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Super Metroid: Aegis

Started by Acheron, November 09, 2009, 01:48:36 PM

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You all have seen this before, I know, but here's an official thread.

Status: everything done except some ASM/music. (Need help from Jathys, and waiting on some code.)

Preview Vid
Another Vid


... did I mention I need to change my pants?

I'm sorry, the colors and the textures preseneted in those screenshots are simply put... bootyful.


6th/7th pictures have to be my favorites, especially foreground-wise.


This reminds me to play Eris... and beat it. <_< I've been looking forward to this hack for a while now. Take your time though, don't want a hurry to mess things up.


Ah, I remember the trailers for this. I was afraid it had been abandoned when you went quiet.

I was looking forward to this hack, and now am looking forward to it again. Can't wait to play!


Lets try not to spam this topic like the one on m2k2, ok kiddies.

My only real complaint is that some of the tilesets vary in style WAY to much. Take the 3rd to last pic for example, it sticks out when compared to the other tilesets you got going on.  It just looks way to simplistic. -_-;

I figure your already done with tilesets at this point, but I figured I'd point it out anyways.
Good luck on finishing up your hack, hopefully no more setbacks. :P


The crappy-looking ones are the ones I ripped from other games. Lesson learned for the next hack. I prefer making my own stuff anyway.


Oh awesome.  A topic for Aegis that isn't full of people complaining about when it'll be ready, and other people complaining about the people complaining.
Anyways... those screens look really good!  It's great to hear that the level design is pretty much done.. although, knowing you, it'll probably be twice as big as it is now when it comes out.  Not that that's a bad thing.  :razz:


I'unno, I kinda like the heavy variation between tilesets. Adds to that level of never knowing what's gonna be in the next room you go into, simplistic or not. In the original SM, compare the blue Brinstar/morph ball area to later parts of Maridia if you wanna talk about simplistic vs. detailed. ;] All in all, the areas look pretty sweet, and it's nice that another 'big' hack is already closer to being released.


This is probably one of the best hacks ever in the history of full hacks  :^_^:


I've had an eye on this for quite awhile now. It's simply put; beautiful. The variety of environments is astounding.

Quote from: Acheron on November 09, 2009, 04:26:54 PM
The crappy-looking ones are the ones I ripped from other games. Lesson learned for the next hack. I prefer making my own stuff anyway.

I've tried doing that too, didn't work out too well. Unfortunately, I suck at making my own tilesets, so I'm sorta stuck with the originals. Which is fine for me. I got low standards for my hack :P



Yep, still going to stop(or play alongside) whatever recording I'm working on and record a run through this once it's finished.

Nu Zalem

You [Acheron] are already aware that I have no qualms about what you're doing with the hack here. I'm just satisfied that you've gotten level design (an integral part of video games period) done. Let's just hope that things continue to go well with you and that the process for music and otherwise goes smoothly. At long last's coming.


Still working on it. Thought I'd link this for you guys. Some custom code DSO generously provided for me that allows palette changes through day to night as time passes in-game.


Those night/day pics are awesome! Things go quiet on this hack for awhile, then out of nowhere... New info! The night/day cycle could make for some very interesting game play. Can't wait to see more on Aegis.

Power Missile

Day/night cycle... something also known in one of the Castlevania games...

I'm glad you're back.


Quote from: Power Missile on July 25, 2010, 01:45:17 AM
Day/night cycle... something also known in one of the Castlevania games...

I could be wrong about there actually being a day/night cycle, I was only going by the pics... these may have no effect on the general game play elements at all. However, I think it would be pretty interesting if the day/night cycle could effect opening certain doors or obtaining certain items.

Power Missile

It would be interesting to see that, yes.

I was just referring to the graphical aspect of it.  If it could do anything like open up doors or awaken certain bosses (Ridley at night? Torizo as a Chozo zombie? Sweet), then it'll make for a very, very sweet hack.


Quote from: Riffman81 on July 25, 2010, 02:23:30 AM
I could be wrong about there actually being a day/night cycle, I was only going by the pics... these may have no effect on the general game play elements at all. However, I think it would be pretty interesting if the day/night cycle could effect opening certain doors or obtaining certain items.
While that would be an interesting idea I'd love to see, I'm afraid it's really way too late in the development cycle for him to use the day/night as a major game mechanic in Aegis. It's there to immerse you into the world.


Quote from: DSO on July 25, 2010, 09:30:26 AM
Quote from: Riffman81 on July 25, 2010, 02:23:30 AM
I could be wrong about there actually being a day/night cycle, I was only going by the pics... these may have no effect on the general game play elements at all. However, I think it would be pretty interesting if the day/night cycle could effect opening certain doors or obtaining certain items.
While that would be an interesting idea I'd love to see, I'm afraid it's really way too late in the development cycle for him to use the day/night as a major game mechanic in Aegis. It's there to immerse you into the world.

Either way, it'll be interesting to see how it's used... even if it is only eye candy. :^_^:



That skills to use the tile layer pro, but, all that lacking you to finish it???


Quote from: matymetal666 on August 27, 2010, 10:15:44 PM

That skills to use the tile layer pro, but, all that lacking you to finish it???

I hope people don't start this kind of thing here.... like on Met2k2, comments like this isn't going to get Aegis released any sooner. I saw the thread bumped and assumed there were updates. Bottom line: When it's done, it's done. Then we ALL can enjoy this legendary hack we've been hearing about for quite sometime. But until then, let the man behind this hack work. Patience everyone... patience. :^_^:

Hiroshi Mishima

Let's not forget school has started again for a lot of people, many ROM hackers included.


Let's also not forget that archeon has, as I recall, two jobs on top of school.


Quote from: Riffman81 on August 28, 2010, 02:21:49 AM
Quote from: matymetal666 on August 27, 2010, 10:15:44 PM

That skills to use the tile layer pro, but, all that lacking you to finish it???

I hope people don't start this kind of thing here.... like on Met2k2, comments like this isn't going to get Aegis released any sooner. I saw the thread bumped and assumed there were updates. Bottom line: When it's done, it's done. Then we ALL can enjoy this legendary hack we've been hearing about for quite sometime. But until then, let the man behind this hack work. Patience everyone... patience. :^_^:

Cuanto puede demorar??, ya es agosto de 2010 en mí país

Ya es Septiembre de 2010 en mi país,cuando va a ser terminado???  :mad: