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On Posting Kraid's Info

Started by P.JBoy, May 17, 2013, 04:05:04 PM

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You have info on Kraid? Post it man!


Now all we need is a bigger room, and a Kraid on both sides at the same time. :yay:


Quote from: Quietus on May 17, 2013, 05:23:34 PM
Now all we need is a bigger room, and a Kraid on both sides at the same time. :yay:
ahahah, I have thought of something like that too, but this is not gonna happen. :lol:


Quote from: Quietus on May 17, 2013, 05:23:34 PM
Now all we need is a bigger room, and a Kraid on both sides at the same time. :yay:
Or better yet... instead of fighting two Kraids... have a battle of the Kraids. Kraid vs. Kraid, face-to-face encounter. :O_o: Too bad this will never happen, as metak said. I'd love to sit back and watch the two fat bastards kill each other. Haha, feeling a bit silly tonight :heheh:

* XavierSMRH quietly posts for the first time in 3 forevers


Super Metroid: The Godzillaning.


QuoteYou have info on Kraid? Post it man!
oops! i didn't post it... oh well.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on May 19, 2013, 01:34:55 PM
QuoteYou have info on Kraid? Post it man!
oops! i didn't post it... oh well.
oops! You didn't say the magic word... oh well.




Or abracadabra, maybe?  Open sesame?  Hocus pocus?  We're trying! :^_^:


hehe, I disgress, but it seems some people don't realize no one wants to be treated as a vending machine... do whatever they want without any conditions and not showing any sign of good manners. It's not the first time I disapprove of this kind of behavior, but fortunately, in a continuation of my efforts to give back to the community more than ever, I'd be happy to share more info. So far, the only place to help out has been invaded by ruthless bots, unleashing Internet crap and even removing contents.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp !


For one, calm down guys. For another, this is a community and no single person is completely renowned for posting information that betters the community (though they do command a certain amount of respect based on how much they help out.) It is true to an extent that what we get is ultimately what anyone chooses to give, but if you're stingy you tend to not to command the respect you (think you) deserve just because you have a few discoveries up your sleeve. Just a word of thought.

On this note as well, I had wanted to link Wiki registration to forum accounts but writing a plugin for that (since one doesn't exist for SMF 2.0) takes time. The alternate solution was to add everyone that wasn't a new registration to the trusted list, but I was distracted from that when exams happened. It has been fixed (and cleaned up once again) now. Not that anybody will use it...


i have completely started over(for learning) all my old data is on CD in my storage unit. i'm sorry its to much work to dig it out. when i rediscover it i'll post it. but Metaquarius will most likely have info before i do. 

and sorry if it seams like your talking to a wall. i'm dyslexic and it took 80min. to understand what i was reading and reply. that too much time lost that i could be working on my hack.

sorry i'm not stingy, i did spend all of my summer free time(3 months) working the GFX C too say sorry for not sharing Phazons GFX sets. i have talked to many people about this and nobody thinks i should have wasted my time on the community. but i still do.

on a side note, i did bust my ass to get an original looking hack i think i deserve it. and please don't be offended by this post im trying to be sincere.


Red Monkey, I'm not too sure if you're misreading things, but nothing was aimed at you, nor was your name mentioned.  Metaquarius said he had info on Kraid, and some other members asked him to post it.  I'm not sure where you got the impression that people were asking things of you.

In short, don't worry - everybody is appreciative of your work, as well as anything you've shared.  Requests were only made of Metaquarius because he posted about Kraid. :^_^:


assumption is the base of my stupidity, i thought i was offending people. thanks for the + day Quietus


No problem.  That's what I'm here for - helping newbies, and keeping up morale. :^_^:


No one might want to be treated as a vending machine, but no one wants to be treated as a dog or child either. It's a little stupid to go "here, look at this! you want this? say the magic word! say it! otherwise you won't get it!" in which case it's nothing but making bad assumptions about hyping in relation to respect. From our collectively shown interest and praise, you might deduct respect. Sometimes subtleties are a little lost on everyone, it seems. I do hope no one feels offended by this, as offending is not my intention here.


Quote from: Metaquarius on May 20, 2013, 02:32:56 AM
Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on May 19, 2013, 01:34:55 PM
QuoteYou have info on Kraid? Post it man!
oops! i didn't post it... oh well.
oops! You didn't say the magic word... oh well.

Pretty sure this is what caused the confusion. Simple misunderstanding with red monkey as he too has info about kraid, and his post was misunderstood by metak as being about him.

I think it should go without saying that no one here should be treated as a vending machine and that aside from people that don't read the rules and only last a day anyway, we don't treat people like that.
Metaks responses, although under a false impression, were still rather rude. Especially the whole say the magic word stuff. Kinda douchy IMO.

Lastly, although it was totally unrelated to the conversation, we respect you red monkey. Phazon hack is an amazing accomplishment and a very original hack (it even won some awards for goodness sake!). As well the gfx collection is a very useful resource and I'm sure none of us think it was a waste of time for you to make it. Especially since it has lots of potential for helping people less skilled with gfx make great new hacks.


Quote from: Metaquarius on May 20, 2013, 05:26:49 AM
it seems some people don't realize no one wants to be treated as a vending machine...
Just to clear things up, I wasn't demanding you post your information. Rather, I was hoping to encourage you to do so


Yes, my post was mostly meant for Metak. This isn't the first time that he's gotten up in arms over something he's decided to graciously share with the community (though I think this is the first where the feeling is that he might be holding it over people's heads.) The overall idea is to work together so that everyone knows how to do X or Y, especially after you've released it in patch format instead of withholding it for some super awesome next hack you're working on. That's the point of us being a community and this thread, right?
