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Metconst YouTube Channel

Started by Scyzer, July 11, 2013, 07:58:19 AM

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I am scrapping this idea. I just wanted to do something good for the community, but apparently some people have a problem with that.
Please do continue your video topic discussion.


>your own youtube channel
>Having it in metconst's name


Doesn't really matter who maintains it, as long as she uploads vids when requested and logical to do so. Obviously, if someone makes a trailer for a hack they spent 1 day on, that's not going to make the cut.


Fact still stand that Sadi is not part of site staff and the fact that she is suggesting having a youtube account under the metconst name that she exclusively runs. :/

...And the fact that it's on youtube to begin with.


What's wrong with Youtube?  It's likely to get the biggest audience by far, which I would assume is the point of it.


Eh, it's not like Scyzer is some newbie that'll disappear in a week. Worst-case scenario is it'll just collect cobbwebs in interspace. She said it's publicly-owned anyway, the moderators could probably gain access if need be. We were talking about all this last night, it's not spontaneous.

And yes, we all hate the modern Youtube, but it's a necessary evil at the moment. The only viable alternative that I know of, Zippcast, was shut down.

Zero One

Y'know, everybody bitches about YouTube. The only problems I have with it is that it occasionally won't bump up the quality. How the hell is YouTube so bad that everybody wants to ditch it?


Well, for starters I got locked out of my original account when Google bought it. Second, the channel layouts suck. The main page for subscription are spammy if you don't fix it. It's basically Facebook with videos, but less functionality overall. Oh, the recommended channels are all partners, what a coincidence. If it werent for having adblock and already being subscribed to things I'm interested in, I doubt I'd use it much.

On the flipside, I can upload videos of whatever length I want, which is why I can make OST's and such. That's one of the things that keeps me around.

Zero One

I'm not going to say that YouTube is without flaws. It really isn't. I just don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is.

Also, oh, hey, look at this...


To further add to that 01, Youtube does NOT keep videos streamed, if you want to rewatch a video right after seeing it you will more likely than not have to stream it, again. Youtubes video watcher in general have quite a few flaws, the video quality button is one of those that never seem to work as it should for me. I have also experience on several occasions that videos downright refuses to load. :/

Also, it being run by google also means everything is data mined, OH and look at this, they want you to start using your real name; Are you fucking daft? >_<


Yeah, the way that videos almost completely "unload" if you even drag the seek bar back a few seconds to rewatch a certain part of the video is fucking retarded. WHY.


I'm with Zero One on this.  Youtube isn't perfect, but then nothing is.  It's also the giant of the market, which always draws a lot of hatred.  It's like those who rave about Linux over Windows.  Yes, Windows has its flaws (as I'm sure Linux does), but it doesn't stop it being massive, ubiquitous, and perfectly fine for 99% of people who use it.

Also, since Zero One mentioned it, why aren't we just setting this up on the MetConst account?


Who even owns the other one?
Also I too do hate the bullshit with the video refusing to play. This seems to be a rather spontaneous issue that occurs on longer videos but it hasn't happened for a while so maybe they got their shit together?


Quote from: Crys on July 11, 2013, 08:19:23 AM
Fact still stand that Sadi is not part of site staff and the fact that she is suggesting having a youtube account under the metconst name that she exclusively runs. :/

I really don't see a problem with this. Aside from her tendency to tack out on newbs, I think she is more than capable of representing metconst and cooperating with other members who want to post content.

As far as people complaining about YouTube, it does have its issues, but it's still perfectly usable. If Sadi is going to run the channel, I'd say it's her call.

Buuuuuuut... if there is already a metconst YouTube account, that seems kinda confusing and should probably be sorted out.




I feel like I should say something rather significant about this debate over the channel but instead I'll quote this:
Quote from: Scyzer on July 11, 2013, 10:35:55 PM
If you don't like the idea of a Metconst channel which actually gets used for hack videos, then dont watch it. Don't use it. Just shut up and ignore it.
And I will say that no matter which channel gets used, I still have my own channel and will continue to upload there (even if sparsely) regardless of the situation. What's the huge issue with making a YouTube channel in MetConst's name anyway?


Quote from: Scyzer on July 11, 2013, 10:35:55 PMBecause MetroidMst isn't giving out login details
Fair enough. :^_^:

I was thinking more of a depository, but I guess even then it'd be necessary to wait until whoever was uploading them to actually upload them.


Quote from: Scyzer on July 11, 2013, 10:35:55 PM
Quote from: Quietus on July 11, 2013, 11:27:32 AM
Also, since Zero One mentioned it, why aren't we just setting this up on the MetConst account?
Because MetroidMst isn't giving out login details so other people can upload. I wanted something more community based where we could all upload videos and with which I could also upload videos whenever I wanted (refer to point one).
And are you going to give out the login info for this one for other people to use? :pwuh:
The answer to that question better not be no, for obvious reasons.

Also AFAIK, it was James channel, MetroidMst just had access too it; So it really was not his login info to give out in the first place. It kinda bothers me slightly that you just went ahead and made a new channel rather then simply opening a topic to discus the manner in the first place. (Or just message James or something.) :/

Now, don't get me wrong, it would be great to have some sort of joint Metconst movement on youtube that would help raise awareness of the metroid hacking scene. At the moment the majority of people playing super metroid hacks are people making super metroid hacks or are part of the community that does so. It's something I tried to push myself, after all; Although in a different manner. If we are going to have a joint channel then I want it to be done right, and as such I want site staff to be behind it to support as well as take responsibility for managing it.

Having a joint youtube channel is not as simple as putting one online and having people upload their content there. Guidelines needs to be made, and followed, on what content is allowed on the channel. (This also means someone is going to have to sit there and watch everything being submitted to give it a green stamp, or otherwise. This also has to be done decently fast otherwise it's more attractive to use your own damn channel.)
The one who approve or deny content have to be consequent to the guidelines too, and to be frank sadi: I'm unsure if you would simply turn down something a noob made for your own reasons even if it does comply with the guidelines. :/

I'd also point out that if we are running with this then James channel is the better one since it looks way better having a name that is not using leetspeak. And too be frank, this whole idea does not look very thought out at the moment, at least not based on how it has been presented currently. Let's decide on, and set up something that actually works before marching on, aye?


I've had some deliberation with James and MetroidMst over this last night, and it really sucks that you can't somehow set up a channel that is effectively a feed of a lot of smaller channels, the channels of whom should go through the rigorous test of having the kind of content that fits the description of our purpose (this is how it should be, imo. No need to fuss with login details, just a constant serving of content from people with their own accounts within reason, of course.) Since it can't be done or done right, I now know why MetroidMst suggested to me the idea of creating a video submission thread. It really seems to me that this is a lot more hassle than it will be worth, but I'd like to know what you all think of this, present arguing over whose Youtube channel should be official not included (I still don't know if there's an actually good reason that Scyzer ragedeleted her old channel, but that's an unfortunate thing that does not relate to this whole conundrum.)

Ideally we'd have a system of video submissions where someone could leave a video once they're approved and the video would be reviewed for content and then uploaded to the official channel, but I also realize that not everybody's internet connection will allow for large uploads in a small amount of time, so it would be best to set a submission time per week and then all videos up to that point would be reviewed and approved or rejected over the span of a day, with an estimated upload time (maybe 6PM?) I am also told that there is a specific folder set up on James' Dropbox for video submissions which could act as the initial approval (if you get shared, then you have the permission.) The only downside to that is if there's a problem with too many videos at once and somebody's Dropbox space runs out because of that one folder...

Vismund Cygnus

For what it's worth, I really like that idea Zeke. I also do not see what the argument here is about, other than "if I can't have a channel for MetConst, nobody can!" and "YouTube is shit Facebook videos 5eva".
Seriously, I do not see the issue with YouTube. It's simple, it's reliable, yes it can be spammy, but I can be spammy too. Really, there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't like it, use Vimeo. Stop bitching, there's other options ther eif you want.
~Rant over~


I'd agree with a submission thread.  It'd only take one of the mods to check it, much like the RotW competition.  Submissions during the week, weekend is time for the mods to view / upload the vids.


A submission thread like this is not a competition, and does not need to abide by any arbitrary schedule. If a video is posted and then approved on a Monday, there is no need to wait until the weekend to upload. The only schedule involved should be submission/approval/upload. Doesn't matter the day.

Another thing I mentioned to Zeke is that there could be playlists made for the channel for certain videos. What this entails is, if you have an uploaded walkthrough of a hack, you could submit the links to all the videos in your series and ask for a playlist to be made of them on the MetConst channel, which would skip having to upload the videos straight to the channel, and leave that for more actual hacking related things, such as SMILE guides, ASM tutorials, trailers of upcoming hacks, the Podcast, and other future MetConst needs. But, this would still fill a need by having the/your walkthrough(s) readily available on the channel anyway.

That isn't to say they can't be uploaded to the channel, but it is another option, which might prove useful for those who have uploaded the videos already, and don't want duplicates of them hanging around on another channel.


^ To expand on MetroidMst idea there with playlists, this would be a good way to get all hack let's plays and playthroughs on youtube searchable from one channel; I'd say it's not a far stretch to say that people who are interested in hacking content would also be interested in seeing people play said hacks.


I suppose bi-weekly is a better approximation of a schedule but some people might get mad if their videos aren't uploaded on time and it might take a few hours to review everything when you get lots of submissions. Just saiyan. :wink:

The topic for video submission could also consider playlist submission and could possibly and potentially be reviewed faster than self-hosted videos as well. The only real bottleneck is people uploading single submissions...

And in reply to Cryshi's post, this is what would have been cool if Youtube supported piggybacking other channels on a channel in a more fluent and accessible manner.