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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Realizing i haven't yet introduced myself.  :bounce:

My name is Flower, I'm an old-fashioned Gamer from Cologne in Germany. I love retro games (and own every Nintendo Console up to Wii), and recently got hooked into Hacks. I loved playing through Zelda:Outlands, despite it being a hell of a Hack. But so well done, it never got tedious. This is what got me really into Hacking particularly. I thought "well, i could do such a thing as well."
That is when almost at the same time i discovered Metroid and playing all the 2D-Metroids in chronological order, and then stumbling over MetConst, Editroid and MetroidTuner (i love those tools!), when i did research about AM2R. DoctorM64 recommended this forum, and a week later i got an account.
I stumbled into my first hacking experiences with this, and finally i got into a more or less serious hack of Metroid 1 "Space Complex". That's what i working on currently. I had to learn all the basics for this: graphics (never did so and i am a lousy painter), music editing, getting a basic understanding of hex,and so on. I wished to be better at ASM, but i don't know where to start to be honest. I have a basic understanding of programming.

When i'm not a gamer, i work for a political institution (i commend this, you have a lot of free time, freaking good for hacking!), and i love music, be it DJing, playing all kinds of keyboards (organ, synth, piano,....), composing, listening to good ol' Vinyl and so on. I love especially psychedelic music, this is the main reason and inspiration for my username! (listen to Ultimate Spinach - Mindflowers => when i listened to this, my username was born actually).
I got excited when I played some NES Tunes with my Prog Rock band. Basically a win-win situation!

A short list of favourite games that come to my mind right now: Monkey Island 1-3, the Zelda series, Classic Mega Man (omg this music), A Dark Room (this got me unexpectedly excited), Secret of Evermore / Mana, Megalomania, Donkey Kong Country 2. I am sure i forgot some, but i stop here.

Long words...
Cheers everyone!


Interesting to know more about you after how exciting your nestroid hack looks


Hello, everyone; I wish to start off by introducing myself and letting everyone know that my name is Samus; I have recently gotten back into the Metroid franchise after finding out that Metroid II: Return of Samus is getting a remake next month and that there is going to be the New Nintendo 3DS XL Console: Samus Edition, which I had pre-ordered, being released on the same day; I am not a major fan of the Metroid franchise, but I am sure Metroid: Samus Returns will get me into it; other than that, I would like everyone to know that I am an extremely shy person who tries their best to talk to others and get to know them; I would like to finish off by saying that I look forward to getting to know everyone and becoming friends with them, and know what got them into and why they love the Metroid franchise; that is all from me for now, bye everyone.~<3 ^^


Welcome to the forum. Don't worry about being shy. There are plenty of us here who like to keep a low profile. :oh:


I had no idea what an Amstrad was until now.

I'd started with Pong home system, then to celeco vision, then Adam computer (tape drive! but it kept crashing so we returned it) then commodore 64, then Amiga 500, SNES, then Amiga 3000, then PC, N64, game cube, wii, wiiU, PS3 and PS4. I experienced a variety of consoles via my friends (Atari, NES, TurboGraphx 16, genesis, xbox, etc).. I also saw the Atari ST computer, and school had Icon computers, Macs, Tandy, and such.. My dad even had an old Radio Shack computer where I played Zork.. so I thought I had a pretty full exposure to computers, but you've shown me I missed a major player just right under my nose !

My Amiga was where I first began doing sprites with an art program called Deluxe paint. They were everywhere doing VFX in films, to music videos.. but now.. almost nobody even knows they existed.. :) So, I know how it is..


Quote from: cowsmanaut on August 20, 2017, 03:51:21 AMbut you've shown me I missed a major player just right under my nose !
Haha, I'm happy to help. I recall at the time it was very much Amstrad playing runner-up to the Spectrum (my Amstrad was even the green-screened version, not the 'posh' colour screen), and the Commodore always seemed more uncommon at the time. I recall the horrendous loading times, only for the tape to error, and you'd have to start all over again - made worse because some games took 45 minutes to load! :evilno:


yeah, This is why we got rid of the "Adam" computer (about a week after purchase) and traded for the commodore 64. Floppy drive was far faster and far more reliable. I was familiar with the spectrum. :)


Hey - my name's Rena, I've played most of the hacks for Super Metroid & I won't lie, I joined the forums & posted so I could rate a hack; I need to get around to replayin' some of 'em, but my favorites so far are probably Ice Metal: Uninstall and Balls to the Wall - the former for giving me a really enjoyable time, and the latter for being so damn clever.


Hi, i made 3 and a half hacks and i will be submitting them.
Super Metroid Containment Chamber
Super Metroid Contamination
Super Metroid Route randomizer
Super Metroid Kaizo possible (mod of the original Kaizo hack)



I'm very happy to be here. I first played Super Metroid very recently - summer of 2017 - and was so enthusiastic about the game, I hungered for more. So I looked up romhacks, one thing led to another, and... here I am.

The only Metroid game I have ever played is Super (I am planning on playing Zero Mission next, later in the year), and I haven't played any romhacks yet either. At the time of this post, however, I have began working on a new little romhack :wink: and am very excited to present it to you all. (I originally intended on playing romhacks, not making them - it's funny how things change quickly like that). My hope is to present it in the Halloween hack. Either way, when it is completed (I seriously hope I don't get burned out and quit) then I will probably link here on that post where I first present my hack so I don't have to clutter the contest thread with this. So uh, hi to people from the future. Hopefully.

Even though I'm not even done with the hack yet, I wanna give a shoutout to Grime + anyone who helped him on making the SM Mod Manual, as I would probably never be able to romhack without that awesome document. Also, people in the discord who may have seen me - hello and thank you for your help as well! I have to say, this community truly is impressive. It does have some problems with being able to find information, from my impression, but that is far surpassed by the passion of everyone here. It's seeping through the words on these pages, through the walls of all of the little alien worlds that people have created for each other to explore.

I can't wait to see how the Halloween contest goes. I guess I'd better get back to hacking now anyway. Have a good day, everyone  :^_^:.


Welcome to the forum. Not that I'd like to distract you from hacking, but you should ensure you try some of the highly rated hacks out there. They're like reimaginings of the original game, and it's like falling in love with it all over again. :cool:


Quote from: Quietus on October 14, 2017, 03:44:37 PM
Welcome to the forum. Not that I'd like to distract you from hacking, but you should ensure you try some of the highly rated hacks out there. They're like reimaginings of the original game, and it's like falling in love with it all over again. :cool:
Yeah I'm looking forward to trying some of them out. The reason I haven't played any more games is because I am planning on building a RetroPie, so I will play MZM, MF, and some romhacks on there I'm sure. That's why I can't really play any more until then (I mean I could play on my pc, but... I'd rather just play on that lol)


Hi my name is Boured, I signed up here back in November of 2016 and only now got to posting something. I really don't know why I never did, and I'm even more clueless as to why I never came back here. Anyway I guess it's time to tell you about myself.

I love Metroid, it's one of my favorite Nintendo properties next to Pokemon, the atmosphere is top notch and I'm one who really loves to explore places when I have no idea where to go. This reason is why I even found this place in general, I use it to play hacks so I can always have something to do Metroid wise. My favorite hack would be probably Hyper Metroid, though Metroid X-Fusion looks amazing as well.

I've been wishing to make my own hack one day, though knowing how garbage I am with most things I'll probably make the next Zeon :lol:

Anyway, I'll be around so see you guys around the forum!


Been a follower of MetroidMST for a while. Thought I would take the time to create an account, in case I would need it here in the future.

Not a software/hack developer, though I have used them on multiple platforms for over a decade now (primarily SNES). I used to mod retro console hardware, though I am lacking in soldering equipment to continue that venture at this time. Other than that, I spend most of my time with Earth Defense Force 4.1 (PC) or scanning certain doujinshi for a certain site.

Not much else to say other than I hope for the continual development of the Metroid hacking scene in general (especially for M2 and Fusion as those have yet to really be fully realized, the latter especially regarding the dreaded event system).


Hey, I'm Delrin.

I never owned a Nintendo home console before the Gamecube, I grew up with Sega and Sonic games being the driving force behind my love of gaming, though I did have a PC when I was a child. I'd go to the library and download emulators and roms to take home with me because we couldn't afford very much, and I ended up being a Metroid fan long before I actually realized I was. I played Super Metroid much for the same reasons I enjoyed Sonic, the platforming and exploration with many paths and skill-based maneuverings, that when I eventually got a GBA and a Gamecube, I found myself buying Fusion and Zero Mission and all the Primes without even really understanding why I enjoyed them so much.

Now I'm over here 'cause I found Super Metroid Arcade and....well, there's a lot of hacks that interest me, so I figured I'd sign up!


Can't remember if  introduced myself or not!

Handle is Moehr, I primarily mess around with designing physical boardgames and card games, and dabbled with comics for a bit. Loved Super Metroid growing up and still do, beat it on console under an hour, 100%, RBO, suitless, 14% and also without shooting a single unnecessary enemy that wasn't a boss (I think you can get by with less than 10 non-boss kills; there's a couple of rooms near the start of the game, and then you can get high-jump boots for 1 kill).

Always thought it would be fun to make a video game and eventually ended up here after all the research for beating super M in all those various fashions - speedrunners and metconst have some overlap.

Working on a full hack with emphasis on making it as much of its own game as is feasible for me now, keeping the idea of nonlinearity but building a new adventure, setting, and boss battles. Also using a ton of roomstates so there's a bunch of things you can do that alter the world you're running around in obvious ways.

Drawing some major influence from Eris, which I played through and adored. It felt like a fully-realized new world with its own unique feel in every section, and I really wanna give players the same vibe.


Hi, I'm DestroyedChozo I know HTML and CSS, I'm Learning Java, and I hope to be at some point as good at ASM as Biospark.

I love the Metroid franchise and I am good at pixel art and drawing.

[spoiler]I'm not good at sequence breaking though.[/spoiler]


Quote from: DestroyedChozo on December 05, 2017, 09:54:03 PM
Hi, I'm DestroyedChozo I know HTML and CSS, I'm Learning Java, and I hope to be at some point as good at ASM as Biospark.

I love the Metroid franchise and I am good at pixel art and drawing.

[spoiler]I'm not good at sequence breaking though.[/spoiler]
I know html and javascript, not too good at css. I am making a metroid 2 editor (ROSE) in them. and since I don't know css, it is rather ugly.

Takioshi Satahi

Hihi, name's Takioshi. Not much to say other than I'm currently aiming to try and get into speedrunning SM and the various hacks that there are for it so....Yeah


I dabbled in hacking Mario games back in the early 00s, but it never really went anywhere. I got in to more advanced stuff and started trying to learn SNES assembly to hack Super Mario World, but I only ever coded a few things before that petered out (I'd love to try again soon).

I'm joining here to discuss a bit of Metroid hacking, and also I'm posting here specifically so that I can prove I'm not a bot, so that I can link to images for another topic. I have recently started getting in to playing Super Metroid hacks, like Hyper Metroid.

I've been a Metroid fan since Prime came out, but when I was young in the mid 90s, I remember my brother rented Super Metroid, so I have some far back going sentimentality for the franchise, and Super, Prime (Trilogy), and Zero Mission are probably at the top of the list, but I still love Fusion, 2, and the original NES one very much as well.

I don't know how active I'll be here, but mostly every once in a while when I'm playing a hack and I want to offer some constructive criticism, I'll post here to do that (given that the hack has a thread here to begin with).


Just wanted to rate a hack but guess I have to make a post first.
Played through gba metroids few years back, and kind of forgot about em. Rediscovered ZM through some agdq, started playing it again, without savestates, got every ending except 15% hard - despite many different attempts. I enjoy messing around in ZM in general, seeing how far I can get without X or trying to get stuck and just enjoying all the shinesparks. Randomly(as in I don't remember the reason) tried to see if there were any mods for ZM and found this place.
Probably enough rambling which nobody's going to read anyway.


Hi everyone! Old timer here glad to be a part of Metroid Construction Forum. I remember playing the original on NES. Currently playing Metroid Eris 2012 and cant seem to stop drooling!  :yay:

Maned Wolf

Hello everyone! I'm new here :)
My name is Dener, but you can call me as ManedWolf.
I'm a composer and I really love playing metroidvanias and mainly metroid and super metroid!
I've seen some mods online and I got extremely hyped by them. They're so awesome!
So I decided to recreate metroid soundtracks trying to sound as similar as possible to the original, but with stereo sound and a bit of mastering :)
That's my first post, so I won't be able to show it to you guys, but soon I'll start posting here!
Maybe one of you can use the songs to build the MODs :)


'Welcome' to all of the recent newcomers. We seem to be having a bunch of you arriving together, but that's fine. Play nice, and enjoy your stay. :^_^:


Hey all. I'm Elias Thompson, founder of MetroidHQ. Heard about this place from a few community members and thought I'd join. So. Hi, I'm new.