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super metroid used metroid

Started by lol123ps3, November 03, 2013, 09:01:09 AM

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this is my hack that i worked on

story: come soon


picture #1

i will try to post like 1 picture a week or something dont want to show that much ;)

trailer: that kinda suck   super metroid used metroid trailer

sorry i dont written so much its becuse my english is not the best :/

Vismund Cygnus

From that video, I must say your tiling is looking very, very, very plain. It's all rather blocky and overall needs a lot more variation. In addition, the trailer itself needs to show off more than just a couple of rather plain rooms.
And not to sound bitchy, while I don't mind using Project Base for your hack, but from what I can see, you've literally changed nothing about the palettes/graphics used. I'd rather see a Vanilla hack than a vanilla Project Base hack. It doesn't show off any of your own ability in my opinion because it's basically Grime's work. By all means use it. I'd just like to see it used as a base (see how I did that on purpose?) and build off it by adding personal flavour, as opposed to just using it as is.
It'd also be good to have a bit more info on the hack itself. How big/what type of hack is it? Will it be difficult? Skills required? That kind of thing.

That being said, it looks like you've done a fair bit of work on this, and I look forward to seeing you continue progress. best of luck to you.  :^_^:



I have a lot of complaints about the trailer itself, not so much the content. Didn't really show too much, but there is nothing wrong with that. Although I could take a guess that there isn't too much to show off currently. But still, keeping things relatively secret is not a bad thing. Also, never include a release date. Keep people guessing, it'll keep them more entertained that way. (i.e. Aegis, which to my knowledge has exceeded what should be everyones idea of a release window, but everyone is still wanting it released.) And it puts more pressure on you to get it out, which may end up causing it to be rushed and lack polish.

[spoiler=Long rant about the trailer]About the trailer. . . Now this I have a lot to complain about. There is no theme to it first of all. It is basically just "Look at this room I made. Now I am exploring it lol 01110110!" Nothing wrong with just showing off a few things, but seriously, first rooms you are in it is just a bunch of needless firing. If the purpose was to show Morph Ball and getting back, that requires all of two shots. One for each time you open the door. You have a million shots fired for no reason, and check out a little suspicious looking spot. Why? The point isn't to show off it isn't anything. Let the player figure that out when they play it.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of annoying things in the trailer. You kept in having another window open, and then kept in switching your savestate to show a new area. Just no. Nothing wrong with some hard cuts to the video, but that could have been cut out entirely. You could have also done a fade between the two and skipped that whole part entirely. Don't cut after you stop moving, cut while Samus is still moving. This is a trailer, keep things moving. You also did a serious disservice to the viewer when you went back to refill after defeating the Gadora. (Eye door.) The very next room you show Samus dying. . . Why did you go back and refill? That is a waste of the viewers time and does nothing for the trailer, and is more liable to make the viewer stop caring. Keep it moving and interesting for the viewer. They can refill when they play it.

And one more final critique, you have music playing that isn't in game. Nothing wrong there, and I encourage that actually. However you ruined it by keeping the game audio in the video. One or the other, not both. On top of that, after the savestate it appears the game audio gets even louder. . . (Mostly due to the music playing, but it needed muted either way.) You could do some interesting little edits to have both in, such as cutting the music you used right as Samus died, so that the viewer would get the death sounding right there. There are a lot of ways to do interesting bits in trailers, and I suggest trying more things out in your next one. Remember, you are trying to show your hack in a positive light. Keep it moving, and keep it interesting, and the viewer will be more likely to get excited about it.[/spoiler]


sorry then i will make a new trailer but its hard to do a good trailer when using a bad edit program...


It would be far easier to do if the trailer showed off the hack and not shooting every wall needlessly. A trailer can do three things:

1. Get people excited for the hack
2. Does nothing at all
3. Puts people off

Your trailer puts me off. A few more minutes editing it would pay dividends towards showing off the best features of the hack without distracting the viewer with needless footage showing off absolutely nothing.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: lol123ps3 on November 03, 2013, 10:08:45 AM
try to think about the hack not the trailer just sayin  :colonrightv:
Hold on a minute there bud.
The trailer is meant to demonstrate the hack though. The entire point of the trailer is to show off your hack. If the trailer isn't good, the hack doesn't look good at all. An uninteresting trailer does not get people wanting to see more of your project.
Think about a movie trailer for a second;
[spoiler=It's a bad movie, but it was the first one that came up]
ROBOCOP - Official Trailer (2014) [HQ]
The trailer is there to show off the movie, to get people interested in it. Imagine for a second, that instead of the fade outs, etc. the trailer showed random jumps and hard cuts. While I wouldn't expect anything as well-polished as this without any kind of budget, it should still be kept in mind.
Here's a more realistic example of what you could do however:
[spoiler=Shoutouts to Cloud13 :P]
Combustion Official Introduction
See how instead of jumping from one area to the next without warning, the cuts fade out and have an "intermission"-type thing? And how much better it sounds by only using the one audio track? Most importantly, see how the trailer makes you want to see more? A trailer is supposed to pull you in and appeal to you. If all you want to do is show off the rooms, then post screenshots.

Just sayin  :colonrightv:

Dang, Mst beat me to it.


MY HACK IS DONE! GET HYPED I WILL REALEASE IT 17 OCTOBER! WOHO! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Vismund Cygnus

Maybe more than 1 very small screenshot and a no longer available trailer would do a little more to build hype. Just putting it out there.
But hey, prove me wrong.

Steel Sparkle

Interesting. Even though this so called trailer doesn't exit (at least that is what it tells me) i may try this out.. I see from the posts it uses project base and that's always a plus in my book. who knows. Maybe this will be really good. Or it could really suck. Only one way to find out. wait till it comes out.