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Super Metroid Alpha

Started by Borderjumper67, May 07, 2013, 12:03:17 PM

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Might as well start showing off my hack.  :grin:
Lucid was in development for a little over 3 and a half years, going over 3 restarts and revisions. but now I finally found a steady work pace.
Graphic wise, this hack will use the original tiles with mild to heavy palette work. I plan on having little to no ASM changes (seeing as how that is very time consuming).
All in all this will be a half hack. All the rooms will be unnoticeable from the original.

This is a two part Hack Alpha being Part 1 and Omega being Part 2. Weird way on doing things I know. :whoa:

Story is simple:
Samus awakens on Planet Zebes with no idea how she got there or how Zebes is still there. She recalls Zebes being destroyed following Mother Brain's Defeat.
She must search the familiar yet changed Zebes for clues on how she got there and why she is there or better yet, Why she is on a nonexistent planet.

Screenshots!  :grin:



Interesting stuff  :^_^:

Keep it up :)


I like what I see so far. :^_^:

Quote from: Borderjumper67 on May 07, 2013, 12:03:17 PMSamus goes to investigate herself.
Sounds kinky.  She can't be very worried about what's going on on the moon. :wink:


Now that I think about it... It does sound kinky.. :whoa:
I need to be careful how I word things. hahah


Looks good, especially the 3rd screenshot, can't wait to see the rest of it now :^_^:


First thing I noticed about the screenshots; BUBBLES! Second thing; Lacking Lettuce Leafs. Third thing; I like most of the palettes, but others are really strange, and the foreground bubbles look hideous. The BG bubbles are perfectly fine in their neonish glory. Those FG bubbles. . . They look like Snooki just barfed up a load of crack from the toilet bowl. (Hint, the glow is doing them no favors.)


If its all a lucid dream, that would mean Samus is manifesting all the pickups. That's deep.


Quote from: MetroidMst on May 07, 2013, 04:54:58 PM
First thing I noticed about the screenshots; BUBBLES! Second thing; Lacking Lettuce Leafs. Third thing; I like most of the palettes, but others are really strange, and the foreground bubbles look hideous. The BG bubbles are perfectly fine in their neonish glory. Those FG bubbles. . . They look like Snooki just barfed up a load of crack from the toilet bowl. (Hint, the glow is doing them no favors.)

I know man. I'm just experimenting with the glow and stuff. it's not final. :D


I actually like the aesthetic of the foreground bubbles. You see similar colors at campfires when the light hits dark-colored objects. Makes you feel like the bubbles are made of something murky and nasty, which is awesome because those bubbles never looked "appealing" to me in the first place.


That's what I thought at first. I thought they looked horrible, but the just stick out now that I think about it. I love messing around with the palette changes , fog and the glow FX.


I got a bit worried when I saw the first screenshot, mostly because it just looked like a changed layout and some minor adjustments to graphics - and then I got to the third shot, which is probably my favorite out of the bunch. Looking nice, great job!


This is looking good from the screenshots so far. How much do you think you have left to do on the hack before you enter beta phase?


Not long Crys. Just have to finish the escape and some other stuff then I would go to Beta phase.


Made a little video showing a area off my hack.
Video might not be too bright.
Progress: :D



Nice palettes and pretty eerie. Good stuff and lookin' forward to this. :D


Lookin' good.  If I had to nitpick, it'd be that I prefer game audio in gameplay examples, but it doesn't really matter. :^_^:


Everything looks great to me. Keep up the good work, please. I'm definitely down for playing this.


I figured I'd update my topic for my hack.
Updated the first post and new pics below




The tiling and palettes are weird, but I have come to appreciate the more wild and strange design choices in hacks, and this looks*promising. However. . .

I am of course, highly disappointed that it is going to be a halfhack. Rooms not being noticeable from their original counterparts? Great! Rooms all being in the same place and connecting the same way? Barf! I don't know if you just aren't sure on how to move rooms or connect them together, or if possibly having to edit save stations, has any role in this, but I would seriously recommend taking this to the next step, and altering the connections and pathways. Nothing wrong with a vanilla hack, but limiting yourself to only doing a halfhack is going to keep this from reaching something greater. (And if you do need help with room/save/scroll stuff, I have some video tutorials, and people are pretty helpful.)

Otherwise, again, this looks very interesting and I'm excited for it. The excitement just sort of dies down when I already know the planet.


As I'm aware of, I did alter the connections and pathways. I do have rooms that I've yet to connect and more pathways to add.
As for the Room,save,scrolls stuff, Scrolls are my weak point and do need to look up some more help on those.


Ah, then if you changed the room connections and stuff, that isn't considered a halfhack then! (Unless the meaning changed. >_>) As far as scrolls go, I do have a pretty awful video about it.

[spoiler=Because linking it in text was being dumb][/spoiler]


Thanks man! That definitely helped alot about the Scrolls PLMs.  :whoa: :whoa:


Quote from: Borderjumper67 on November 08, 2015, 12:45:53 PM
I figured I'd update my topic for my hack.
Updated the first post and new pics below



Such a weird coincidence that you updated the topic exactly two years later.


I did not realize that until I looked. Whoa.. :whoa:
Lol I really need to get this done :mad: :=x:


I like the dark style. Metroid should be dark and creepy. Keep up the good work!