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[SM] Super Metroid YPR v1.02

Started by FullOfFail, July 10, 2013, 11:43:03 PM

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Idk if I squenced break to get to the wrecked ship, but right now it seems I'm perma-stuck. No power bombs to get through Maridia, and the way back is blocked by speed booster blocks I cant break. 1/10. Moving on...


Quote from: xKonvicted on August 08, 2013, 03:35:52 PM
Idk if I squenced break to get to the wrecked ship, but right now it seems I'm perma-stuck. No power bombs to get through Maridia, and the way back is blocked by speed booster blocks I cant break. 1/10. Moving on...

If I'm right in assuming you were in a long Maridia room with PB blocks on the left, and a 3x2 room has some SB blocks with crabs inside them on the right, did you try rolling around the speedbooster box? Because there's uhh... a sizable gap right above the box you can just roll through.

Also, there's something else in that room if you haven't found it yet.


Quote from: Scyzer on August 11, 2013, 01:18:47 AM

If I'm right in assuming you were in a long Maridia room with PB blocks on the left, and a 3x2 room has some SB blocks with crabs inside them on the right, did you try rolling around the speedbooster box? Because there's uhh... a sizable gap right above the box you can just roll through.

Also, there's something else in that room if you haven't found it yet.

I assume this is the PB block Maridia shaft?

And this is the box with the crabs?

If so, I've X-ray'd and bombed every (atleast to me) spot that would be something I could "roll over".


Unless I'm missing something, then from what Scyzer is saying, you can just jump, mid-air morph (jump, then press down twice), and roll above those blocks with the crabs in. :O_o:


Quote from: Quietus on August 12, 2013, 03:35:58 PM
Unless I'm missing something, then from what Scyzer is saying, you can just jump, mid-air morph (jump, then press down twice), and roll above those blocks with the crabs in. :O_o:

I have lol...sorry for the unintentional confusion, but I have made it well over the "crab box" and I am stuck in the first picture, in front of the power bomb wall. I know there is a wall of SB blocks below the box, but there is no way to build the shinespark to break them. I have also bombed the crab room to hell and back for about 30 min, and no sign of another item being in that room.


Have you fought Phantoon, yet?

If you haven't been through that wall yet, you could try there first.  You need to get a speed boost to the right of the crab box, which will break the box, and kill the crabs.  You'll then have more than enough space to charge a shinespark to get through that wall.

In case you don't know how to do it: Press and hold forward, then press and hold run after Samus has moved two steps - about 4 tiles.


I...feel like a complete idiot.
Thank you Quietus so very much Lol.


Quote from: xKonvicted on August 12, 2013, 07:09:37 PM
I...feel like a complete idiot.
Thank you Quietus so very much Lol.
In your defense, the hack isn't good, and the whole section you're in is what really started to turn me way more sour on the hack than I was before.


Decided to give this one a try, and I'm really enjoying it so far.  :^_^:

I actually don't mind the colors. I like that everything looks different, and the use of glows and stuff is interesting.

I have a question. Where is the Charge Beam? I think Crocomire is next, and I don't want to fight him without it.


Just a thought about Crocomire, but if you have not yet collected Charge Beam, you are nowhere near the time you should fight him. (There should literally be nothing left to do when you get to him.)


^ Thanks for the advice. I think I'm ready now.

Just got my Power Bombs, finally. Haven't taken them anywhere yet, that's going to be fun. I'll be heading straight to Gravity, of course.  :grin:

9 E-tanks and 2 Reserves should be more than enough for Crocomire, right? How bad could it be?

I think I might be the only one that likes this hack. I don't get what's so bad about it, the difficulty is no worse than most other challenge-y hacks.

The pacing seems really good so far. I haven't even touched Maridia yet, and I'm still running around with Ice + Spazer.


Beat it!


I'm missing 1 Reserve Tank, 2 Supers, and 3 Missiles. Where on earth could that last Reserve be?

The Ridley fight was incredible. One of my pet peeves with hacks in general is that Ridley is far too easy, but this was perfect. I was determined to do it without savestates, and I did. Took me about ten tries, but I did it.

I really like how nonlinear this hack is. The majority of Zebes is open to you fairly early on, and there are always lots of different things to do. Some items and rooms were hidden quite well. You have to rely on your knowledge of the original's layout to find stuff in a "hey, shouldn't there be a room over here?" way.

I'm going to keep searching for those last items. Wish me luck!  :^_^:

Did anyone else discover Plasma before Draygon?


Quote from: PokeyTroid on November 10, 2013, 07:16:37 AM
Did anyone else discover Plasma before Draygon?
Yes... I found it as I was trying NBMB 100%. But some of the items are out of my ability to get it for now.


I really liked this hack, difficult and original. The difficulty is not that unbalanced until you reach the four sub bosses before Ridley, those are bullshit.
Some optional upgrades required tricks far too difficult for a non-TAS, though >_>

I liked a lot of the riddles in this, and the general progress - the path you have to take.

The Secret Base looks really cool, but is there no Phantoon or did I really miss an entire boss? >_>


You missed him. He is very much in the hack.


Sorry about reviving this old thread but can I get some help with this missile pack? I'm probably missing something obvious, but if I shinespark from below diagonally I just hit the blue switch block.

You can't shinespark vertically, the blocks below are unbreakable.

You can't shinespark twice, the speed booster blocks respawn immediately.

It's not like a really need a stupid pack of missiles, but it's taunting me.


Technically there would be several options to get this item (inbounds).
1. Doing a Crystal Spark or R-Mode BlueSuit method or X-Mode BlueSuit method to get BlueSuit and simply pass through the Speedbooster blocks.
2. Doing one of the many SpikeSpark variants that exist, in order to gain a free spark which then can be used in here.
3. (...)

But the intended way seemed to be a mockball to the right past this gate together with some shot during the jump with which the mockball is executed, such that the shot hits the gate´s button and closes it so that one can slide along the gate to hit the Speedbooster blocks during a leftwards diagonal shinespark.


Quote from: Aran;Jaeger on April 03, 2016, 04:23:28 PM
Technically there would be several options to get this item (inbounds).
1. Doing a Crystal Spark or R-Mode BlueSuit method or X-Mode BlueSuit method to get BlueSuit and simply pass through the Speedbooster blocks.
2. Doing one of the many SpikeSpark variants that exist, in order to gain a free spark which then can be used in here.
3. (...)

But the intended way seemed to be a mockball to the right past this gate together with some shot during the jump with which the mockball is executed, such that the shot hits the gate´s button and closes it so that one can slide along the gate to hit the Speedbooster blocks during a leftwards diagonal shinespark.

You can close the doors  :pale:

Thanks a lot, I'll show that missile tank now

Edit: There we go! Five missiles richer

A fun fact: I tried to do a short stutter step charge in that cramped area downstairs for over an hour with no success. It's definitely nowhere close to 100% success rate for me but I should get it 25% of the time or so.

Then I checked my items, I did grab the Speed Booster yesterday and didn't dream it, right? Wait a minute...

No Speed Booster, I accidentally loaded the save before I grabbed it.



This one slipped by me. Cool aesthetics and statues in places. Frustrating exploration mostly though.


The maker needs to take some pointers from other hacks on how to use hints. Also the Crocomire and Ridley fights were miserable.

It had some fun parts too but not a very good overall experience


Quote from: mw on April 10, 2016, 10:18:26 AM
Also the Crocomire and Ridley fights were miserable.

I fucked up my thumb/palm on Ridley with all the attempts it took,
shit was pulled long enough to make me worried about the future of playing video games.

Steel Sparkle

Seeing all these posts i may stay away. Is it really that bad?

Vismund Cygnus
