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Metroid: Super Mission

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 06:17:42 PM

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Physics changes, or no?

No walljumping
Increase gravity(fall faster, etc)
Keep Vanilla Physics(normal SM)
1, but 4
3, but 2
Change both(1, 3)
No physics changes(2, 4)


the pipes on the left please, the ones on the right look hideous  :icon_silent:


Both looks bad IMO. Also the right door will fuck up I bet.


your door is flipped the wrong way
it's placed wrong
your palette is bad
your background is horrible
get back to work, phazar! you can do better. I know you can, "hacking hero"!


I fixed the tiles at nearly the same second you posted, lol.

Took a while to actually post it here, but considering the time I fixed the tiles, it looks like you've been...


Bump.  I have now removed that ugly FX1 glow to produce this:


A few complaints...

- The black space looks bad! Needs some filler, don'tcha think?
- The background is quite... bland. Needs less repeating vertically, it just doesn't look good!


That background was just the result of me changing tilesets in that particular room.  I will be replacing it soon.


Nice hack. I think I saw this on youtube before I came here. When I first got SMILE I eventually planned to do something like this but it seems you've got control of it now. :lol:


What?  A random update?  Today?
Well, here it is:

Minor note: The Metroids do not look like that ingame, the graphics just screwed due to the frame at which that screenshot was taken.


looks kinda like metroid redesign!
lookin' cool. but not so cool for samus o _O


Quote from: Bloodsonic on June 25, 2009, 09:17:32 PM
looks kinda like metroid on the NES!
lookin' cool. but not so cool for samus o _O
I agree.


I did a small improvement to the Orange Brinstar column tiles from earlier in this topic.

The left was before, the right is now.  Also, notice that I have finally fixed that door problem and black space that many people have commented on.


It looks better, but the background still needs to be fixed, and so much use of the same tile is kinda ugly. The green in those tiles also doesn't look all that great to me. It is very reminiscent of NEStroid, though.



That's a little show of some of my new Brinstar tiles.  Also, once again, Samus is about to get hit.  Why do my screenshots always end in pain for Samus? :lol:

Post Merge: July 05, 2009, 11:55:41 AM

Bump.  [hope that's ok]

I have finally finished(hopefully) the first Orange Brinstar shaft room that you've been seeing throughout this thread.  Below is the complete evolution of that room, from earliest(and worst) to now:



Niiiiice. I like how you've retro'ed up the place, especially in that first screenie. The BG is quite ugly, though. :O_o: Needs more variation, detail, etc. Taking some inspiration (but not tilesets!) from ZM wouldn't hurt. :D


You're getting beaten up by graphics, I can see. :P
Looks cool though. things are getting better.


Nicely done Phazar, i can see how that shaft has come along, im not sure about grey bricking all the way, i know its hard but i think you need to make a different BG, use the ones from MZM or even ORN for inspiration.

now, about them doors....


BG have very little detail.
Your eyes might be sore if you play to much in this area with that palette.


I actually made some improvements to that BG yesterday, I just haven't posted it yet.  I will try to post it here today.


This is a different room, but that slightly-changed BG is what I might use for those earlier rooms.


Getting there Phazar, anyway, made something for you

NES doors FTW


....and here they are, thanks to GF_Kennon's master GFX work!


Something went wrong. See the very top/bottoms of the doors there? They aren't still using palette 1, GF_Kennon. nice job <_<


Oh please, that's an easy fix. GFX Editor and "BAM"! Unless Kennon did something different that can't be fixed there.


Sorry about that, i can fix that, its just i ran out of colours and thought they would be fine. ill fix this asap.

Edit, Phazar pop onto IRC and ill pass the new doors over.
