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Contest Suggestion

Started by FullOfFail, July 22, 2013, 11:57:09 AM

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I think that that would be more difficult for people to manage.  Trying to keep track of how many you've used would just be another thing taking up your time.  Things need to be kept as simple as possible, so that people can get submissions in.


The problem I had with limiting rooms and their sizes is people (or maybe just me) would spend a lot of time on Door scroll ASM trying to get the most out of each room. It depends on what everyone would prefer and if this ever goes ahead (hopefully it will :nod:)


Quote from: Jordan5 on July 25, 2013, 05:49:03 AMDoor scroll ASM
To be honest, I doubt this.  There are some users who would know how to do this, but I suspect that the large majority of hackers wouldn't even consider it, and would use basic room sizes, with standard door transitions.


On the matter of rooms/scrolls, I feel like 5 rooms is way to small. Yes I know we're talking SMILE rooms and coupled with rooms not allowed to reach 10 or more scrolls... I feel like my freedom would be heavily limited. :neutral: Something like this could be snapped together in a week. I feel like rooms no bigger than 16 scrolls (so 4x4, 2x8, or any variation lower than that) and a limit of maybe 6-7 would be a bit more fitting. I mean, if we're given multiple weeks to work on the contest hack, it only makes sense to make the actual hack relative to how long the contest will last (taking into account some time for testing as well). I hope I'm making my point here.

Also, what's everyone's thought on custom ASM? I feel like "public only" would be good for those without any knowledge of it/the newbies.


I think that it would be best to have them all restricted to vanilla, since it means everybody can take part.  Failing that, we could try two categories: Vanilla hacks on one side, and anything with any modifications on the other?

For the room size limits, it seems like there's no clear answer or preference, so I'd say lose the restrictions completely, and leave it down to the creators as to how much they can get done within the time limit.


When does this start and how long does it last?


That's what we're trying to pin down, but since FoF kind of announced it, I feel he should really be the one to finalise things.


I might get in on this if it doesn't seem like it'd take too long to do.

As for the room size thing: I'd say just go with X number of rooms + 1 boss room that can be any size you want them to be. Maybe disallow door scroll ASM so each hack has the same number of door transitions.



What I'll probably end up doing is making a poll for each aspect brought up here. That way it'll be totally based on the will of the community. Need to talk to Zeke first, but if possible we could start it on Aug 1st, the time for how long it'll last will be included in the polls. Other than that, should just be a matter of hacking and submitting.


Quote from: Grime on July 26, 2013, 10:19:40 AMHACK MUST END WITH SPORE SPAWN FIGHT.
If this is the case, and I end up submitting, I'm giving everybody Charged Plasma before the fight. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

So are we suggesting no ASM at all?
What about hex edits?


If all goes well, I'll be back in my home state on the 30th (like at literally midnight EST.) For now, I am posting from New York and being awesome. Also to be quite honest I have seen this topic at its face value and it looks like nothing solid, but maybe FoF has absorbed all of the suggestions and has the details written somewhere, in which case I don't see any reason not to trust Project to get the ball rolling unless it is most sensical at the start of the new month. I leave it in your hands, those of you who have power. For now. :suspect:


I haven't been writing stuff down per se, but I have an idea of how to approach this. I was just going to use a external site that uses polls, and have all the community vote for all the details, room sizes, amount of rooms, length of time the contest lasts, bosses, etc.

Maybe I'm underestimating all of this, but from there it should be as simple as making a thread with all the voted upon rules and regulations. Seems like alot of people are interested, so it should be fun.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: FullOfFail on July 27, 2013, 04:19:06 AM
I haven't been writing stuff down per se, but I have an idea of how to approach this. I was just going to use a external site that uses polls, and have all the community vote for all the details, room sizes, amount of rooms, length of time the contest lasts, bosses, etc.

Maybe I'm underestimating all of this, but from there it should be as simple as making a thread with all the voted upon rules and regulations. Seems like alot of people are interested, so it should be fun.
This all sounds like it should work really well.  :^_^:


Damn you, democracy!  Where's our dictatorship gone? :^_^: