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Zebes Winter Solstice 2013

Started by begrimed, November 30, 2013, 01:17:16 AM

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How close are you to finished?

1 (20%)
Almost Done (don't need more time)
0 (0%)
Still a ways to go (more time would be nice)
4 (80%)

Total Members Voted: 0


I'm posting this on Jkp-Troid's behalf (8bit or -palmy- on IRC):

[Required rules]

- Hack must be based around 2 OR 3 special items

- Missles, Morph Ball, Bombs, Super Missiles and Power Bombs do NOT count as special items

- More than 5 rooms (excludes saves, refill rooms [bug refill rooms included] and landing site)

- Minimum of 1 HEX and/or ASM tweak to any 1 of the following: physics, Samus (abilities, beam, etc.) or enemies (post tweak(s) upon submission)

[Optional but encouraged]

- Room detail be winter/cold related.

- Vanilla GFX are allowed but NOT encouraged (get creative)

You will have until January 15th to submit. Judging will be done by the community. Present and play will be announced.


sounds like fun, i should actually have time to compete this time.

Vismund Cygnus

Define "vanilla".
Also, does this mean there is no limit to rooms? Obviously it's not gonna be huge, but I can use as many as I'd like?
Anyways, I'll probably get something done for this, if only because I'll likely recycle 90% of what I use.  :lol:


Vanilla as in using the existing tilesets/palettes/whatever. I dunno if I'll be entering this one. We'll see what happens, yo.


QuoteDefine "vanilla".
Also, does this mean there is no limit to rooms? Obviously it's not gonna be huge, but I can use as many as I'd like?
Anyways, I'll probably get something done for this, if only because I'll likely recycle 90% of what I use.

Yup, no room limit. All up to the user.


Yay, I love hack competitions, though I can never seem to get my arse in gear to enter anything.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll get beyond the title screen this time..? :heheh:


I sure hope so. Im already getting ideas worked out. Hopefully i can make a better one than my last shit entry Work of artistic appeal.


Say that a beam is one of the "special items," such as ice beam. Would charge beam still count toward the total of special items?


Quote from: person701 on December 10, 2013, 09:40:23 PM
Say that a beam is one of the "special items," such as ice beam. Would charge beam still count toward the total of special items?
QuoteIf the Bosses or enemies would be deemed too tough for the "average" SM player to handle, then it will not count. Just make sure to Specify the difficulty of your hack when submitting it.
      If possible, if you know your hacks might include tough bosses, be sure to make a version that has or gives the player charge beam if you think it might be useful. That will make it so most anyone can play the hack.
      Special Beams that are not Charge will still count against the item limit.

Also note: Item limit only applies to items you pick up in game. You can start with what ever items you need, but the level design MUST be unique to the items picked in game.


Also another important note: Unless you plan to use a suit as a special/required item, it will NOT count against your items limit UNLESS your hack will be based around it. That would be important if you plan to fight bosses and such.


Silly requirements, whatever to this.
I'll still be interested if someone made something though.
Anything new is always welcome.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on December 21, 2013, 12:58:43 AM
Silly requirements, whatever to this.
I'll still be interested if someone made something though.
Anything new is always welcome.

I got a few question in IRC, so i wanted to put the info i gave here, in case anyone else got curious.


Quote 2 More weeks till the deadline! Good Luck to all - a note, Submission Period Starts Today at 12:00Am PST, so all this week until January 15th to submit. The new Deadline is February 15th, with the subbmission period being 2 weeks prior. Submission format should be followed for easy-reading/download. Also note, once a file is submitted, it cannot be Edited or Re-Submitted until after the Judging period. This prevents making edits and changing to a submission upon user/player feedback. I will download the first submission, so make sure what you upload is the final product. After the Judging period is decided, Feel free to submit a revisions for the Hacks page. (Since i would assume these hacks will go onto the metconst Hacks page.)
     Again, review and play your submission thoroughly BEFORE actually submitting it. This will keep confusion to a minimum and those who download your hack won't have to look for edits until otherwise noted. :cool:

Was updated in Submission thread.


So I was talking with MST in IRC about the deadline for this contest and as a result I want to ask for a deadline extension for the contest.  Personally, I highly doubt I'll be able to finish my entry in time and I'd rather not rush it after spending as much time as I have so far.  Additionally, MST and I estimated that about 7 or 8 people are working on entries.  Out of those, MST believes that only 2 or 3 are confident they'll make the deadline.  So I'd like to ask for a contest extension so that there will be more than 3 hacks when it's time to judge the entries.  It would make things a lot less stressful for myself and others.

Does anyone else participating here feel the same way as me?  Would an extension help you finish in time?


Yes it would help me greatly, I approve! If the deadline is extended that means I don't have any school work in the last few days and I can wipe some shit up for this contest, Save room 2 - saving boogaloo , if you will.


Definetely extend! Otherwise I'll have to resort to troll blocks/troll doors again. I might even get enough rooms done in time.


How about I guarantee a So Little hack if the deadline is extended? (I know this threat might actually work against this. . . But another hack!)


I probably won't have a hack in time for the new deadline either (exams and all that) but you never know so I agree, lets extend it.


Probably easiest to check whether anybody has a reasonable reason for NOT extending the deadline.  Otherwise, just roll with it, and choose a new date.  31st January, maybe?  Or you could present your love for Valentine's Day? :wub:


Thinking on it, I'm not saying the contest is a bad idea, but it's timing wasn't all that great with the holidays and new years. Just my two cent.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: person701 on January 06, 2014, 05:13:55 PM
Thinking on it, I'm not saying the contest is a bad idea, but it's timing wasn't all that great with the holidays and new years. Just my two cent.
This, this and this.
I am also very much for an extension. There's absolutely no way I'd be able to finish what I have in a week without it being an awful, awful mess.
And having seen my real hacks, you don't wanna know what my awful messes are like.


Alrighty, i'll put in the extension. new Deadline is February 15th. One more full month will be a GREAT amount of time for everyone. The submission will be 2 Weeks Prior.

Good Luck all!


But, but, but you missed Valentine's Day by one day. :sad:


Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on January 07, 2014, 05:24:54 AM
But, but, but you missed Valentine's Day by one day. :sad:

Don't worry Quietus, I'll have mine done just for you.
