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Over the Moon

Started by testzero, July 18, 2018, 01:23:26 PM

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You play as Bessie, bio-engineered weapon under the employ of the Ax, a powerful alien species that has been monitoring Earth for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They maintain their secrecy by destroying any evidence of their presence. That's where you come in.
It is your mission to travel into the Bloom Lake Research Facility and erase the data being stored in the central server. Unfortunately, this server is inaccessible without the two passcodes, each protected by powerful defense robots kept elsewhere in the facility.

Explore the BLRF in search of weapons and equipment while avoiding dangerous robots and hazards, track down the two passcodes, and find your way through the security systems to destroy the main computer.

The main idea for OTM was to take the traditional Metroid format and remove all the boring parts: Long corridors and repetitive climbing, grinding for health, getting lost and having to backtrack, and the end result is, what I hope, a much more streamlined and concise Metroid experience.

The game is fairly open-ended, with the player's choice of which areas to visit in which order, and new things to do depending on the kind of equipment the player chooses to use and in what order they are picked up.

This was my first attempt at a serious major romhack, but I think it's very polished and well designed. I've been working on it pretty much nonstop for the last 6 weeks, and I'm happy to finally see it come to fruition. Your feedback is appreciated!

More information including new item and enemy names can be found on my website

A Dummy

Woah, this is out of nowhere and looks interesting, I'll be sure to give it a try over the weekend.


Your website link seems to redirect to the domain top and I only see the screenshot gallery for this hack. That being said, I have mostly completed it, and am now up to "Tourian". Is there anything in "room" 2E? I'm guessing that's where

[spoiler]Screw Attack[/spoiler]

is, since I can't seem to find anything else to explore. Unless it's in "Tourian"? Still, interesting hack; good job.


Hi. Thanks for letting me know. I fixed the link. The Tesla Reactor (Screw Attack) and X-33 Serum (Varia Suit) are optional items, but will help greatly in the final area. There is an item in 2E, but it may not be necessary depending on what you already have.

I'm glad you're enjoying my hack!


tfw you realize "Tesla Reactor" is appropriate because a Screw Attack that works as you describe it is something Nikola Tesla would be crazy enough to at least claim to be trying, let alone actually do try :V

I'll keep looking on both fronts in the meantime, thanks.

Update: found the room 2E item; it's not what I thought it was, so back to looking for that other thing
Update 2: and found the thing I was looking for; there was a part of Norfair I hadn't explored. Thanks! Now to finish the game~


[spoiler=My thoughts]This is a pretty neat hack. The graphic design is very well done. General level design is pretty good as well. There isn't too much to say other than it was pretty rough in the beginning because I needed to explore better. I made pretty steady progress afterwards though. My biggest gripe is the final area. I flat out did not enjoy it. The gimmick with the zebitites was pretty neat, but the maze-like structure overstayed it's welcome to me. I spent way too long trying to figure out how to get the last zebitite in particular. However, I will say that can attributed to me being bad. My biggest problem with it however, is the stupid amount of rinkas and the unfixed drops. The rinkas would often spawn on top of me before I knew they were there, hit me in doors, and combo me for 2 to 3 etanks at a time in very particular spots. The lack of a refill system or fixed drops is also REALLY annoying. Running out of ammo is punished with having to go all the way back to a refill bug in order to farm properly. I feel as these two things made me almost dislike the hack. They certainly made me despise the final area. Otherwise, it's pretty solid. Good work. [/spoiler]