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Metroid: Super Mission

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 06:17:42 PM

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Physics changes, or no?

No walljumping
Increase gravity(fall faster, etc)
Keep Vanilla Physics(normal SM)
1, but 4
3, but 2
Change both(1, 3)
No physics changes(2, 4)


Looking nice Phazar! Any idea when this may be done? =)


I don't know of an approximate time of completion at this time.  I'll try to aim for a release before the year ends....maybe make it a Christmas present, if it takes that long.


Proof I'm not dead.  Norfair is killing me though....but I won't give up.  Ever.  Also, yes, I will fix those grey platforms eventually, but I'm focusing more toward level design ATM and doing graphics work afterwards.


so is this going to have the map or long halls in brinstar?

Silver Skree

Phazar: are you planning on doing physics tweaks to make the game feel like a smoother, SM-style version of Metroid 1, or are you keeping vanilla super physics?

I'd love to see the super-floaty Metroid 1 physics mimicked. DOO EET.


No physics changes have been made at this time.  So far, the physics are the same as SM's.  But I could always change something sooner or later.  And yes, there is a map this time.  But no map stations, so explore it yourself.  Most of you probaby know your way around by now anyway.  You know--I'm starting to get some motivation to get back to work on this.  I haven't opened SMILE in over a month, but I need to get this finished very soon.



Major bump.

Well, it has now been at least a year since I started.  No, it is not dead.  I have just had other things going on in my life lately, but I am getting back to hacking very soon, so expect new content coming soon.  I make this announcement to declare that this hack is NOT dead, nor will it ever be dead until it is finished.  Carry on, fellow hackers.


Very good!  I can't wait to see what your game looks like!!  Looking forward to playing it.


Another major bump.  This hack IS finally back in business.  Full Tourian room that I teased a bit of earlier in this topic can be seen below.  This will be the only part of Tourian I will ever show before the release.  Don't even think of begging.

[spoiler=Very Tall Image][/spoiler]


Thats the picture in the rotw. Good job on it.


RoTW was kinda the main reason I put that pic in the hack topic that has all my other pics for this hack.... >_>


I was wondering what the status was on this project... good to hear that it's still alive. :^_^:


Quote from: Phazar on July 12, 2010, 05:02:59 PM
This hack IS finally back in business. 
Glad to hear that. I with you good luck with this


Seeing this topic in my unread list reminds me... Did you remember to give the player 75 missiles if he/she beats Kraid/Ridley?


Quote from: DekuKnight on July 13, 2010, 05:30:45 AM
Seeing this topic in my unread list reminds me... Did you remember to give the player 75 missiles if he/she beats Kraid/Ridley?
75 Missiles? Why do that when you can hide them?


Quote from: DarkSamus on July 13, 2010, 01:31:31 PM
Quote from: DekuKnight on July 13, 2010, 05:30:45 AM
Seeing this topic in my unread list reminds me... Did you remember to give the player 75 missiles if he/she beats Kraid/Ridley?
75 Missiles? Why do that when you can hide them?
Because he is remaking the original. :eyeroll:


Ohhh, I see. I haven't play M1 in a long time. Sorry about that, I got curious.


i'm seriously, SERIOUSLY hoping either this or the other SM hack who's name i cant remember because it's being buried as we speak gets finished.
M1 remade in SM is something i've been wanting to see for a while.


Everyone new to the topic, I'd read the first few pages so you can understand how the whole shabang has been going/will be.  I really want to finish this soon(and I should, considering that this thread has almost existed since MetConst's founding), and really the only thing in my way is recreating Norfair, which I am really starting to hate.

Quote from: DekuKnight on July 13, 2010, 05:30:45 AM
Seeing this topic in my unread list reminds me... Did you remember to give the player 75 missiles if he/she beats Kraid/Ridley?
Kraid and Ridley are both done, but I still need to find a way to give you 75 missiles after each boss.  ASM could probably do it, although I don't know how hard that would be to do.


Quote from: Phazar on July 14, 2010, 12:12:52 PM
Kraid and Ridley are both done, but I still need to find a way to give you 75 missiles after each boss.  ASM could probably do it, although I don't know how hard that would be to do.

In SMILE's PLM editor you can change how many missiles you get in the "value" box (in hex).  Using this method might be a bit more work if you've used all 3 types of missiles (orb, regular, and hidden), but it would be one way to get around using ASM.  I can't remember if the original had all 3 types like SM though.


The original had only regulars.


Plus all missile expansions will still give only 5 missiles, it's only Kraid and Ridley that give you 75(and there is no item you pick up for it, in the original it was death-triggered).  Maybe changing something in the bosses' AIs could do it, but I'm not sure.  Maybe abusing different types of missiles could work without ASM, if we change, say, an orb missile's value and not normal's, and then force the player to pick them up.


If you force the player to pick them up then it could make some interesting play possibilities for low percent runs.


Phazar, are you going to make original M1 tiles? If not and you don't want to do them then I could make them for you. Hope your hack makes progress. :^_^: