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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Be aware that users have varying settings for page numbers, so your pages may not always be the same as everybody else's.  You'd be better off linking the actual post by copying the link at the top of their reply - the "Re: Whatever" bit.

As an example, the reply you're referencing would be here. :^_^:



I have the strange and scary feeling that I'll fit in here... :colonrightv:


In fairness, you'd probably have to really go some to not fit in here. :oh:


Thnaks so much for turning me on to SM Redesign, Quietus!  Over 5 hours now on my SD2SNES. Playing on the flash cartridge makes it much harder since there is no instant game state save feature - gotta save the old fashioned way which, in SMR, is few and far between.  I hope to mod a game some day, but right now there are too many mods to play :)!


You're welcome.  Redesign is still great.  It can be tough early on, but once you've passed the Grapple segment, the game's difficulty evens out a lot more. :^_^:


Hello, Metroid Construction!  I am a lurker, pure and simple.  This is probably the first time I've ever used one of these "Introduce yourself!" threads in my history of online-ed-ness, but meh.  I do not have any modding aptitude, unfortunately, but I am a Livestreamer, and have already streamed a few Metroid runs (mostly randomizer).  I'm always looking for new content to stream, so I'll probably be ganking a few hacks here and there as necessary.



I have to say, I am glad you will be playing some hacks and stuff. It is always nice to see people picking it up and trying out a few.


Well, I've actually been lurking around here for a few months.  It's thanks to this site that I was able to obtain the randomizer and Escape 2.  And I do plan on doing a run of Redesign...  Eventually...  I've beaten it once before, a long time ago, just need to get the nerve to pick it back up again.


Welcome, Technomagus.  Anybody streaming runs of hacks can never be a bad thing.  No such thing as bad publicity, and all that.  Enjoy! :^_^:


Hey Technomagus, I just subscribed to you the other day on Youtube actually, so I'm already familiar with you. Was watching some of your Breath of Fire 2 and Escape2 vids. You'll probably fit in here, we hold races and all kinds of stuff that you as a commentary livestreamer could jump into. MetroidMst usually organizes them, but they can happen at any time. Just pay attention to the threads or drop in the IRC sometime. See ya.


Amusingly enough, that's the main reason I registered on this site in the first place, to join in a race or two because it looked like fun.


As far as randomizer races go, (And other oddball races sometimes) they all just sort of happen in IRC at random points. The other ones, like the upcoming Stardust race, have topics and such.


Hi all,

    I joined the forum because I had some non-hack related questions about Metroid on NES. Knowing that this was a good place to ask some questions should reveal that I have lurked here for a while though. Since I joined I also decided that I needed to finally play one of these hacks, instead of occasionally watching part of a Let's Play on Youtube. I started with Redesign, and after a few hours I have found myself stuck on the right side of Crateria. I actually quite enjoy how you really have to work in these hacks to find your ways into new areas; it slows the pace down and makes the game more methodical.

    I might take a shot at making a hack some time, it appeals to me, but I have close to no programming experience so it will take me a while to get up to speed on how to do it. I absolutely enjoy playing the game though, so I can throw my weight at playing hacks an recording bugs and glitches I suppose.

    Anyway I look forward to trying to be part of the community.

Edit: Fixed some grammar mistakes.


Depending on how you approach hacking you may not need to edit the code.  If you can edit graphics and creatively redesign the various areas of the game you could produce a decent hack people would be interested in playing.  Editing code really is the "grail" of hacking no doubt.  I've reviewed some ASM documentation and it's a pretty substantial commitment to learn.  Once you have it down though you would be able to turn games inside out given enough time.  My skills are on the graphics and level design side, I have to rely on knowledgeable people like Snarfblam when I have game engine questions and ideas.  My efforts are on the NES 8-bit version of the game but since your interests appear to be with 16-bit Super Metroid you have a vast array of talented and knowledge individuals that frequent this site to answer your questions.  Good luck.  If you do decide to start a hack I encourage you to create custom graphics, it would certainly make you stand out as most SM hacks appear to rely mostly on the vanilla stock graphics.


In Redesign, you sound like you should be on your way to Maridia, but you'll need the Wave Beam.  You'll need to get the Speed Booster, then find an area at the top of Norfair where you can shinespark up a hidden shaft.  Hint: Look for hopping enemies that seem to disappear upward :^_^:


Quote from: Grimlock on October 30, 2014, 10:01:59 AM
Depending on how you approach hacking you may not need to edit the code.  If you can edit graphics and creatively redesign the various areas of the game you could produce a decent hack people would be interested in playing.  Editing code really is the "grail" of hacking no doubt.  I've reviewed some ASM documentation and it's a pretty substantial commitment to learn.  Once you have it down though you would be able to turn games inside out given enough time.  My skills are on the graphics and level design side, I have to rely on knowledgeable people like Snarfblam when I have game engine questions and ideas.  My efforts are on the NES 8-bit version of the game but since your interests appear to be with 16-bit Super Metroid you have a vast array of talented and knowledge individuals that frequent this site to answer your questions.  Good luck.  If you do decide to start a hack I encourage you to create custom graphics, it would certainly make you stand out as most SM hacks appear to rely mostly on the vanilla stock graphics.

I appreciate the response. I  figured SMILE would be a good place to start, poke around with some of the tutorials people have made, and try to create one with some of the vanilla content. What seems really daunting to me is trying to make sense of how changing things in SMILE (or any editor) will effect the games code with respect to memory and all of that. Thankfully there seems to be a lot of people who have gone out of their way to document it. Truthfully I am quite the simpleton though as I am impressed with the hacks done just with the vanilla stuff. I mean, what could be bad about simply having more Metroid?  :yay:

Quietus, you have put the fear in me that I may be completely in the wrong place! The only things I have picked up so far are two missle packs, the morphball and the the walljump boots. I'll have to see if I can't double back to Brinstar and see if there is something I missed the first time. Thanks for the help though.


Ah, OK.  You're still very early on.  You'll need to use the newly-acquired wall-jump boots to head back up past your ship.  You'll need to do a few small tricks.  Jump, and press down twice to morph on mid-air, and fire a missile at the funny, angular thing (known as a 'reflec', I believe).  You'll get another new item for your trouble. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on October 30, 2014, 11:34:31 AM
for your trouble. :^_^:
That describes everything in the hack very well actually. It will trouble you at night.


Well I unfortunately have given up on Redesign for now. I just can't get through the Norfair "hell-run". I am not that good of a player skill-wise, and even the runs where I don't make any mistakes I just don't have the energy to make it. I can almost make it. And seeing as I can't make it back up the shaft that drops you on the road to Kraid, I don't think there is anywhere else for me to go.  I might try and come back to it after i have brushed up on my skills, and bought a new USB controller as well... Not trying to blame the controller, but the keys kind of need you to mash on them for input, which makes some of the more precise moves difficult for me to do.

I think I'll jump into one of the hacks that is considered "easy" and work my way back up.


Just to ask the obvious question: You were stopping to refill your health from the bugs, right?  It's pretty much impossible without it. :neutral:


I stopped and filled up at the one spot in the third room where the five gamets spawn. I didn't find any after that. I make it the third room after that, where you have to morph into a ball, wall jump, and morphball again, and then hop over the pit. I can never make it past that last morphball section.


Ah, OK.  It is pretty tight, and I'd imagine it's even more so on a keyboard. :O_o:


Hey everybody!

I'm SlyPork aka TheBeardedCavalier, or you know, you could just call me Nick  :cool: I've been on MetroidConst for awhile but just now decided to introduce myself. I am a college student, almost 21. I'm majoring in Art and plan to get my Master's in Architecture. I do some artwork related to Metroid on occasion.
I got into Hacking after I watched some of MST's videos on YouTube, and after talking to him a few times in the comments section I decided to join the community. I do have some serious ideas in mind, but have little experience to make them a reality.
I'm sure there's more things that I could talk about, but can't think of right now *shrugs* Looking forward to meeting new people and getting more involved in the community.

[spoiler]Sorry if this sounds professional lol[/spoiler]


Welcome to MetConst.  Having ideas is how everybody starts.  The next step is wanting to find a way to turn those ideas into your own hack.  The rest is just a willingness to learn, and a little dedication*. :^_^:

*And four more years.