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"Another Metroid 2 Remake" By DoctorM64

Started by GunerX, November 03, 2013, 04:26:02 AM

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They used the wario land 4 engine to make fusion, and fusion to make zm but yes that's the idea.


Played through this instead of studying for finals ("Bad RT!"). This is the first demo I've played through since the one that went up to the first ruins. As Bill Nye would say, "Not half bad." Nothing like my ideal vision of a RoS remake, but very polished and very professional-like nonetheless.

Area 2 has some fantastic music.

I would have preferred Fusion's physics over ZM's, but in the context of the areas he's designed it works well enough. The level design is generally pretty good, but a couple rooms feel a bit... "over-designed" (maybe "messy" would be a better word). The room before Archanus is a good example of this. It's just a convoluted tangle of pipes and passages that are not novel, interesting, nor challenging. It could easily be pared down to something much simpler and less out-of-place (too much level design can sometimes detract from the 'solitary' atmosphere, I feel).

The Metroid fights are a mixed bag. On one hand, I really don't like how difficult it is to even connect a hit with one of those things (diagonal aiming on a keyboard is murder). On the other hand, I really like how he put some effort into differentiating the behavior of individual specimens. And on the third hand, some of the rooms where you fight them have platforms that are way, way too small.

The jump ball needs to jump higher (especially once you get the Hi-Jump).

[spoiler="Spoilers, I guess..."]I like the additions to area 3, aside from the remote-control robot gimmick. Making the metroid nest area dark was a good decision.

Storm Eagle has really beefed himself up since 21XX. Same with Armored Armadillo. (I vote for Flame Stag to be the miniboss of area 4.)

The GF encampment could stand to maybe be a room or two longer. That, or just adding a Metroid fight to the room with the missile pack would have done wonders to the suspense/shock of the area.

My suggestion for improving the mining area would be to have the first mining-bore be something that you can actually attempt to use, but make it so that it just releases sparks/fumes if you try. Then he could make it so the second bore would go into this broken-down state after you're finished with it.[/spoiler]

Regarding the graphics: One thing that Metroid 2 and 3 were exceptionally good at was giving their graphics varied texture, while still having a consistent art style. This was particularly pronounced in RoS, it being made for a monochrome screen and all. Besides differing shapes, texture was the only way to really differentiate one tileset from another. On the other hand, the cartoonier style of Fusion/ZM, while helpful with regards to visibility on the OG-GBA's dim-as-all-heck screen, was rather lacking in texture (particularly in ZM's case).


Finally got around to playing this, and WOW THAT WAS AWESOME. The Metroid battles were fun, and most importantly varied (which is good, 'cause there's a lot of them).

[spoiler=Don't read this or you'll spoil some of the surprises AM2R has to offer]I loved Area 3 (although the remote control robot thing was irritating. At least let me move without jumping!) The lighting engine is really cool; when I entered the metroid nest area and things became progressively darker, chills went down my spine. Possibly my favorite part of the demo was that Torizo battle. Using the Space Jump to wage a high-stakes aerial battle was incredible.[/spoiler]

The only glaring issue was that my computer isn't very good so there were frequent lag spikes, but apparently even this will be resolved as big optimizations are coming our way in 1.33.

Lucky Dearly

A recent update was released for this fan game and it is pretty awesome. Area 4A and Area 4B are both interesting ideas and the Zeta Metroids are a bigger challenge than they were in Metroid 2



Holy shit. I had no clue they were that close to done, feels like it's been forever now. Wicked awesome.


Quote from: TobiMikami on July 08, 2016, 09:59:19 AM
Holy shit. I had no clue they were that close to done, feels like it's been forever now. Wicked awesome.

Close to 10 years hard to believe he's been working with it for that long. :)
His major concern now is if nintendo happens to look over at his website right before launch.
He will be shut down by them which is unavoidable, if he does release it I'll keep a private copy for anyone needing it behind the scenes.

Zero One

I highly doubt Nintendo is going to can it just before release. They're not in the business of stomping on fangames. It's impossible that Nintendo don't already know about it.


Quote from: Zero One on July 25, 2016, 08:57:59 AM
I highly doubt Nintendo is going to can it just before release. They're not in the business of stomping on fangames.

Thats partially true, but think about it when does metroid federation force come out again ? :/
As long this fan game doesn't derail or under populate MFF, nintendo won't do much.

Just a bad feeling that they will do something, I see why doctorm64 is concerned about the project being brought down.
Check his posts over on his forum.  :>:


Quote from: Dark-SA-X on July 26, 2016, 08:22:32 AMAs long this fan game doesn't derail or under populate MFF, nintendo won't do much.
**ERROR: Cannot divide by zero.**



I'm not very happy with Nintendo's latest works at all. I have a Wii U rotting in my basement that's barely been played. My main focus in Nintendo is Metroid and Zelda, they made multiple original titles for GameCube and Wii, they were very good installments. I put my confidence in that with Wii U, and I basically bent over and got fucked. I got one new Zelda title, which was completely devoid of puzzle and dungeons. I got jack diddly squat from the Metroid series. As a consolation prize, they threw in "Mario Maker" which is a joke, considering I can download a Game Maker engine for Mario Bros and be able to do that and more for free, and an "HD" remake of two other Zelda titles that were already in what I would consider HD. Even Trilogy was a decent remake in the sense that it converted the controls from GameCube to Wii, the "HD" Zelda remakes couldn't even rearrange or change the dungeons. AM2R hit that nail right on the head, truly appreciable HD with original content. I follow whoever makes the franchise, Nintendo failed me. As far as I'm concerned, if they shut down AM2R, I will never purchase their games and systems ever again. I'll pirate any of their future titles I want to play. This is the most professional Metroid title since Other M, not to mention this project is hugely responsible for getting me into this industry and into Game Maker. Axing it at the end of all these years would be the ultimate insult to me.


You should try Metroid Blast Ball, its not something I like but its alright for a 3d platformer.
Now I see why its slow due to the sizes of the AI mechs and whatever else nintendo is packing into it.

Comparing this to Jetforce gemini N64 and spectrobes origins NWii, it still isn't worth it but they sound and look similiar.


Metroid is so death that even Nintendo does not care if someone is remaking Metroid 2. If this would have been Zelda or Mario. The story would be different because those games still makes  money and Nintendo does not like when someone is playing with their  franchise that are still relevant.


Quote from: TobiMikami on July 27, 2016, 12:13:08 AM
I got one new Zelda title, which was completely devoid of puzzle and dungeons.
Which Zelda are you talking about? I didn't think there was one out for the Wii U already.



Quote from: Dark-SA-X on July 25, 2016, 12:28:50 AMHis major concern now is if nintendo happens to look over at his website right before launch.
The smart move would've been to just drop it on the net without any FREAKING ADVERTISING OF IT, if that was his concern. If it happens to go the route of Crimson Echoes, well... (for those not in the know, it's bad)


Quote from: Damski on August 01, 2016, 06:44:46 AM
Metroid is so death that even Nintendo does not care if someone is remaking Metroid 2. If this would have been Zelda or Mario. The story would be different because those games still makes  money and Nintendo does not like when someone is playing with their  franchise that are still relevant.

Pretty much this. Here's the thing, I think this is similar to what happened with megaman and the megaman cross street fighter fan game. Capcom wasn't doing anything with the IP, and then some guy made a great fan game for the anniversary, and capcom being cool people at that moment decided to endorse it. Now nintendo doesn't do shit like that, because they're way too stubborn to ever endorse a fan game, but I bet you they also are looking at it as a good way to celebrate the anniversary without them having to do anything.
So, at the very least nintendo doesn't really give a shit that someone is doing this, and at the most they're just too stubborn to actively endorse it. The fact is this game has been in the works for years and years. If nintendo wanted it shut down they would've done it a long time ago. If this were zelda, it would've been taken down early, but it's not. It's metroid, and metroid 2 at that.


Quote from: Lenophis on August 02, 2016, 02:12:35 AM
Quote from: Dark-SA-X on July 25, 2016, 12:28:50 AMHis major concern now is if nintendo happens to look over at his website right before launch.
The smart move would've been to just drop it on the net without any FREAKING ADVERTISING OF IT, if that was his concern. If it happens to go the route of Crimson Echoes, well... (for those not in the know, it's bad)
Let's not forget that it's blogspot, so not sure nintendo could take it down. And the game has been in development since at least mid 2000's. And he isn't really "advertising" it. Others are. And dropping it on the net? Terrible idea. He wouldn't get any coverage or feed back. And he likely wouldve taken even longer without other people. And besides that, he likely would've quit if it weren't for the support of people.


Quote from: PonchGaming on August 02, 2016, 10:48:08 AM
Let's not forget that it's blogspot, so not sure nintendo could take it down. And the game has been in development since at least mid 2000's. And he isn't really "advertising" it. Others are. And dropping it on the net? Terrible idea.

Yes I know with the popularity of that game, the more well known it is, someone like nintendo will do something.
Just because metroid hasn't had a good game in awhile, doesn't mean nintendo wants someone else infringing on its trademark property.
This one here is pretty solid reason why nintendo does this to protect its sales.
Heck I hate to admit it but nintendo was pretty nice about the warnings and to leave well enough alone but.....

This is why doctorm64 was pretty concerned about nintendo looking at him directly and saying something that would ruin the project.
This weekend will be good, I look forward to taking my time and playing it throughout the week. :)


Quote from: SirAileron on August 01, 2016, 02:54:14 PM
Quote from: TobiMikami on July 27, 2016, 12:13:08 AM
I got one new Zelda title, which was completely devoid of puzzle and dungeons.
Which Zelda are you talking about? I didn't think there was one out for the Wii U already.
Hyrule Warriors. Though I would consider it much like Link's Crossbow Training; existent, but irrelevant to the series. Features the combat aspect, but completely devoid of anything Zelda but combat.

Either way, if Nintendo wants to abandon their best trademarks, that's fine, all of these people like us will keep it going. If they really cared about it, they'd be making new titles for it. Aside from that, the company's got a clientele with its fans, if they go around shutting down non-profit fan games, they're basically attacking their own franchise, something their own fans were interested in who are now bitter with you and want to withdraw from the company. Then you have to weigh your losses, is the fan game costing you more revenue then shutting it down and losing money in sales? In this case, they're best bet is to leave it be, which is likely why they've allowed it to happen, they know it's out there, they have to by now, after all these years.


Quote from: TobiMikami on August 04, 2016, 12:21:40 AM
Quote from: SirAileron on August 01, 2016, 02:54:14 PM
Quote from: TobiMikami on July 27, 2016, 12:13:08 AM
I got one new Zelda title, which was completely devoid of puzzle and dungeons.
Which Zelda are you talking about? I didn't think there was one out for the Wii U already.
Hyrule Warriors. Though I would consider it much like Link's Crossbow Training; existent, but irrelevant to the series. Features the combat aspect, but completely devoid of anything Zelda but combat.

Either way, if Nintendo wants to abandon their best trademarks, that's fine, all of these people like us will keep it going. If they really cared about it, they'd be making new titles for it. Aside from that, the company's got a clientele with its fans, if they go around shutting down non-profit fan games, they're basically attacking their own franchise, something their own fans were interested in who are now bitter with you and want to withdraw from the company. Then you have to weigh your losses, is the fan game costing you more revenue then shutting it down and losing money in sales? In this case, they're best bet is to leave it be, which is likely why they've allowed it to happen, they know it's out there, they have to by now, after all these years.
Actually, Nintendo said they won't care/encourage people to make tributes to their stuff, as long as no money is involved. And a lot of the C&D comes from an ex Nintendo employee. Now if this was say Microsoft or Sony or square, it would be a worse story.


Finished this last night with klunk
2:55:40 IGT (+45 minutes for 100% clean up off stream)


Here's a map with 100% item completion if anyone needs it.


Just finished it a few minutes.

Absolutely incredible. It was everything I hoped it would be, but better. 10/10, go play it right now.

[spoiler]Nice Fusion reference! (Already killed the little hopper enemy... was half expecting an X to burst out, but then I remembered that the Metroids would keep them away.

I kinda blitzed through it entirely this morning, so I will say that I pretty much have no qualms with the game at all. All of the new additions were really great, and I like how the creator re-interpreted some of the levels to give them a little extra spice. I also enjoyed the new areas, like the gravity suit area, the GFS research lab, and the GFS Thoth (though the Genesis enemy was a little blatant with the Alien references :P )

I guess if I had ANY nitpicks, they'd be that I was kinda hoping for more logbook entries and for the forcefield gimmick near the gravity suit to be expanded a little more (I thought it was a pretty fun and interesting gimmick), and for the hitboxes for the metroid's vulnerable spots to be made just a tad bigger. Lastly, I felt the Spider Ball was pretty underutilized after the area you find it. There were a few puzzles I was scratching my head at until I remember I had the spider ball; I wasn't using it much!

I also liked the addition of the Lower Norfair and Sanctuary Grounds music (the starting area in MP2, whatever it's called) as part of the area music. I like how we go an actual escape sequence this time around, even if it was probably scripted :P

Other small little details I liked:

* Walljumping after a non-spinning jump is possible, and very handy!

* Low-ledge climbing is very helpful in certain areas.

* I didn't utilize it much, but I appreciated the dedicated moonwalk button.

* Save points refilling health and ammo.[/spoiler]

Overall, this was such a fun experience and a perfect way to spend the 30th anniversary of Metroid. I'll definitely be replaying this often in the future!