous, which made back tracking difficult without a pause map since nearly every room looked the same. Some of the boss rooms were great though :3

Underwater from the start was a bit tedious, but things sped up once I found Gravity. I really like the level design and tilesets, even if you were alseep while building them XD Room's were fun to move around in (post gravity), and nothing was so stupidly hidden that I never found myself not knowing where to go. Finished with 18% and 22 mins.

This seemed promising at first, but the overwhelming number of bugs and glitches brought it crashing down XD
Falling "off" of a room and respawning seems nice, if only it didnt screw up the room tilemap and look terrible for a moment. $80A176 is your best friend in this situation. The PLM and room tilemap displacements were a bit of an inconvenience. Whatever you do, don't go back up the elevator, don't shinespark up in the (seemingly) 1x1 room a bit before you get booster, both of those break the room displacement.
One more thing of note, do not save and reload it. Use states if you must. Reloading a save will make it impossible to complete the game.
Not being able to see samus or enemies for most of the game was kinda annoying. Should definitely limit the places where the blue reefs are drawn over purple to a minimum. Other than that, the reefy area is great.